Adam Isacson

Defense, security, borders, migration, and human rights in Latin America and the United States. May not reflect my employer’s consensus view.


September 2017

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Gregory Bull / AP photo at NBC News. Caption: “Construction crews work on prototypes for a proposed border wall in front of the primary border structure separating Tijuana, Mexico, behind, and San Diego, on Wednesday.”

(Even more here)

September 29, 2017


Rodrigo Pimentel, autor de livro que inspirou ‘Tropa de Elite’, diz que soldados foram deslocados para a Rocinha sem condições de fazer algo diferente da PM


Aunque al principio se quejó de que el Gobierno nunca terminó las obras, desde mediados de marzo puso a la guerrillerada a trabajar para levantar una ciudadela que hoy es un éxito

The worst affected areas are all key drug trafficking territories and areas where the demobilization of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – FARC) has created an underworld power vacuum

Having a more gender equal and ethnically diverse set of judges means they are more likely to recognize that Colombia’s war affected different groups in society in different ways

Patricia Linares habla del enorme reto que ella y sus compañeros tienen: sentar, a través de este sistema de justicia transicional, bases para la convivencia

¿Qué va a pasar ahora que el Ejecutivo cuenta con 25 votos menos del partido que, se suponía, era una de las piezas claves de la Unidad Nacional?

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

To focus on police intervention rather than education isn’t only shortsighted, it’s also been proven not to work


The government has slashed disaster budgets by as much as 50 percent in recent years, part of a broader cost-cutting effort to make up for shortfalls caused by a drop in oil revenues

El gasto en publicidad oficial del Gobierno federal de 2013 hasta el primer semestre de 2017 asciende a 37 mil 725 millones de pesos, cifra que equivale a lo destinado para la atención y prevención de desastres naturales en 2015 y 2016

Puerto Rico

Considering a central driver of anger over Katrina was that the government reacted slowly because New Orleans population is predominantly black, it is hard not to wonder if history is repeating itself


Defaults around the globe have triggered governmental change less than 15 percent of the time since 1992

Western Hemisphere Regional

The agency arrested more than 28,000 “non-criminal immigration violators” between Jan. 22 and Sept. 2, according to the agency’s records, a nearly threefold increase over the same period in 2016

The day ahead: September 29, 2017

I’ll be most reachable in the morning. (How to contact me)

My plan is to be in the office writing about Colombia in the morning, and helping colleagues who work on Venezuela with a long-ish strategy session in the afternoon.

With Glaring Omissions, a U.S. Ambassador Delivers a Dark View of Post-Conflict Colombia

Just posted to WOLA’s website: my response to U.S. Ambassador Kevin Whitaker’s aggressive critique of Colombia’s peace process, which appeared in an interview posted Sunday to the country’s most-circulated newspaper.

“Last weekend marked the moment Kevin Whitaker truly became Donald Trump’s ambassador to Colombia.… His interview marks the sharpest reversal yet in U.S. support for the process.”

It goes on from there. The tone is harsh, but it’s much more fact-filled and much less personal than that excerpt. I’ve known Kevin Whitaker for a long time and respect him. Which is why I found Sunday’s interview so perplexing.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Mauro Pimentel/AFP photo at Veja (Brazil). Caption: “Membros da Polícia do Exército usam máscaras de caveira durante operação na Favela da Rocinha, no Rio de Janeiro”

(Even more here)

September 28, 2017


A poll by Datafolha in June put him second in voting intentions for the 2018 elections, at 16 percent, trailing only former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, at 30 percent, who has been convicted of corruption

De acordo com o Comando do Exército, o uso da balaclava nas cores preta e azul-ferrete está previsto nos regulamentos de uniformes das Forças Armadas


Cambio Radical explicó que no apoyará el proyecto de ley que reglamenta la JEP porque considera que “premia de manera significativa y desequilibrada” a los miembros de la exguerrilla Farc

The man, who used the alias Euclides Mora, was kicked out of the Farc last December with four other rebel leaders for not agreeing to the terms of the peace agreement

En el Centro de Memoria Histórica desarrolló investigaciones alrededor de la justicia transicional, DH, DIH, género y tierras

Colombia, Venezuela

In the middle of the town is a roundabout with a large sculpture which reads “I love Cúcuta”. Some people are curled up sleeping in the letters “c”


El organismo pidió a la Corte Suprema de Justicia que retire la inmunidad a Morales para investigarle por haber recibido un bono de 61.000 dólares de manos del Ejército, que tuvo que devolver porque el mismo se había entregado de forma anómala


The House Homeland Security Committee will mark up the legislation — the Border Security for America Act — on Oct. 4

Of the total investment, $10 billion would be for new border security and $5 billion would be for modernizing ports of entry

The agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, were convicted in 2006 of assault with a dangerous weapon, tampering with an official proceeding, and other crimes related to the shooting

The magnitude 7.1 quake that struck on Sept. 19 and claimed more than 300 lives came as the country was already seething over a string of corruption scandals

The IACHR reiterates its concern about the slow pace in coming to conclusions, both in the search activities and in the effective clarification of the various lines of investigation indicated by the Interdisciplinary Group

En total silencio y a paso lento, los familiares de los jóvenes recorrieron Paseo de la Reforma, en compañía de miles de personas

Drug gangs have been known to use rehab centers to recruit addicts, and rival gangs sometimes assault the centers

Cinco mantas con mensajes adjudicados al Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) fueron colgadas en distintos puentes peatonales y viales, en los que se advierte de una presunta ‘limpia’

A pesar de la situación de violencia que mantiene a la sociedad aterrorizada, las autoridades de los tres niveles y el Ejército se han limitado a observar cómo se despedazan los tres grupos

Puerto Rico

The U.S. government response to Hurricane Maria so far has been inadequate and overmatched by the scale of the disaster

The day ahead: September 28, 2017

I’ll be most reachable in the afternoon. (How to contact me)

I’ve been steering meetings and commitments away from this day. With our October 16 Colombia conference mostly organized at this point, I need most of a day to get re-organized: my to-do lists, inboxes, and plans for the next few months are in disarray. I’ll be working at home this morning, and in the afternoon I’ll be in the office, where I hope to finish unpacking the boxes that I still have stacked up from WOLA’s August office renovation.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Miguel Dimayuga photo at Proceso (Mexico). Caption: “Integrantes de la CNTE, miembros de organizaciones sociales y familiares de los normalistas de Ayotzinapa desaparecidos en Iguala, Guerrero en septiembre de 2014 marcharon por Paseo de la Reforma del plantón que mantienen frente a la PGR al llamado antimonumento de los 43 en el cruce con avenida Bucarelli.”

(Even more here)

September 27, 2017


Reveló que tiene la lupa sobre otros 500 nombres de supuestos guerrilleros presos que también fueron incluidos por esa organización para recibir beneficios jurídicos

Entre 1997 y 2009 fue parte del equipo de abogados de la Comisión Colombiana de Juristas y tuvo a su cargo expedientes de la más alta importancia histórica para el país

El Comité de Escogencia de los magistrados quiso proteger la imparcialidad de la justicia para la paz con la elección de un grupo diverso de personas, pero esa diversidad es, a la vez, un desafío

De todos, más de la mitad son mujeres (28 de los 51), algo inédito en una instancia de decisión tan importante en Colombia y casi una cuarta parte (8) son indígenas o afros


The Trump administration will soon begin a major withdrawal of staff from the U.S. embassy in Havana after seeing the number of Americans affected by this “sonic device” rise to 25 from 21

El Salvador

El juez dio por probado que la Policía Nacional Civil ejecutó extrajudicialmente a Dennis, el escribiente de la finca San Blas, pero absolvió a los agentes del GRP procesados


La idea de las reformas legales para quitar responsabilidad al presidente Jimmy Morales, sus familiares y otros acusados de corrupción por el MP y la CICIG se discutió en el Gobierno semanas antes de su aprobación en el Congreso


Completion of the wall prototype construction is expected within approximately 30 days of the Notice to Proceed

Despite their efforts to pressure the government, the official investigation has gone cold in the last year

If the Mexican government is dragging its feet in bringing justice to the Ayotzinapa students with the whole world watching, it is heartbreaking to think of how many more of the disappeared will face a similar fate

En ese expediente hay un nombre que se repite con insistencia, el de Humberto Velázquez Delgado, comandante de la Policía Ministerial de Guerrero en 2014, a quien los padres de las víctimas señalan como elemento indispensable

Además de los más de 170 homicidios registrados en el municipio en lo que va del año, existen entre 100 y 150 desaparecidos en la zona, y las autoridades no muestran avances en ninguno de los casos

Puerto Rico

On the ground, Puerto Rico remains a patchwork of desperate fixes, with 3.4 million people improvising ways to get much-needed medicine, diesel for their generators, food for their shelves and water


“We hope our friends in the EU will soon follow the United States, Canada and many Latin American nations in sanctioning the Maduro regime. We need everybody involved,” Trump said

Maduro referenced the sanctions during his speech at the military base. As he spoke, Russian military plans flew in the sky as part of the training exercise

Western Hemisphere Regional

The plan was designed by Stephen Miller, Trump’s senior policy adviser who is responsible for some of his most contentious policies

One, she told POLITICO Magazine, “spent a day helping them stock the supply room because she had nothing else to do”

El respaldo a la democracia en los países de la región bajó a 57.8 por ciento en el último estudio frente al 66.4 por ciento que había arrojado en el informe del 2014

The day ahead: September 27, 2017

I’ll be most reachable in the late afternoon. (How to contact me)

I’ve now locked in most of the agenda for the big Colombia conference we’re putting together here in Washington on October 16—a good thing, since it’s less than three weeks away. (Organizing events is not my favorite part of the job.)

That should free up time for writing today, though I’ve also got an interview about Colombia, a border work planning meeting, and lunch with our new fall interns.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Mario Tama/Getty Images photo at The Intercept. Caption: “The Rocinha favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is home to more than 100,000 people.”

(Even more here)

September 26, 2017


The favela sits nestled between three of the wealthiest residential areas of the city, so when the shooting starts in Rocinha, the national and international media sit up and pay attention


A las puertas de cárceles en Estados Unidos quedan desde ya 21 de las 14.178 personas incluidas en las listas de las Farc para recibir los beneficios de los acuerdos de paz

En su mayoría, como lo reveló SEMANA, se trata de miembros de bandas como la Constru, de Putumayo, que aunque es considerada una organización criminal común, tenía alianzas y negocios con las Farc

The Colombian Congress still has to pass a law that will give a green light to the JEP, truth commission, and search unit, and they only have 45 more days to do it through the legislative “Fast Track” route

El Salvador

Hours earlier, the US Treasury Department had labeled him a leader of the MS13 street gang. Without presenting proof, US officials accused him of various misdeeds and criminalized all financial dealings with him


To date, not much is coming along besides the samples, repairs and some upgrading of what’s already in place

The re-negotiation of the landmark trade deal will shape the country’s future

Con esa acción los profesores demandaron al gobernador Héctor Astudillo Flores que deje de asumir una actitud omisa ante la situación de inseguridad y violencia que se vive en las regiones Centro y Montaña


There is still a way to salvage a regional response to the Venezuela nightmare: disband the OAS and replace it with a body no longer dominated by small Caribbean countries

Among those affected are members of Venezuela’s interior ministry, justice department, foreign ministry, the CIPIC criminal investigation unit and the SEBIN Bolivarian National Intelligence Service

Western Hemisphere Regional

The administration is set to issue regulations that would significantly reduce oversight and transparency on small-arms exports to governments and private businesses in about three dozen countries

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Victor J. Blue photo at The New York Times. Caption: “Plantain trees flattened by Hurricane Maria in Yabucoa, P.R. In a matter of hours, the storm destroyed about 80 percent of the crop value in Puerto Rico, the territory’s agriculture secretary said.”

(Even more here)

September 25, 2017


After almost a week of intense gun battles between rival drug gangsters and the police, Brazil’s army has been deployed to encircle the sprawling Rocinha favela

The working hypothesis is that our police forces are patchworks of discordant, badly sewn pieces. Specialists and former police functionaries say that many of these pieces are fiefdoms belonging to different officers, fertile areas for corruption


Las Farc sienten que el Estado no se preparó para la implementación y que su plan llegaba, apenas, hasta la dejación de armas

La Silla Vacía viajó la semana pasada a cuatro zonas y vio que, en efecto, el sueño que tenían los jefes de las Farc de hacer una reincorporación colectiva se está desmoronando

Kevin Whitaker dijo que ese grupo permanecerá en la lista de su país de organizaciones terroristas

Fortalecerá la seguridad de los ciudadanos en los 26 puntos donde funcionaron las zonas veredales

“En teoría, nos queda el resto de año para aprobarlo, pero, en la práctica, tenemos que sacarlo adelante en las próximas semanas”

Lo curioso es que desde el nuevo partido político de esa guerrilla desmovilizada, Frente Alternativo Revolucionario del Común -Farc-, se señaló a varios de los preseleccionados como de derecha

Donald Trump es un presidente no muy diplomático que habla bruscamente, pero no sólo con Colombia

Colombia’s coca cultivation boom is not only being blamed for increased cocaine consumption in the United States, it is also being held responsible for an alleged growth in local demand in Colombia. But the evidence doesn’t stack up

Colombia, Mexico, Western Hemisphere Regional

Brownfield’s statements suggest that confusion and lack of consensus remain within top US government circles concerning the direction of US anti-narcotic policies in Latin America


Building inspections have essentially been outsourced to a network of private engineers who are hired and paid for by the developers, creating conflicts of interest

En Filipinas la población cantando el Himno Nacional al pie de los edificios y las casas tumbó una dictadura. Acá tumbaremos esta Pirámide inservible y corrupta


Both countries agreed to continue working together to take measures to counter Hizballah’s destabilizing activities

Puerto Rico

In a matter of hours, the storm destroyed about 80 percent of the crop value in Puerto Rico

The first thing some villagers ask when they see outsiders: “Are you FEMA?”


Trump’s ban bars the entrance of certain government officials and their immediate families, but not the country’s citizens at large

The day ahead: September 25, 2017

I’m most reachable in the afternoon. (How to contact me)

I’m getting a late start today after hosting family at home all weekend. Hopefully I’ll end the day more caught up, both on the job and on this site.

I’ve got a couple of staff meetings this morning, a phone meeting related to our October 16 Colombia conference, and an informational interview mid-afternoon. When at my desk, I’ll be conference-organizing and researching for an upcoming Colombia report.

Things from the past two weeks

I mean to post a link or some other notice to this site whenever I publish something elsewhere. But it has been such a fertile time at work lately, things have gotten away from me and I’ve neglected this space.

In order to catch up a bit, here’s everything I’ve been up to since September 11.




Another resource

Media Quotes

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Carl Juste photo at The Miami Herald. Caption: “A resident of the Old San Juan section called La Perla wheels hurricane debris as the island U.S. territory recovers from the Category 4 Hurricane Maria.”

(Even more here)

September 22, 2017

Argentina, Chile

The incursion consisted of a coordinated landing of marine troops by land and by helicopter.


Pedido aconteceu horas depois do governador do estado dispensar auxílio das forças armadas para conter violência na Rocinha; crise entre forças cresce


Aunque el acuerdo se hizo con la Dirección para la Atención Integral contra las Drogas, que depende de Presidencia, no es tan claro cómo se va a articular con la directriz de erradicar las 25 mil hectáreas de coca del Catatumbo

Caquetá, Huila y Meta se está organizando para crear sus propias reglas ambientales y hasta de seguridad

Si bien cerca de 800 soldados o suboficiales han sido condenados, apenas unos pocos coroneles y generales han rendido cuentas ante la justicia por estos casos, en cambio las investigaciones no avanzan o son demasiado lentas

De acuerdo con las denuncias, los hechos se presentaron en la vereda Media Naranja cuando el ejército disparó al conglomerado de campesinos de la zona

Cuba, Venezuela

The opposition and the United States must be persuaded to grant Mr. Maduro and his closest cronies safe haven in Havana


Organizaciones y centenares de ciudadanos acuedieron a la convocatoria para exigir que, en la consulta popular anunciada por el presidente Lenín Moreno, se incluya como tema principal la lucha contra la corrupción

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

A large percentage of those kids, between 63 percent and 73 percent depending on the year, were between 15 and 17 when they made the long journey


El país vive una batalla entre las mafias de militares, políticos, muchos medios y algunos grandes empresarios y quienes, desde las instituciones, la sociedad civil, universidades, el sector privado y varios medios luchan contra la corrupción y la impunidad

Some 200,000 Guatemalans took part in a general strike calling for the resignation of over one hundred Congressmen they say are trying to shield President Jimmy Morales from his own corruption investigation

El Paro Nacional, convocado principamente por Justicia Ya y la Asociación de Estudiantes Universitarios (AEU) de la Usac, fue un éxito


Lo cierto es que el primer día los ciudadanos tomaron el control de la situación. Poco a poco, soldados y marinos han ido imponiéndose, haciendo retroceder a los civiles

Mexico’s office of the presidency says the death toll from a magnitude 7.1 earthquake has risen to 273, including 137 in the capital

Puerto Rico

he capital’s storm-dazed residents ventured outside Thursday, clogging roadways while trying to bring some semblance of order to their bruised city


The nation, one of the world’s riskiest debtors, said yesterday it was having difficulty wiring a $185 million interest payment that was due Sept. 15. Officials confirmed Thursday that the money was on its way to bondholders

The day ahead: September 22, 2017

I’ll be most reachable mid-day. (How to contact me)

I’m taping a segment of Voice of America’s Foro Interamericano this morning. In the afternoon, I’ll be at a meeting of groups working on security assistance reform. In between, I’ll be trying to line up the last few speakers for a Colombia conference we’re putting on in just over 3 weeks (October 16).

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Pedro Pardo/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images photo at The Wall Street Journal. Caption: “Topos search for survivors in Juchitán de Zaragoza, Mexico, on Sept. 9, after a powerful earthquake struck Mexico’s Pacific coast two days earlier.”

(Even more here)

September 21, 2017


Apesar de negar que general que aventou intervenção militar será punido, Eduardo Villas Bôas afirmou que instituição se pauta pela estabilidade e legalidade

Na maior condenação da operação, ex-governador é considerado culpado de cobrar propina em obras como a do Maracanã


Con la revaluación del dólar, el precio de la hoja de coca se incrementó casi un 40%, igual sucedió con la base de la pasta


The Cuban delegation — led by Josefina Vidal, Cuba’s chief negotiator during the opening toward Cuba under former President Barack Obama — noted the commission was meeting against the backdrop of a “reversal” in Cuba-U.S. relations


Todas las actividades de Yasunidos fueron objeto de un minucioso seguimiento de inteligencia por organismos del Estado


El paro nacional y sus actores muestran un magma, un descontento creciente, con planteamientos que se tocan pero que siguen sin articular una alternativa coherente y cohesionada


The state’s lawsuit alleges that the Trump administration has failed to comply with federal and state environmental laws and relied on federal statutes that don’t authorize the proposed projects

I want to lay out a few things Trump might consider if his real goal were to reduce the number of people entering the country illegally, rather than tell his cheerleaders what they want to hear

Juan Coronilla-Guerrero’s wife warned a federal judge this spring that her husband would be killed if the U.S. government followed through with his deportation

The Topos are a Mexican innovation, a volunteer force of usually small men and women who climb through shaky, extremely damaged buildings to pull survivors from the debris

“These human chains are one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever experienced, and also one of the hardest to bear. Sadly, the bodies keep coming out”

Here is a list of local and international organizations that are providing aid

Because we all know of people who have died going into damaged buildings, hoping to rescue someone, many volunteers write their name and a phone number on their arms

Nativist prejudice should find its limits in sudden human suffering. The alternative would be cruel and, yes, un-American

Puerto Rico

It punished the island of 3.4 million people with life-threatening winds for several hours, the second time in two weeks that Puerto Rico has felt the wrath of a hurricane

The day ahead: September 21, 2017

I should be reachable much of the day. (How to contact me)

I plan to be in the office, but doing an intense day of writing for an upcoming Colombia report, and work putting together (still recruiting speakers) for an October 16 Colombia conference. Later in the day, I look forward to the IPS Letelier-Moffitt award ceremony honoring Colombian indigenous leader Javier Rojas.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Ronaldo Schemidt/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images photo at The New York Times. Caption: “A building that collapsed after a quake rattled Mexico City on Tuesday.”

(Even more here)

September 20, 2017


Bolsonaro is an avid advocate to a return of generals to the highest public office. After more than two decades advocating for a return to military rule, his rhetoric is finally catching up to public opinion


Brownfield, que tan solo la semana pasada había cuestionado la estrategia que ha desarrollado el gobierno para enfrentar el problema, se refirió a esta como un “buen plan” que se ha venido implementando en estos últimos siete meses


El anuncio de su renuncia llega un día antes del paro nacional convocado para el 20 de septiembre en contra del Gobierno y el Congreso

Haiti, Mexico

The Mexican government has welcomed them with visas that help them fill the need for labor in Tijuana’s growing economy


In this report, you can watch aerial video of every foot of the border, explore every piece of fence, even stand at the border in virtual reality

Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera said buildings fell at 44 places in the capital alone as high-rises across the city swayed sickeningly

The director of Mexico’s civil protection agency, Luis Felipe Puente, said on Twitter that 216 people had been killed, revising an earlier toll of 248


For the US, Maduro’s increasing authoritarianism and refusal to reform his economy represents a major geopolitical and humanitarian challenge

He did not repeat an earlier threat to consider military options to pressure Venezuela, a day after dining with the leaders of four Latin American countries who made clear they would not support such action

Western Hemisphere Regional

The shift to Commerce could increase sales by 15-20 percent annuallyÓ

The day ahead: September 20, 2017

I’ll be most reachable in the afternoon. (How to contact me)

This morning I’ve got a couple of meetings in the office, with staff and a visiting researcher, then lunch with a European diplomat. I’ve cleared out the afternoon for writing and research about Colombia; I plan to work at home.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

(Even more here)

September 19, 2017


PMs, que não conseguiram impedir a invasão à Rocinha no domingo — sequer agiram diante de motoristas assaltados na frente deles pelo bando que tentava tomar o morro —, estão em condições precárias e inseguras na Unidade de Polícia Pacificadora da favela


Los gráficos siguientes ilustran la dificultad de asociar la suspensión de la erradicación forzada con el incremento de cultivos

Below is a photo essay of Clausen’s visit to a region that embodies the complexities of the conflict in Colombia, but also one that maintains hope for peace

Colombia, Venezuela

Santos indicó que conversó con el general John Kelly, quien es “totalmente consciente de los esfuerzos que estamos haciendo y entiende que nuestra estrategia es la correcta”


Uno de los diarios publicó las 107 fotos de los legisladores que aprobaron una ley contra la sociedad civil, para que la gente pudiera reconocerlos

Para romper con este sistema se necesitará muchos meses más de CICIG y muchos días de protestas y paros nacionales


Los Cachiros nunca aparecieron en las listas de Forbes, pero se estima que, en su apogeo, el patrimonio del cartel ascendía a mil millones de dólares. Con ese volumen, habrían ocupado el séptimo lugar en la lista de la revista de los grupos empresariales más ricos de Centroamérica


The number of U.S. agents assigned to the Mexico border has nearly doubled since 2004, and Trump has called for 5,000 additional officers. But falling numbers of would-be migrants mean there have been fewer suspects for them to arrest

Civil society groups have pushed the Puebla state government to issue a “gender alert” – an emergency mechanism introduced into law in 2007 following a surge of gruesome hate crimes against women in the northern border city of Ciudad Juárez. The request was rejected on 7 July

Mara fue asesinada porque fallamos como sociedad, por nuestra indolencia, por no exigir que de una vez por todas cambien las cosas

Sus habitantes recuperaron los cuerpos de sus fallecidos y se hicieron cargo de los heridos como pudieron, ya que las brigadas estatales y efectivos de las Fuerzas Armadas llegaron a brindar ayuda después de una semana


Sanctions were not discussed at the dinner, the Brazilian leader said. “We are talking about verbal sanctions, with democratic words, diplomatic words,” Temer said

Carlos Garcia, a local legislator in western Apure state, suffered a stroke in August after being arrested in late 2016 during protests and having money planted on him, his party said

Latin America-related events in Washington this week

Tuesday, September 19

  • 8:45-10:30 at the Inter-American Dialogue: English Language Learning in Latin America (RSVP required).
  • 10:00-11:00 at 2456 Rayburn House Office Building: Journalists Expose Illegal Killings by Police in El Salvador (RSVP required).
  • 2:30-4:00 at CSIS: Decades of the Global War on Drugs, Lessons Learned, and America’s Opioid Epidemic (RSVP required).
  • 3:00-5:00 at American University School of International Service Beacon Conference Room: Cuba Libre! A New Book by Professor Phil Brenner.

Wednesday, September 20

  • 12:15-2:00 at the Inter-American Dialogue: Conservation and Ethnic Community Land Rights in Colombia (RSVP required).

Thursday, September 21

Friday, September 22

  • 10:00-11:30 at the Brookings Institution: Immigration policy in Trump’s America (RSVP required).
  • 11:00-1:15 at the Inter-American Dialogue: Harnessing the Anti-Corruption Wave in Latin America (RSVP required).
  • 2:15-4:15 at Edward B. Bunn, S.J. Intercultural Center, McGhee Library, Georgetown University: A Conversation with Colombian Senator Juan Manuel Galán.
  • 4:00-5:00 at the Wilson Center: The Challenges for Sustainable Economic Growth in Chile and the Region (RSVP required).

The day ahead: September 19, 2017

I’ll be most reachable in the morning. (How to contact me)

We’re recording a podcast this afternoon, and I’ll be in a meeting with groups who work on Colombia. Otherwise, as yesterday, doing writing and research for an upcoming Colombia report, and putting together an October 16 conference about Colombia.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

(Even more here)

September 18, 2017

Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Panama, Peru, Venezuela

A la reunión de esta noche están invitados, además de Santos, el presidente de Brasil, Michel Temer; el de Perú, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski; el de Panamá, Juan Carlos Varela, y la vicepresidenta de Argentina, Gabriela Michetti


O que a gente observa à distância é que as Forças Armadas ainda não conseguiram conciliar suas estratégias com as da Polícia Civil e Militar


El ministro para el Posconflicto comenta el duro memorando del presidente Trump conocido esta semana

La experiencia internacional es elocuente en materia de posconflicto: la paz no es un camino de rosas, sino de espinas. Y solo una férrea voluntad política puede sacarla adelante

¿Por qué señalar específicamente a Colombia? La respuesta debe tener que ver con alguien que le habla al oído a Donald Trump y que está insistiendo mucho en el tema

La vicefiscal María Paulina Riveros y el delegado para la Seguridad Ciudadana de la Fiscalía, Luis González, señalaron a El Espectador que se ha aclarado cerca del 80 % de los asesinatos de defensores derechos humanos


Ciento treinta parlamentarios se quedaron encerrados durante nueve horas en el Congreso debido a las protestas, y denunciaron estar secuestrados. Los manifestantes, en su mayoría, eran familias en un pacífico plantón


El General se guarda una hipótesis de la desaparición de los 43. Una que no ha sido parte de ninguna investigación

The sharp rise in killings prompted the United States State Department last month to heighten its travel warnings for Quintana Roo and the state of Baja California Sur, home to Los Cabos

El informe de la Red TDT “La esperanza no se agota” revela que fuerzas de seguridad (estatales, municipales y federales) han cometido detenciones arbitrarias, agresiones físicas, intimidaciones, amenazas u hostigamientos

De acuerdo con la información oficial, los civiles armados portaban uniformes y vehículos falsos de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional

The day ahead: September 18, 2017

I’ll be reachable in the afternoon. (How to contact me)

Between a staff meeting in the morning and a Skype appearance on Colombia’s Semana En Vivo program in the evening, I’ll be putting together an October 16 conference on Colombia and writing one of two pieces about Colombia.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Carolina Gamazo photo at Factum (El Salvador). Caption: “La marcha empezó el jueves 14 de septiembre a las 5 de la tarde en el Congreso de los Diputados, donde en la mañana estos se retractaron de las modificaciones la Código Penal, aprobadas el día anterior.”

(Even more here)

September 15, 2017

Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela

The dinner will take place on the eve of the opening of the U.N. General Assembly in New York. Mexico’s President Enrique Pena Nieto, who will leave office after elections next year, has decided not to attend


Les sugiere a las autoridades de ese país que “cuiden mejor” la frontera con México y no se concentren “solo en los inmigrantes”, sino en el paso de cocaína

Adam Isacson, experto de WOLA, calificó la declaración como ‘una bofetada a un país aliado’


At least some of the incidents were confined to specific rooms or even parts of rooms with laser-like specificity, baffling U.S. officials who say the facts and the physics don’t add up

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

The decision to end the Central American Minors program, which began in 2014 and is the only refugee program aimed at helping people from that region, could put hundreds of families split between two countries in a delicate situation


In effect, congress and the president have institutionalized corruption in the political process. The CICIG had declared this type of systematized graft as its top target, but it is now virtually helpless to stop it

La resolució de la CC fue unánime y su argumento es que las reformas aprobadas por los diputados “constituyen una seria amenaza que en caso de cobrar vigencia podrían ocasionar daños irreparables al sistema de justicia”

El pueblo de Guatemala volvió a salir a las calles. Esta vez de forma masiva. Las reformas aprobadas por el Congreso, que protegían a Jimmy Morales, y que garantizaban la impunidad de cientos de delitos, fueron la chispa


Construction firms have stayed away amid the prospect of political retaliation. And new NBC News polling suggests only lukewarm support for a wall the president today said would happen

[Kelly] likened Mexico, one of the United States’ most important trading and law enforcement partners, to Venezuela under the regime of Hugo Chávez, the former leader, suggesting it was on the verge of a collapse that would have repercussions in the United States

It’s a spot on the border where a secondary fence made of steel mesh stops, though the primary fence close to the border made of surplus military landing mats continues running east

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis will resume his role as the reassurer for American allies this week when he heads to Mexico, where he will try to mend relations

It is customary for the US to send messages of condolences to countries hit by natural disasters, and the White House’s silence did not go unnoticed – especially because Mexico had just offered the US aid


The dizzying spiral structure in central Caracas was conceived in the 1950s as a monument to a nation’s confidence – but now its crumbling shell houses a notorious political prison. Is El Helicoide a metaphor for modern Venezuela?

Western Hemisphere Regional

As the number of unaccompanied minors arriving from Mexico and Central America has increased, minors have lodged hundreds of formal complaints containing detailed claims of mistreatment by border agents

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