My brother's changed his photo on the staircase to Kim Jong-un and my mum still hasn't noticed after 2 weeks
— Jake (@Slatez_) May 5, 2017
Shout out to birds, the fish of the sky.
— George Wallace (@MrGeorgeWallace) May 5, 2017
Today was huge for Democrats. If the GOP repeals ACA, you'll really see our power. Then, once we lose in 2018 and 2020, we'll be unstopable
— Peter Douche (@AngryBerner) May 4, 2017
This is the best thing I've ever pulled off
— palmer ward (@psward9699) May 2, 2017
Utah Jazz sounds like the worst Spotify subgenre
— Kenny Keil (@kennykeil) April 30, 2017