Western Hemisphere Regional
- Franco Ordonez, “Latin America Says U.S. Has Itself to Blame for Chinese Entry Into Region That It Opposes” (The Miami Herald, September 11, 2018).
“You left some space and the other guy moved in,” a Latin American diplomat told McClatchy
- Edinson Arley Bolanos, “El Fantasma Detras de las “Aguilas Negras”” (El Espectador (Colombia), September 12, 2018).
Organizaciones de derechos humanos denunciaron ante la CIDH a las Fuerzas Armadas
- Azam Ahmed, Elisabeth Malkin, “Constitutional Standoff Pushes Guatemala Toward Authoritarianism” (The New York Times, September 12, 2018).
Without the stalwart support of the United States, many have wondered if the protesters can muster the force they showed in 2015, when hundreds of thousands filled the capital for months
- Enrique Naveda, “El Origen de la Crisis en Guatemala y Lo Que Podria Suceder” (The New York Times, September 11, 2018).
Acompañado por el alto mando militar y solo tres ministros de su gabinete (Gobernación, Defensa y Exteriores), en una imagen que recordaba a las épocas más represivas de la guerra civil, Morales dijo que había notificado a la ONU que no renovaría el mandato
- Karla Zabludovsky, “Hugs Not Bullets: How Mexico’s Next President Wants to End the Drug War” (BuzzFeed, September 11, 2018).
Security experts are skeptical about this strategy, based on love, redemption, and reconciliation — “Hugs, not bullets” — and say it lacks consistency, technical expertise, and a firm grasp on the country’s complex reality