SINGER: hows everyone doin tonight
CROWD: woo
ME (from the back in a normal speaking voice): it's actually been a tough few months— Bob Vulfov (@bobvulfov) May 9, 2017
found this photo of sean spicer hiding between the bushes pic.twitter.com/YZOMCOvHZC
— David Mack (@davidmackau) May 10, 2017
Guns n Roses has really toned it down. pic.twitter.com/mQXZH7owYL
— You Had One Job (@_youhadonejob1) May 8, 2017
"I was offline 20 mins, what's up?" "CIA is now run by Guy Fieri. 72 rats in a suit are the secretary of defense. Tuesdays were outlawed."
— Mo Ryan (@moryan) May 9, 2017
It's love… pic.twitter.com/mCkcnKuQWK
— Doug Coupland (@DougCoupland) May 13, 2017