(Even more here)


Colombia’s vast forest is fast receding, partly because guerrillas and criminals are clearing land for farming, ranching and other pursuits. These unregulated activities are causing both dire environmental harm and deadly conflict. Bogotá should take urgent steps to halt the damage

Tres tutelas buscan que ese tipo de erradicación sea una medida excepcional y que se respeten los acuerdos colectivos e individuales sobre la sustitución


Las víctimas permanecen encerradas en el DIF de Pijijiapan. “Nos tratan como a presos”, denuncian. La FGR investiga el caso pero todavía no hay ningún agente acusado

A commando of drug gang gunmen on Thursday stormed ashore at a beach on Mexico’s resort-studded Caribbean coast in front of luxury hotels and executed two drug dealers from a rival gang


The potential opposition candidates are still jailed or under house arrest, their parties banned, as Ortega faces off against a handful of little-known candidates from small parties friendly to his own Sandinista Front