Adam Isacson

Defense, security, borders, migration, and human rights in Latin America and the United States. May not reflect my employer’s consensus view.


September 2017

The week ahead

For the first time since August 7, I’m starting a Monday here in Washington after having worked on Friday here in Washington. This means I won’t be spending as much of this week trying to catch up from travel. My calendar is also lighter.

So this week I hope to:

  • Publish an “explainer” about the four bits of border security legislation we have our eye on (the wall, the Border Patrol increase, the ICE deportation force increase, and DACA).
  • Do a brief piece on Colombia’s ex-combatant reintegration program (or lack thereof).
  • Put together much of a mid-October conference on Colombia.
  • Do some sort of comparison of the House and Senate foreign aid bills.
  • Write a substantial chunk of a big report on Colombia’s peace process.
  • Record a WOLA podcast.
  • Record a solo podcast for this site.

That’s a long list for one week; events could sidetrack me. But it’s good to start out ambitiously.

Latin America-related events in Washington this week

Monday, September 11

Tuesday, September 12

Wednesday, September 13

Thursday, September 14

The day ahead: September 8, 2017

I’m hard to reach today. (How to contact me)

I’m having lunch with a colleague, then speaking at a U.S. Institute for Peace memorial event for Ginny Bouvier, then have a call to plan a future visit of Colombian human rights leaders. (And I stayed up too late last night writing about Colombia.) I won’t be near a phone or keyboard for most of the day.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Benjamin Flores photo at Proceso (Mexico). Caption: “Elementos del Ejército en Reynosa.”

(Even more here)

September 7, 2017


The case has become a political Rorschach test in a divided country where “disappearances” have a grim history


Entre o público que acompanhou o evento, foi possível ver diversos cartazes que pedem intervenção militar e “faxina geral”

Mr. Janot appears keen to leave his post having condemned the entire political establishment that has run the country over the past 15 years

The corruption affecting Brazil’s economic and political systems is so deeply-entrenched and decentralized that it is unlikely that a handful of individuals actually managed the activities revealed by the probe


After more than 50 years of war, hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced, politics – and potential voters – won’t come easy

“‘Let us take the first step’ is the theme of this journey,” Francis said in a video message to Colombians on Monday

  • Eduardo Alvarez Vanegas, La Hora del Clan (Fundacion Ideas para la Paz, El Espectador (Colombia), September 7, 2017).

El acogimiento debe brindar las herramientas para que se garantice la transición de los integrantes de las AGC a la vida civil a cambio de colaboración sustancial

La posibilidad de blindar jurídica y hasta económicamente a sus familiares más próximos sí podría ser un incentivo para los jefes de esa banda criminal

Colombia, Venezuela

Cerca de 60 venezolanos, algunos de los cuales trabajan durante el día, se han instalado en las zonas próximas a la terminal mientras esperan que las autoridades les ayuden a solucionar su situación


The American government has an opportunity to match its supportive rhetoric with concrete action


Two of the companies selected, Caddell Construction Company of Montgomery, Ala., and W. G. Yates & Sons Construction Company of Philadelphia, Miss., were also among firms awarded contracts last week to build concrete wall prototypes

Thursday’s announcement follows last week’s awarding of four contracts for concrete prototypes

Una figura que empresas fraudulentas utilizan para ocultar a los verdaderos dueños de las compañías que desvían recursos o realizan otros actos de corrupción, como el lavado de dinero

An interactive from research agency Forensic Architecture offers new avenues for investigation into the unresolved crime that rocked Mexico in 2014

Western Hemisphere Regional

It is not unusual for ICE operations to target immigrants by the hundreds or even low thousands. The higher-than-usual target number may be partially driven by an effort to reach a deportation goal at the end of the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30

The day ahead: September 7, 2017

I’ll be most reachable in late morning and early afternoon. (How to contact me)

I’ve got a meeting with a visiting Colombian conflict researcher and lunch with a border/migration researcher. In between, I’ll be writing a piece about where the border debate stands and attending to overdue office items from last week, when I was traveling.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Miraflores Palace / Reuters photo at The Wall Street Journal. Caption: “Mr. Maduro held a religious image as he talked with Pope Francis during a meeting at the Vatican in 2013.”

(Even more here)

September 6, 2017


The case is the first in which Ms. Rousseff, who was impeached last year for violating budgetary rules, stands accused of partaking in the kickback schemes

Limiting confrontations in dense urban areas, including through super-targeted “hot spot” policing, could dramatically reduce the gun battles that end up claiming innocent lives


No es la primera vez que narcos y otros delincuentes comunes intentan cobijarse bajo el paraguas de las penas alternativas que ofrece la Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz

After more than two years of intense operations against the Usuga Clan, President Santos said its leader had contacted the government to find a way of handing himself in

Aún falta que las partes definan los aspectos logísticos del cese y los procedimientos de verificación, pero el anuncio de las ocho medidas ya representa un alivio para las comunidades

“El Eln es una federación de frentes. Quienes lo representan en Quito dicen tener la vocería y las capacidades negociadoras de todo el Eln para comprometerlo”

El Gobierno ya contactó al secretario general de la ONU, António Guterres, para definir cómo se pondrá en marcha el mecanismo de verificación del cese del fuego bilateral y temporal

El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico

Mexico and Central American countries they will lobby U.S. lawmakers to protect young illegal immigrants who saw their lives thrown into limbo on Tuesday


El mecanismo de corrupción había alcanzado una expansión tan totalizadora que Velásquez llegó a definir a la corrupción como el lubricante del sistema político y económico de Guatemala


El resto del dinero, poco más de dos mil millones de pesos, se lo entregaron a 20 empresas, 19 de ellas con un ramillete de irregularidades por las que deberían estar inhabilitadas para recibir contratos públicos


A Vatican spokesman played down the likelihood that the pope would speak publicly about Venezuela during his trip to Colombia

The day ahead: September 6, 2017

I’m going to be hard to reach today. (How to contact me)

It’s a full day. I’m on a writing deadline for a WOLA update about the various moving parts of border and migration legislation. I hope to have that in the outbox by 11:00 or so, then I’ve got solid meetings from noon until the end of the day. (An informational interview, a WOLA hiring interview, a media interview, and a meeting with Senate staff.)

Some articles I found interesting this morning

(Even more here)

September 5, 2017


Deserters have stolen a sizable portion of the Eastern Bloc’s cattle, worth tens of thousands of dollars, as well as an undisclosed number of properties

This act is a concrete step towards a fully respect and application of International Humanitarian Law and will help build confidence in the peace process

A cease-fire, while promising, is still far from the lasting peace accord reached with the FARC

Por primera vez en la historia, desde que se levantó en armas en 1964, el ELN se compromete a detener sus acciones de manera bilateral

La clave será, entonces, la verificación internacional del cese bilateral. Para conseguirla, Colombia tendrá que solicitar al Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU una nueva misión para el ELN

En esas regiones, los diferentes grupos y compañías de los frentes de guerra Occidental (Chocó) y Oriental (Norte de Santander), mantienen una ofensiva

Colombia, Venezuela

La posición papal ha suscitado en los últimos dos años animosos y encontrados debates en todo el continente, sobre todo después de que las piruetas diplomáticas de El Vaticano para fungir como mediador no produjeron los resultados esperados


For the immunity of office that Morales enjoys as president to be lifted, 105 of the 158 deputies would have to vote in favor


So far, Texas Republicans won’t rule out a wall but say it shouldn’t jeopardize Harvey recovery funding

Local elected municipal officials in McAllen, Edinburg, Pharr, San Juan, Alamo, Palmview and Sullivan City will discuss and take possible action on resolutions opposing the construction of new border walls, levees and fences

Animal Político y Mexicanos contra la Corrupción e Impunidad (MCCI) detectaron contratos ilegales por 7 mil 670 millones de pesos y de este dinero no se sabe dónde quedaron 3 mil 433 millones


Llevaría a Maduro a los principales líderes del régimen a ser denunciados bajo la Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional, lo que colocaría sus nombres y sujetos a detención por parte de INTERPOL

President Nicolas Maduro, accused of trampling on human rights and democracy in Venezuela, is expected to address the opening day of a three-week U.N. Human Rights Council session on Sept. 11

The day ahead: September 5, 2017

I’ll be most reachable at mid-day and late in the day. (How to contact me)

After 8 days in Colombia and a week of office renovation before that, today will be my first day physically at WOLA since mid-August. As usually happens after a long time away, there will be a lot of catching up with colleagues on work, and emptying overflowing inboxes. I’ve got 3 internal staff meetings on the calendar today, and there will be additional check-ins.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

(Even more here)

September 4, 2017


Relatives and supporters say the activist, Santiago Maldonado, was last seen during a confrontation on Aug. 1 between border police officers and supporters of a Mapuche indigenous community that was being displaced


Former rebel commander Luis Antonio Losada said the FARC doesn’t aspire to recreate the economic models of Cuba or Venezuela

Que evidente que las Farc eludieron responder quién será su líder principal, si Timochenko, que apuesta por un partido sin ostentaciones ideológicas, o Márquez, que representa la ortodoxia

  • Juanita León, La Nueva Farc (La Silla Vacia (Colombia), September 4, 2017).

La Silla Vacía consultó a los estrategas políticos Carlos Suárez, Camilo Rojas y Francisco Miranda para analizar el nuevo partido bajo los parámetros que ellos usan

Lo que ‘Gavilán’ desconocía era que el mismo día en el que la Policía, en una cinematográfica operación, dio muerte a Efrén, su hermano (conocido como ‘Culo de Toro’), cuatro de sus escoltas lo vendieron a las autoridades

El Eln renunciará, durante el tiempo del cese bilateral, a todo tipo de cese de hostilidades que incluye secuestro, extorsión, ataques a la población y a la infraestructura

Entrevista con el jefe de la delegación de paz del Eln quien asegura que en las próximas horas se dará un comunicado conjunto anunciando el acuerdo humanitario

Aunque parezca curioso, quien catapultó esa guerrilla, que era apenas un asomo de revolución entre los sectores obreros, entre los más pobres, fue un sacerdote

En entrevista con EL TIEMPO, dice que la burocracia de EE. UU. reconoce por instinto que Colombia es su gran aliado en la región


The United States has stopped short of accusing Cuba of being behind the alleged attacks. The Cuban government has denied any wrongdoing

El Salvador

Dead Salvadoran women are not considered a problem. They are, at best, an afterthought


The United States, which supported the Guatemalan military during the brutal civil war and is the main political and financial backer of the international commission, should take the leading role


En lo que va del año se han procesado los casos de 3,057 personas que ingresaron al país de manera ilegal. Según las autoridades de Migración, el 80 por ciento de los inmigrantes entran al país por la frontera de Guasaule


Since president Horacio Cartes took office in August 2013, the EPP has been involved in 16 kidnappings in rural areas and has killed at least 12 members of the security forces in ambushes or combat


There are no active judicial proceedings against me — I’m simply being held hostage in violation of the Constitution

Western Hemisphere Regional

Conversations with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, who argued that Congress — rather than the executive branch — is responsible for writing immigration law, helped persuade the president to terminate the program and kick the issue to Congress

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