(Even more here)


Colombia, where activists are routinely targeted by armed groups despite the 2016 peace accord, remained the most dangerous country to be a human rights defender, with 138 deaths recorded

Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

Cuba, Venezuela y Nicaragua arremetieron este martes contra el “doble rasero” de la comunidad internacional que trata en la Asamblea General de la ONU


La presidenta de Honduras, Xiomara Castro, anunció la creación de la Policía Comunitaria al tiempo que prometió reestablecer las acciones que le competen a la Policía Nacional de Honduras que fue usurpada por fuerzas de seguridad híbridas con elementos militares

U.S.-Mexico Border

Experts have linked dehumanization to violence. Border Patrol agents have in recent years killed dozens of people and turned away asylum seekers exercising their legal right to seek protection, knowingly returning them to danger


Venezuelan leader Nicolás Maduro Tuesday called Russian President Vladimir Putin on the telephone to express his “strong support” and wish him well regarding the military deployment in Ukraine