Adam Isacson

Defense, security, borders, migration, and human rights in Latin America and the United States. May not reflect my employer’s consensus view.


May 2020

5 links from the past week

  • I haven’t gotten through all of this yet, but a coalition of media outlets from 14 countries, from Mexico to Colombia to Cameroon to Nepal, has put together a remarkable series of multimedia reports about migrants from far corners of the world transiting Latin America en route to the United States. It’s called Migrants from Another World, it’s bilingual, and I command you to visit it.
  • El Salvador’s El Faro visited the dangerous border town of Matamoros, Mexico, where thousands of asylum-seeking migrants remain trapped, vulnerable to crime and disease, unable to make their case on the U.S. side of the border. It’s poignant to read this through the eyes of a Central American reporter, as most of those trapped in Matamoros are Central American.
  • Researchers at the University of Texas’s Strauss Center dug through 30 years of data and found that more migrants have died in the state (3,253 in 22 years), mostly of dehydration, exposure, or drowning, than Border Patrol counts in the entire four-state border region.
    – Also on migration, and given honorable mention here because it’s audio, not text: National Public Radio’s Latino USA program created a 2-part series about the Trump administration’s crackdown on people seeking protection in the United States. Part one of The Moving Border reports from the U.S.-Mexico border in Ciudad Juárez; part two reports from the Mexico-Guatemala border in Tapachula.
  • The Venezuelan human rights group PROVEA published an infuriating report about persecution and harassment of civil society during the first two months of the country’s COVID-19 lockdown. It’s in English and Spanish.
  • Somos Defensores, the coalition of Colombian groups that performs careful documentation of attacks on social leaders and human rights defenders, published its annual report covering 2019. It found a decrease in murders of social leaders in 2019—though not as deep a reduction as the government claims—but an increase in other forms of attack and intimidation. One suspects, tragically, that the organization’s 2020 interim reports will show a renewed increase in murders.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from Provea (Venezuela). Caption: “Image of citizens walking under the so-called Alarm State”

(Even more here)

May 29, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

U.S. immigration officials admitted during a federal court hearing Wednesday that they are not conducting COVID-19 testing on every detainee who gets transferred from one detention center to another, saying they don’t have enough tests


Las amenazas de las fuerzas armadas de Bolivia al Senado en el marco del tratamiento de los ascensos prenden una nueva señal de alerta sobre el papel indebido de los militares en el país


De dentro do Palácio do Planalto, o ‘espião’ do presidente conduz investigações e produz dossiês que já provocaram a demissão de ministros

As an American analyst who has studied Brazil for nearly two decades, it has been strange to watch my country’s flag become a powerful anti-establishment symbol there


Las comunidades tienen incertidumbre por su presente inmediato ¿qué puede quedar para el campesinado con esta situación? Tener que desplazarse a otros pueblos porque no hay soluciones a esta crisis humanitaria

El Gobierno en realidad no está cumpliendo exactamente con el contenido de lo pactado en Cuba, podría dejar a muchas víctimas sin su derecho a la verdad y, de paso, le pone una lápida encima al ya moribundo proceso de diálogo con el ELN

Colombia, Venezuela

Aunque en Colombia los cultivos de uso ilícito han aumentado, todos los caminos conducen a Venezuela

Para las FARC el comunicado divulgado por la embajada de EEUU en ese país, en el que se anuncia la llegada de la brigada, experta en la lucha contra el terrorismo, a ese país es alarmante


The action – enacted in response to a January request by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo – caps such flights at about 2019 levels, preventing any increase

El Salvador

Salud dijo a la familia que Luis Iván Mejía había muerto por COVID-19. Sospechas de que fue torturado surgieron luego de abrir el ataúd

Guatemala, Honduras

The discovery of large amounts of cocaine in cargo shipped from Honduran and Guatemalan ports has revealed the difficulties in securing maritime shipping operations on the northern stretch of Central America’s Caribbean coast


Estas acciones son parte del fenómeno llamado Gobernanza Criminal, de acuerdo con la doctora Sandra Ley, profesora investigadora del Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas

U.S.-Mexico Border

US Customs and Border Protection, which oversees border wall construction, is painting approximately 450 feet of new border wall in San Luis, Arizona, using a “coal tar epoxy,” in an effort to assess the operational benefits

Nuevo Laredo has earned a reputation for being a city where immigrants are easily kidnapped, extorted, and assaulted by cartels. Deportees could also be targets


During the first month, the so-called Bolivarian Fury, following calls made by Nicolás Maduro himself, went on a wave of harassment against the homes of social leaders and members of the political opposition, as well as people critical of the regime

Entre los hallazgos destaca que cuatro de cada 10 perdieron su empleo y 66% aseguró que depende de donativos para alimentarse, desde la entrada en vigencia de la cuarentena

Washington has said it is weighing a response to the shipments

Venezuela, Western Hemisphere Regional

“I view Iran’s interests with concern […]; we’re tracking that closely and sharing intel with our partners” in the region, the U.S. military high commander said

The day ahead: May 29, 2020

I’ll be most reachable in the morning. (How to contact me)

I’ve got two border-related meetings on the calendar this afternoon, and a long-ish list of small tasks to complete. I doubt I’ll get any big projects done today, but should be reachable during much of the morning if needed.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

AFP photo at El Espectador (Colombia).

(Even more here)

May 28, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

  • Maria Teresa Ronderos, Migrants From Another World (Centro Latinoamericano de Investigación Periodística, Animal Politico (Mexico), May 28, 2020).

Every year thousands of people expelled from Asia and Africa cross Latin America looking for the north like swallows disoriented by an altered climate. Along the way, the already painful journey of these extraordinary human beings is made unnecessarily difficult by almost all governments


Drastic measures are being taken to contain the coronavirus in the Villa Azul area of Buenos Aires which has emerged as a hotspot


Mr Bolsonaro’s attitude causes more damage, however. Brazil’s federal system is more president-centred than America’s. To work well in a crisis, all levels of government must co-operate

The Brazilian president is proving that right-wing populism has ways of overcoming self-inflicted disasters


En el informe “Exhumando Justicia y Verdad”, el Movice detalla cómo las alianzas del Bloque Héroes de los Montes de María de las Auc con políticos, empresarios y Fuerza Pública posibilitaron la desaparición de personas que pueden hallarse en 15 fincas y 18 cementerios

En su más reciente informe, Somos Defensores señala que los asesinatos contra líderes sociales disminuyeron en 2019, pero no en la cantidad que afirma el gobierno nacional, y advierte que se incrementaron otras agresiones que no son tenidas en cuenta por las autoridades

Pacelli provides an example of how strong community organization can quickly be repurposed to face the challenges of COVID-19

About 45 soldiers from one of the brigade’s advisory teams based at Fort Benning, Ga., will travel Monday to the South American country

Its mission in Colombia will begin in early June and will last several months, during which it will focus its efforts primarily on the “Zonas Futuro” defined by the National Government

Navarro afirmó que todos los miembros de la brigada de asistencia extranjera que vengan al país cumplirán todos los protocolos de distanciamiento por la pandemia de coronavirus

“Este personal asesorará dentro de las unidades militares a los Estados Mayores de las Fuerzas de Tarea Conjunta Hércules, Vulcano, Omega y de la Brigada contra el Narcotráfico”

Colombia, Venezuela

El secretario de Frontera y Cooperación Internacional para Norte de Santander, Víctor Bautista, advirtió que de no establecerse un manejo conjunto en la frontera colombo-venezolana, la crisis del COVID-19 “nos puede explotar en las manos”


De Luna Ferral is the editor of El Quinto Poder, a local news website based in Papantla, a town in northern Veracruz. She continued editing the website’s Facebook page after her mother was murdered

President López Obrador has boosted the military’s roles in public works, fighting coronavirus and confronting drug cartels, a tack some see as risky

So far this year, at least 215 police officers have been killed across the country, or more than one a day

Las armas y vehículos decomisados estaban destinados al capo Evaristo Cruz, alias “el Vaquero”, jefe de plaza del Cártel del Golfo en la ciudad fronteriza de Matamoros

U.S.-Mexico Border

The letter signed by five key House leaders overseeing immigration cited a May 18 ProPublica/Texas Tribune story that found the U.S. government has aggressively begun to rush the deportations of unaccompanied children in its care to countries where they have been raped, beaten or had a parent killed


  • Javier Ignacio Mayorca, Desapariciones (Tal Cual (Venezuela), May 28, 2020).

En los cuatro meses de 2020, las cifras de personas desaparecidas en Venezuela se han disparado de forma inexplicable ¿Gente que se va sin decir adiós o policías fuera de control?

The two were expected to arrive in Venezuela in the wake of three Iranian tankers carrying gasoline that have reached the country

WOLA Podcast on Venezuela

It’s great to have two Venezuela experts on staff to explain what’s happening there. With great nuance, rare clarity, and zero shouting.

Listen above, or download the .mp3 file here. The text from the WOLA landing page is below.

This podcast, WOLA’s first to focus on Venezuela since January, features Geoff Ramsey, WOLA’s director for Venezuela, and David Smilde, a WOLA senior fellow specializing in Venezuela. (Dr. Smilde is the Charles A. and Leo M. Favrot Professor of Human Relations at Tulane University.)

This situation report covers a lot of ground. Ramsey and Smilde explain the current humanitarian situation in Venezuela, with the worst of the COVID-19 pandemic likely to come, along with the effect of sanctions. The discussion moves on to alternatives, like what it would take to bring the country’s ever-worsening crisis to a political solution. This brings up the role of external powers like Russia, China, Iran, and the United States. Ramsey and Smilde unpack the current state of U.S. policy, which at the White House level is heavily driven by Florida electoral politics. They note that the Trump administration’s mixed messages are inadvertently dividing a Venezuelan opposition that is already in a bad moment after a botched mercenary invasion at the beginning of May.

Geoff Ramsey and David Smilde co-manage WOLA’s Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights blog. Also mentioned in the podcast is a May 2020 paper that both co-authored in the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, which explores the recent history and theory of negotiation efforts in Venezuela, as well as prospects and necessary conditions for a negotiated solution today.

Listen to WOLA’s Latin America Today podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotifyiHeartRadio, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts. The main feed is here.

The day ahead: May 28, 2020

I won’t be reachable until mid-afternoon. (How to contact me)

I’ve written two articles for other publications in the past two days: one on Colombia and one on militaries during COVID-19. I don’t know when they’re coming out, but I think they turned out well. This morning I’ll be writing a book review, recording a podcast about Venezuela, “attending” a strategy meeting and a webinar about the border, and “meeting” my new intern. I’ll be able to communicate after all of that, likely mid-to-late afternoon.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from (Spain).

(Even more here)

May 27, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Under the pretext of the coronavirus and embedded in measures to protect public health, authoritarian tendencies are spreading from the Rio Grande to Tierra del Fuego. Three trends are emerging

Latin America has passed Europe and the United States in daily infections

From Argentina to Panama, a number of officials have been forced to resign as reports of fraudulent purchases of ventilators, masks and other medical supplies pile up


Hay malestar en filas militares contra el Alto Mando porque no incluyó en la lista de ascensos a los que cumplen los requisitos. El Ejecutivo remitió la nómina al Senado subsanando las observaciones

Bolivia, Peru

As trafficking routes shrink, in parts of Peru and Bolivia, the price of coca leaf has slumped to one third, or even one sixth, of its previous levels


Unlike drier areas in Australia or California, the rainforest can’t catch on fire unless humans cut trees down. The Amazon is being devastated on an industrial scale, and for what?

Brazil has lost two health ministers in the past six weeks – one was fired, the other resigned – after they disagreed publicly with Bolsonaro over how best to combat the virus


Se trata del coronel en retiro Martín Arrauth. Este oficial fue, según fuentes dentro de las instituciones, hombre de confianza del ex comandante de las fuerzas militares, general Alberto José Mejía

Diego Martínez, peticionario en representación de ese partido ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH), dijo que se acude a esa instancia tras haber intentado por todas las vías garantizar la vida de los excombatientes

Esta fue una de las inquietudes que el colectivo de abogados José Alvear Restrepo y la Federación Internacional de Derechos Humanos le manifestaron, a través de una conferencia virtual, a la Corte Penal Internacional

Now, with Colombians focused on the coronavirus emergency, a new window has opened for the government and the Democratic Center to pursue old and new ways to attack peace

Este departamento vive un preocupante recrudecimiento de la violencia. SEMANA cuenta detalles de cómo y por qué llegaron estos niveles de barbarie, que el año pasado dejaron una cifra cercana a los 1.000 muertos. Disidencias, ELN, Clan del Golfo y carteles mexicanos operan allí

Costa Rica

When Indigenous communities attempt to recover land that legally belongs to them in the Térraba territory, they are often met with violence


We visit Tapachula, a Mexican city on the border with Guatemala that has become a frontier for this trend and is overwhelmed by desperate migrants arriving from across the globe

The López Obrador administration has only deepened the militarized nature of public security in Mexico and made civilian policing at the federal level nearly obsolete

Lockdowns and an easy supply of weapons have been a fatal combination for Mexican women

El ejercicio multinacional se realizará a finales de agosto en aguas de los Estados Unidos (costas de Hawaii y California) y en el participarán alrededor de 25 países, entre los cuales México estaba invitado

If both governments cooperated on taking down real transnational criminal organizations as enthusiastically as they have worked in suppressing migrant caravans made up of thousands of impoverished and terrified potential refugees, cartels would be in real trouble

U.S.-Mexico Border

Since March, the government has filed 24 federal cases against South Texas landowners for the border wall, more than the previous eight months combined

Of the 170 miles of primary wall that have been built, three miles are in places where no barrier existed before

Folks in black “No Border Wall” T-shirts marched in the streets earlier this year. They share their movement with sedate bankers in starched, white shirts and gray suits who are just as passionate


First lady Cilia Flores has a long record as a power broker in Venezuela. Now, with the help of a jailed former bodyguard, U.S. prosecutors are preparing to charge her with crimes that could include drug trafficking and corruption

As of May 25, 2020, Venezuela had 1,121 confirmed cases of Covid-19, and 10 deaths. The real number is almost certainly much higher

The day ahead: May 27, 2020

I may be reachable in the afternoon between meetings. (How to contact me)

I’m on a writing deadline in the morning and will have e-mail and chat apps closed until I finish. I’ve got internal meetings in the late morning, and will be sitting in on an online event about militaries in Latin America in the afternoon.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from (Spain).

(Even more here)

May 26, 2020


El operativo Verde Brasil 2 ya está en marcha e involucra a 3.800 efectivos del Ejército, 110 vehículos, 20 embarcaciones y 12 aviones, con bases en Belém, Porto Velho y Cuiabá

Mainstream media outlets Globo and Folha de S.Paulo later announced they would stop covering Bolsonaro’s informal press conferences outside the residence due to concern for their journalists’ safety

Doctors and psychologists say denial at the grassroots stems from a mixture of misinformation, lack of education, insufficient testing and conflicting messages from the country’s leaders


Las instrucciones del Jefe de Estado fueron claras: privilegiar la vida y evitar que se detengan las acciones de la Paz con Legalidad, particularmente, en los territorios más vulnerables

“Entre el 20 de marzo y el 20 de mayo se registraron 1.321 homicidios en todo el país, mientras que en el mismo periodo del año anterior se presentaron 2.012 casos, lo que equivale a una reducción del 34 %”, indicó la Policía

Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela

Returnee flows of people on the move raise concerns about the increased risk of COVID-19 infection in that population group

Colombia, Venezuela

Iván Simonovis, comisionado de seguridad e inteligencia, mostró imágenes de satélite y un video en el que, asegura, aparece el rearmado jefe guerrillero de las extintas Farc

Cuba, Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

The clinic, run by U.S. volunteers with Florida-based nonprofit Global Response Management, has been staffed since it opened last fall almost entirely by asylum seekers. Most are Cubans like Tamayo with prior medical training


Recent violence in Copán has been linked to the fall of the Valle clan beginning in 2014, and the later arrest of Tony Hernández and surrender of Ardón to US authorities in 2018


  • Catalina Perez Correa, Acuerdo Militarista (Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, El Universal (Mexico), May 26, 2020).

No es subordinada, pues los castrenses tendrán que “coordinarse” mas no “subordinarse” a las autoridades civiles. Y no es “complementaria”, pues las Fuerzas Armadas seguirán siendo los protagonistas centrales

Los laboratorios de metanfetamina que se dedican al abastecimiento de la demanda internacional y local han sido localizados en una variedad de lugares que van desde casas en fraccionamientos, bodegas en zonas industriales, locales abandonados, o espacios montados ex profeso en sierras y caminos apartados

Mexico, Venezuela

Mexico could, and should, use its good offices and long history of non-intervention, to help the Venezuelan people by encouraging the acceptance and execution of an a-political humanitarian response

Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

This nation is far from flattening the COVID-19 curve, but thousands of maquiladora employees are set to return to work after the government caved in to intense pressure from the Trump administration

Matamoros, ciudad controlada por La Maña, la crisis humanitaria se resume en un campamento a la orilla del río Bravo: 2,000 personas de Centroamérica, Venezuela, Cuba y otros países, sobreviven hacinados


El Ministro de Hacienda y Crédito Público Iván Acosta podría continuar en su cargo hasta terminar su mandato, pero se vería imposibilitado de firmar convenios o préstamos en nombre de Nicaragua

U.S.-Mexico Border

The federal government plans to build 69 miles of the massive barrier through the city’s historic downtown but not if opponents in Laredo have anything to do with it

Critics argue that this spot between Nogales and Sasabe is so remote and rugged, that the cost to build and damage done by a border wall far outweigh any benefit


A second tanker dispatched by Iran was welcomed Monday by Venezuelan naval frigates and helicopters as it entered national waters

The day ahead: May 26, 2020

I’ll be most reachable mid-day and near the end of the day. (How to contact me)

I’ve got a long staff meeting on the calendar this morning. Before and after that, I’ll be working on a list of smaller commitments. In the afternoon I’ll be finishing an article on Colombia and doing research for a longer commentary about militaries in Latin America, and may not respond right away to incoming messages.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Eraldo Peres/AP photo at The Telegraph (UK). Caption: “Kretan Kaingang, an indigenous leader, wears a protective face with a hashtag that reads in Portuguese: ‘Out Bolsonaro’ during a protest demanding the president is impeached on May 21”

(Even more here)

May 25, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Since the beginning of the pandemic, medical experts and immigrant advocates have warned that the highly contagious coronavirus would put detainees at risk

In place of wide-scale releases, ICE has adopted a practice of consolidating people suspected of having Covid-19 in designated areas and waiting to see if they get better or worse


El jefe del Estado Mayor Conjunto de las FF.AA. sostiene que en la crisis por el coronavirus la sociedad ha revalorizado el papel de las instituciones militares en la Argentina


El ministro de Gobierno comprende la molestia que existe al interior de la institución castrense. Los militares dieron un plazo de una semana para que el Legislativo ratifique la disposición


The deadliest police force in Brazil, maybe in the world, Rio police are known for rushing armored trucks and helicopters into the favelas in what are described merely as “police operations”

Jair Bolsonaro swore 34 times during a two-hour cabinet meeting some think could help bring his four-year term to a premature end

Between political implosion and a virus out of control, Mr Bolsonaro faces the prospect of becoming known as the man who broke Brazil


La Resolución, que no detalla motivos para el retiro, explica que el llamado a calificar servicios “no significa sanción, despido ni exclusión deshonrosa de la institución”

Los detalles de la amenaza revelan que sabían en qué carros se movían, cuántos hijos tenían y hasta el trabajo de sus parejas

Resulta que los primeros en salir de la institución fueron los oficiales que presuntamente filtraron la información de chuzadas y seguimiento y no los que las ejecutaron

Holmes Trujillo, quien actuó como vocero del uribismo en la campaña del No para el plebiscito, sugirió examinar “si conviene o no hacer algunos cambios hacia adelante (en la implementación del acuerdo), sin afectar siquiera el texto del acuerdo”

Timochenko aceptó este domingo que el nombre de Farc da “un mensaje bastante complicado, que incluso genera distancias cuando va uno a hablar con la gente”

La ceguera muestra el panorama nacional y hace e?nfasis en el negacionismo que caracteriza al Gobierno Nacional, de mu?ltiples asuntos relacionados con la cri?tica situacio?n de seguridad y de los derechos humanos pero, en particular, sobre la problema?tica de criminalidad de li?deres y lideresas sociales

Los homicidios disminuyeron 16% a nivel nacional y los desplazamientos forzados aumentaron el 5%.


To expect that if only things get bad enough, Cubans will rise up, when they are struggling just to stand, is not just unrealistic. It is cruel


Se dio un plazo de dos años al Estado mexicano para crear este observatorio independiente, pero transcurrido casi el 75% del tiempo ONG revela resistencias del gobierno

Para las mujeres la militarización ha sido sinónimo de violencia sexual, por eso la presencia de las fuerzas armadas en labores de seguridad pública debe ser únicamente excepcional y temporal


The US Treasury Department imposed on Friday sanctions on the head of the Nicaraguan Army, Julio Cesar Aviles Castillo, and on the Finance Minister, Ivan Adolfo Acosta Montalvan, “for supporting the corrupt regime” of Daniel Ortega


El ministro de Defensa, Walter Martos Ruíz, informó este sábado que las Fuerzas Armadas y la Policía Nacional del Perú (PNP) continuarán realizando operaciones inopinadas para garantizar el cumpliento del estado de emergencia


Appealing the ruling and avoiding prison through presidential immunity, he is instead running for re-election


Las planta están siendo construidas a partir del contrato suscrito por el Gobierno venezolano con la empresa rusa Rosoboronexport en 2006, estando previsto que iniciaran su producción en 2009, lo cual no pudo ser posible

The first of five Iranian tankers carrying fuel for gasoline-starved Venezuela entered the South American country’s exclusive economic zone on Saturday, despite a U.S. official’s warning that Washington was considering a response

As the first vessel entered Venezuelan waters late Saturday, Iran’s national anthem sounded on Venezuela state television against images of the late Islamic revolutionary Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Latin America-related online events this week

Tuesday, May 26

  • 9:00 at A Window of Opportunity: Support to the Rule of Law in Guatemala (RSVP required).
  • 11:00-1:00 at Violent Non-State Actors and COVID-19: Challenge or Opportunity? (RSVP required).

Wednesday, May 27

Thursday, May 28

  • 11:00-12:00 at Addressing the China Challenge in Latin America (RSVP required).
  • 2:00-3:00 at Voices from the Border: Voices from the Guatemala ACA (RSVP required).
  • 2:00-3:00 at A Pandemic of Violence: A Global Discussion of COVID-19 and Gender-Based Violence (RSVP required).

5 links from the past week

  • A team of reporters at the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project looks at the state of the global cocaine trade during the coronavirus lockdown. They find an uneven picture: some big disruptions, but “a frenetic pace” of trafficking in many places.
  • At InsightCrime, Héctor Silva Ávalos, Ángela Olaya, and Seth Robbins document the sloppy official cover-up of the murder of Sherill Hernández, the head of a police anti-corruption unit. It “fits into a pattern in Honduras in which high-profile death inquiries are slow-walked, riddled with errors and then dismissed without much explanation.” The article points to serious trouble within the Technical Criminal Investigation Agency (ATIC), a unit that has received a lot of U.S. aid.
  • The New York Times digs into some of the data and finds that police in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, Brazil—never models for proper use of force—are committing an orgy of violence against civilians right now in those cities’ favelas, with a green light from authorities. Amazing photos from Dado Galdieri.
  • My WOLA colleagues David Smilde and Geoff Ramsey have immersed themselves in the literature on negotiation, and apply it to Venezuela in a piece for the European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. “Negotiations between the United States, Russia, China, and Cuba are probably the only way to make progress in Venezuela,” they conclude, but with the Trump administration in power, “it is difficult to imagine this happening in the near future.”
  • Rachel Schmidtke and Yael Schacher of Refugees International, and Ariana Sawyer of Human Rights Watch, have done a lot of fieldwork in Guatemala documenting implementation of a so-called “safe third country” or “asylum cooperation” agreement. Between November and March, U.S. authorities shipped to Guatemala 939 Salvadoran and Honduran asylum seekers who had been apprehended at the U.S.-Mexico border, instructing them to go ask for asylum in Guatemala’s system. This report offers a very grim look at what happened to them afterward.

Latin America RSS feeds

Here’s my most up-to-date OPML file of RSS feeds from Latin American online news outlets, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations.

If that sentence made sense to you, import this file into your RSS reader, and you’ll have the feeds from the 140-plus outlets from around Latin America listed at the end of this post.

If that sentence didn’t make sense to you: RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” and it’s a big help if you’ve got a job that involves research or information flows.

I’d say about 75-80 percent of news websites have a “feed” of their content. Add these feeds to an app or website called an RSS reader, and all articles from every newspaper or organization you subscribe to appear, all mixed together, in reverse chronological order, just like your email inbox. (I use FeedWrangler; other good ones are NewsBlur,, and apps like Unread or NetNewsWire.)

The “OPML” file here is a list of about 140 Latin America-related news feeds. I share it to save you time hunting all of these down yourself: just import it into your RSS reader and go.

140-plus feeds in your RSS reader means a daunting amount of information—hundreds or thousands of articles per day. So you need an RSS reader that can search for articles that match a keyword or phrase (like “armed forces” or “Remain in Mexico” or “ELN” or “coca”). Then you’ve got an amazing automated briefing about that topic.

Included in this OPML file: “colombia” – Google News, Explore Feed, Agencia Ocote, Americas, Americas Quarterly, Animal Político, article – Mother Jones, BBC News – US & Canada, BBC News – World, Bloggings by boz, Borderland Beat, Brasil Wire, Caretas, CERAC – Centro de Recursos para el Análisis de Conflictos, Chiapasparalelo, – Política, Confidencial, CONNECTAS, Contra Corriente, Control Ciudadano, Corporación Nuevo Arcoiris, Cosecha Roja, Cristosal,, Crímenes sin Castigo, Defendamos La Paz Colombia,, Dejusticia, Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor – United States Department of State, Diario Co Latino, Distintas Latitudes, Diálogo Americas, Efecto Cocuyo, El Chigüire Bipolar, El Cohete a la Luna, El Colombiano | noticias de Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia y el mundo., El Comercio, El MostradorEl Mostrador, EL TIEMPO.COM – Política, EL TIEMPO.COM – Proceso de Paz, – , ElHeraldo RSS Feeds – INICIO, ElHeraldo RSS Feeds – Opinion, ELIMPARCIAL.COM | Noticias de Tijuana, México, elPeriodico de Guatemala, ELUNIVERSO.COM – Noticias, ELUNIVERSO.COM – Opinión, Everything, Expediente Público, Folha de S.Paulo – Em cima da hora – Principal, Foreign Policy, Fundación Paz y Reconciliación, Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación, GatoEncerrado, Global | The Atlantic, GovDelivery – Frontline – The Multimedia Magazine of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, GovDelivery – Media Releases, IDL | Instituto de defensa Legal, In These Times, INESC, Inicio – Consejo de Redacción, Instituto Igarapé, INSYDE, Joy Olson’s blog, Just Security, Kaja Negra, L.A. Times – World News, La Jornada: Política, La Jornada: Sociedad y Justicia, La Nación, La Opinión, La Tercera, Latin America Working Group, Latin America – Global Voices, Law Enforcement, Narcotics, Anti-corruption – United States Department of State, Lo último, MercoPress, Mexico Institute, Mientras Tanto en México, Milenio: Últimas Noticias de México – Actualidad global – Grupo Milenio, Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano, News, Politics, Opinion, Commentary, and Analysis, Nicaragua Investiga, Noticias de Colombia | El Colombiano, NYT > Opinion, NYT > Opinion > Sunday Review, NYT > The New York Times Magazine, NYT > Top Stories, NYT > Top Stories, NYT > U.S. > Politics, NYT > World > Americas, Nómada, Guatemala., OGlobo, Onda Local – noticias, pais, Plaza Pública RSS Feed, Portada de Página12, Prensa Libre, Proceso Portal de Noticias, Prodavinci, PROVEA, Proyecto Puente, Radio Progreso, Razón Pública, Reforma, Reforma, Remezcla, Revista Factum, RioOnWatch, Ríodoce, SinEmbargo MX, TalCual, The American Interest, The Atlantic, The Baffler, The Christian Science Monitor | World, The Economist: International, The Economist: Special report, The Economist: The Americas, The Guardian, The Intercept, The New York Review of Books, Two Weeks Notice: A Latin American Politics Blog, USATODAY – World Top Stories, Revista VEJA, acervo digital, notícias, blogs, colunistas, vídeos, Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights, Western Hemisphere – United States Department of State, WOLA, World, Útero.Pe

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Martín Cálix photo at ContraCorriente (Honduras). Caption: “Familiares de los presos políticos de la comunidad de Guapinol en el Valle del Aguán realizan una manifestación y recolección de firmas frente al Ministerio Público, Tegucigalpa, 27 de agosto de 2019.”

(Even more here)

May 22, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Reducir la sobrepoblación penitenciaria es crucial para evitar un contagio generalizado en las prisiones de la región. Los gobiernos y los jueces deben actuar con urgencia

Latin American governments lack the fiscal firepower, as well as the effective institutions, of their counterparts in Europe or the United States. As a result, rather than having a rapid recovery, as some hoped, the region risks entering a dark valley

One of the parents said about the ICE agents, “We felt like they were really enjoying watching us suffer.”

This Administration has an unfortunate track record of repeatedly violating the Flores agreement, including by engaging in the long-term detention of families with children

The continued prevalence and use of the misnomer “catch and release” complicates the safe release of certain migrants into the interior, and abuses expensive detention for individuals that pose no risk to national security or public safety

Members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus led by Chairman Joaquin Castro are calling on the Trump administration halt deportation flights and urging the Administration to swiftly and safely release individuals in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19


As Brazil’s rates of infection and mortality continue to climb, President Jair Bolsonaro is behaving with absolute and deterministic irresponsibility


Presentamos un conjunto de reportajes sobre diversos puntos esenciales del Capítulo Étnico y los avances y retrocesos de su implementación en los departamentos de Cauca y Chocó

Forced recruitment in Colombia rose by 73 per cent between 2017 and 2018. The UN believes these figures are only the tip of the iceberg

The government must assume political responsibility for what the military does or does not do

El Salvador

Another showdown already appears to be in the works with lawmakers looking to override a president who is determined to use all his powers and beyond to stop them

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

Since early March, at least 1,000 unaccompanied migrant children have been returned from the United States to Mexico and northern Central America – El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras – despite serious protection risks


“Guatemala is an ally of the United States, but the United States is not Guatemala’s ally. They don’t treat us like an ally”


Luego de la confirmación de dos casos —uno fallecido—, la información sobre protocolos de seguridad durante la emergencia es manejada como un secreto por las Fuerzas Armadas, que tienen a cargo el sistema penitenciario desde diciembre de 2019

The Hernández Máncia case fits into a pattern in Honduras in which high-profile death inquiries are slow-walked, riddled with errors and then dismissed without much explanation


Today the city is in a relative calm after the violent events that occurred around it, the fracture and the war between the factions of the Chapitos against the Mayo Zambada has not not touched Nogales yet, although the boss of the plaza is embroiled in the confrontations

David Pérez-Esparza, uno de los funcionarios de mayor jerarquía del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Pública y responsable del manejo de las cifras de incidencia delictiva del país presentó ayer su renuncia


The pandemic has prompted to the EU to cancel its election observation mission, although the Organization of American States (OAS) will send a 10-person team

U.S.-Mexico Border

ICE has now introduced a new element of harm: family separation. Once again, this administration is weaponizing its public health response to COVID- 19 to punish and deter people seeking safety


The director of UCAB’s Political Studies Center sees an opposition of questionable credibility, both inside and outside Venezuela

La ONG alertó que se trató de un incremento de 135,48% con respecto a 2018, cuando se registró la muerte de 269 personas

“We remain convinced that a real negotiation among Venezuela’s main political actors is the only way forward.” She called on them to resume serious negotiations, and all Member States to stand behind this call

The day ahead: May 22, 2020

I’m reachable today, but writing. (How to contact me)

This is the first day without anything on the calendar in a while, and I’m behind on a lot of writing. This means e-mail, WhatsApp and other communications will be off for hours at a time and my replies will be delayed.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Juan Manuel Barrero Bueno photo at OCCRP. Caption: “A coca farmer collects coca leaves in Guaviare, Colombia.”

(Even more here)

May 21, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

One evening, ICE officials came to my dorm and tried to pressure me into signing documents stating that they have taken sufficient preventative measures. When I refused, one official got on top of me, yelled at me, and tried again to coerce me into signing the papers


Un coronel, un mayor y un teniente aparecen mencionados en el expediente de “chuzadas” de la Corte Suprema

Así lo manifestó la ministra del Interior, Alicia Arango, quien, en su función de secretaria técnica del Plan de Acción Oportuna (PAO), entregó cifras del primer trimestre de la atención del Gobierno a esta población

Community activists from different parts of Colombia have told the BBC that restrictions on movement imposed to curb the spread of virus mean that they have become even easier targets

The son of a notorious death squad leader has been appointed to run the Colombian government’s programmes for victims of the country’s long civil war, prompting fury among survivors

Miembros del Consejo Regional Indígena del Cauca (Cric) denunciaron que funcionarios del Ministerio del Interior olvidaron apagar sus micrófonos y lanzaron fuertes improperios en su contra: “Solo quieren plata y siempre van a ser unos miserables y brutos”

Aunque el consejo comunitario, ubicado en Riosucio (Chocó), tiene un título colectivo por 107.064 hectáreas, en la práctica la tierra productiva está en manos de empresarios que la compraron en medio de la arremetida paramilitar

Colombia, Cuba

John Petter Opdahl, embajador noruego en Colombia, revela posición de su país sobre Cuba

Colombia, Panama, Western Hemisphere Regional

What is clear is that cocaine continues to flow from South America to Europe and North America. Closed trafficking routes have been replaced with new ones, and street deals have been substituted with door-to-door deliveries

Colombia, Venezuela

The United Nations called on Venezuela’s feuding political leaders Wednesday to urgently resume serious negotiations, while Russia and its Caracas government ally traded barbs with the United States and Colombia

El Salvador

Los legisladores salvadoreños habían aprobado el lunes una ley para reabrir la economía garantizando la salud de la población que Bukele amenazó con vetar. Ese día, el alto tribunal suspendió provisionalmente otro decreto de emergencia


Actualmente hay cerca de 4 mil 800 personas solicitantes de asilo que viven en 89 albergues, por lo que cerrarlos por la pandemia de COVID-19 es inviable

In the first four months of this year, 11,535 murders were registered, up from 11,266 homicide in same period last year


Peru was one of the first Latin America countries to go into lockdown – but the jump in new cases is undeniable, and experts say it’s due to people’s behaviour

U.S.-Mexico Border

The impact of the CDC order is devastating. The agency is not only placing adults and families in immediate harm, either in Mexico or in the very country from which they fled, but is doing the same thing to hundreds of unaccompanied children


The five Iranian tankers – Fortune, Forest, Petunia, Faxon and Clavel – are carrying about 1.5m barrels of fuel and passed through the Suez Canal earlier this month

While it is clear that the Maduro government uses dialogue processes as a delay tactic through which it can divide and demobilize the opposition, clear progress has been made in the mediators’ ability to generate concrete articulation and discussion of the conflicting parties’ demands

EEUU y Rusia, que presentan discrepancias y tienen veto en el Consejo de Seguridad, hace que no haya decisión concreta sobre Venezuela

Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López said Venezuela’s navy and air force will welcome the five Iranian tankers, seeing them through the nation’s maritime territory and into port

The day ahead: May 21, 2020

I should be around mid-day and late afternoon. (How to contact me)

After averaging nearly 6 hours per day of on-screen “meetings” this week, I confess to feeling a little bleary-eyed. Today, I expect to have more time for writing and research. In addition, I’ll be recording two podcasts: one WOLA podcast with a filmmaker, to be released when his work is released, and an episode of Michael Scadden’s “Latin America Intersections” podcast.

Some articles I found interesting this morning

Photo from MercoPress. Caption: “Overnight Monday rioters looted gas stations, while downtown a mob set a bus ablaze. Residents middle-class neighborhoods banged pots and pans in protest.”

(Even more here)

May 20, 2020


“Es una tormenta perfecta”, dice Murilo de Carvalho, miembro de la Academia Brasileña de Letras y de la Academia Brasileña de Ciencias

The Latin American country confirmed a record of 1,179 deaths and 17,408 new infections on Tuesday


Overnight Monday to Tuesday rioters looted a neighborhood gas station, while downtown a mob set a bus ablaze. Residents in both poor and middle-class neighborhoods banged pots and pans in protest


Continuing with coca eradication campaigns during the lockdown goes beyond political recklessness. It directly endangers the lives of some of Colombia’s most vulnerable communities

Holmes, quien actuó como vocero del uribismo en la campaña para el plebiscito, sugirió examinar la idea de “si conviene o no hacer algunos cambios hacia adelante (en el proceso de implementación), sin afectar siquiera el texto del acuerdo”

Existen varios indicios que señalan que terminamos ‘perfilados’ por pedirle información al Ejército sobre el dinero que reciben de empresas petroleras y mineras, muchas señaladas de violar derechos humanos, en qué lo invierten y cómo lo fiscalizan

El director de la Oficina de Asuntos Antinarcóticos y Aplicación de la Ley, Brian Harris, manifestó en una videoconferencia que entre lo donado hay “equipo de protección, monitoreo, seguridad y material de construcción para arreglar los daños de los disturbios”

Varios sectores políticos han asegurado que el nombramiento de Tovar no se puede tomar no es un gesto de reconciliación con las víctimas y por otro lado, hay quienes aseguran que el abogado ha tenido gestos de paz

Colombia, Cuba

El jefe de la Misión de la ONU, que verifica la implementación del Acuerdo de Paz, el mexicano Carlos Ruiz Massieu, hace un balance de las afectaciones que ha dejado la pandemia por el coronavirus en los compromisos que adquirieron el Estado y las Farc


El acuerdo desestima los principios más elementales del Estado constitucional y transgrede los límites que el derecho impone al ejercicio del poder. Por eso, el presidente se equivoca

Los contagios y las muertes crecen más en los sectores populares del sureste de la capital y la zona metropolitana, así como en las grandes urbes de la frontera norte. Estas son las historias detrás de los números

El secretario de seguridad señaló que se registraron 50 homicidios menos en abril respecto a marzo de este año, y que bajaron los robos y el feminicidio

With little help from the government, citizens are now relying on grassroots organizing and support to combat gendered violence and discrimination

Durazo Montaño aseguró que de lo contrario a lo que se cree, el decreto limita las facultades de las fuerzas armadas y está justificado en el artículo quinto transitorio constitucional

Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

Este hotel, que inició sus operaciones el pasado 9 de mayo, busca prevenir posibles brotes del coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (causante de la enfermedad de la COVID-19) en población en tránsito, pues en él se mantiene a los migrantes en observación

Latino USA delves into the increasing pressure put on refugees seeking safety in the United States via its southern border. It reveals the surprising support the Trump administration has received from a Mexican administration that once publicly spoke out against Trump’s rhetoric

Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

Mexicans caught crossing illegally into the United States will be sent to Mexico City rather than back to border cities beginning on Tuesday, according to U.S. Border Patrol

U.S.-Mexico Border

The Trump administration indefinitely extended its coronavirus border restrictions Tuesday, finalizing a rule that has allowed the government to turn away asylum seekers and other immigrants for public health reasons

Since the coronavirus broke out, the Trump administration has deported hundreds of migrant children alone — in some cases, without notifying their families


«La oportunidad del venezolano radica en el gobierno de emergencia nacional, que tiene una base constitucional. Desde que estuvimos en las reuniones en Noruega, yo dije que ponía mi cargo a la orden para facilitar este escenario»

The possibility of new U.S. sanctions and legal action comes as five Iranian gasoline tankers make their way toward Venezuela

WOLA Podcast with Rep. Jim McGovern: “What if I was in Colombia? Would I have the courage to say what I believe?”

It’s not every day you get to record a podcast with a member of Congress. I enjoyed sitting down virtually this morning with Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts), a longtime advocate of human rights in Colombia. He was fired up about the outrageous recent scandal involving U.S.-aided army intelligence units spying on Colombian reporters, human rights defenders, politicians, and others.

He calls here for a suspension of U.S. military aid and a much clearer U.S. commitment to implementing Colombia’s 2016 peace accords and protecting its threatened social leaders.

Listen above, or download the .mp3 file. The text from WOLA’s website is after the photo (from 2017 in Cauca).

Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts), the co-chair of the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission in the U.S. Congress, is a longtime advocate of human rights, worldwide and in Latin America.

McGovern joins WOLA in this episode for a conversation about Colombia, a country to which he has traveled several times, and where he was one of the House of Representatives’ leading advocates for the negotiations that ended with a peace accord in 2016.

We’re talking weeks after new revelations that U.S.-aided Colombian military intelligence units had been spying on human rights defenders, journalists, judges, politicians, and even fellow officers. The Congressman calls for a suspension of U.S. military assistance to Colombia while the U.S. government undertakes a top-to-bottom, “penny by penny” review of the aid program. “If there’s not a consequence, there’s no incentive to change,” he explains.

He calls for the Colombian government and the international community to do far more to protect the country’s beleaguered human rights defenders, to change course on an unsuccessful drug policy, and to fulfill the peace accords’ commitments. Human rights, Rep. McGovern concludes, should be at the center of the U.S.-Colombia bilateral relationship.

Listen to WOLA’s Latin America Today podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotifyiHeartRadio, or wherever you subscribe to podcasts. The main feed is here.

The day ahead: May 20, 2020

I’m reachable in the early afternoon, and that’s about it. (How to contact me)

I’m recording two podcasts and will be posting one as quickly as I can edit it. I’ve got three internal meetings and a Colombia NGO coalition meeting.

Starting last week, the frequency of meetings has come roaring back, matching or exceeding the “before times.” This has me falling behind on writing and other work, and I need to work on getting things back in balance.

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