(Events that I know of, anyway. All times are U.S. Eastern.)
Monday, September 23
- 10:00-11:00 at Brookings.edu: US immigration policy: Separating fact from fiction.
- 2:00-4:00 at American University: Shaping Policies, Shaping Lives: Immigration and the 2024 Election (RSVP required).
Tuesday, September 24
- 9:30-10:30 at csis.org: The Gender-Based Violence Crisis in Haiti (RSVP required).
- 10:15 in Room 2172 Rayburn House Office Building and online: Markup by the House Foreign Affairs Committee of Various Measures.
- 3:00 at Faith in Action Zoom: How Could the U.S. elections Impact Central America? (RSVP required).
- 3:00-5:00 at Georgetown University: 2024 Washington Brazil Conference – The Rise of the Far-Right: Challenges to Democracy in Brazil and Abroad (RSVP required).
- 4:30-6:00 at George Mason University Carter School: Innovations in Peacebuilding in Haiti (RSVP required).
Wednesday, September 25
- 10:00 at Alianza Regional Zoom: Violencia digital y libertad de expresión: un reto para el periodismo en América Latina y el Caribe (RSVP required).
- 2:00 in Room 2154 Rayburn House Office Building and online: Hearing of the House Oversight Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs on The Border Crisis: The Cost of Chaos.
- 3:00-4:15 at Georgetown University: Fiscal Redistribution in Latin America (RSVP required).
Thursday, September 26
- 10:00 in Room 310, Cannon House Office Building and online: Hearing of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Emergency Management and Technology on Given the Green Light: Open Border Policies and Threats to Law Enforcement.
- 11:00-12:30 at InsightCrime.org: Durán: A Window into Ecuador’s Organized Crime Explosion.
- 12:00-1:30 at Georgetown University: Doing Business in Latin America and the Caribbean: Perspectives from Four Leading CEOs (RSVP required).
- 2:00 in Room 310, Cannon House Office Building and online: Hearing of two House Homeland Security Subcommittees on Trafficked, Exploited, and Missing: Migrant Children Victims of the Biden-Harris Administration.
- 2:00-3:30 at the Woodrow Wilson Center: Supervising Democracy: Venezuela, Guatemala, and the State of Electoral Observation in the Americas (RSVP required).
- 3:00-4:20 at the Inter-American Dialogue and thedialogue.org: Casualties of Authoritarianism: Closing on Pluralism and the Fate of Nicaraguan Former Political Prisoners (RSVP required).
- 4:00 at LASA YouTube and Facebook: Las Elecciones en Estados Unidos y su Impacto en América Latina.