Here’s my most up-to-date OPML file of RSS feeds from Latin American online news outlets, think tanks, and non-governmental organizations.

If that sentence made sense to you, import this file into your RSS reader, and you’ll have the feeds from the 140-plus outlets from around Latin America listed at the end of this post.

If that sentence didn’t make sense to you: RSS stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” and it’s a big help if you’ve got a job that involves research or information flows.

I’d say about 75-80 percent of news websites have a “feed” of their content. Add these feeds to an app or website called an RSS reader, and all articles from every newspaper or organization you subscribe to appear, all mixed together, in reverse chronological order, just like your email inbox. (I use FeedWrangler; other good ones are NewsBlur,, and apps like Unread or NetNewsWire.)

The “OPML” file here is a list of about 140 Latin America-related news feeds. I share it to save you time hunting all of these down yourself: just import it into your RSS reader and go.

140-plus feeds in your RSS reader means a daunting amount of information—hundreds or thousands of articles per day. So you need an RSS reader that can search for articles that match a keyword or phrase (like “armed forces” or “Remain in Mexico” or “ELN” or “coca”). Then you’ve got an amazing automated briefing about that topic.

Included in this OPML file: “colombia” – Google News, Explore Feed, Agencia Ocote, Americas, Americas Quarterly, Animal Político, article – Mother Jones, BBC News – US & Canada, BBC News – World, Bloggings by boz, Borderland Beat, Brasil Wire, Caretas, CERAC – Centro de Recursos para el Análisis de Conflictos, Chiapasparalelo, – Política, Confidencial, CONNECTAS, Contra Corriente, Control Ciudadano, Corporación Nuevo Arcoiris, Cosecha Roja, Cristosal,, Crímenes sin Castigo, Defendamos La Paz Colombia,, Dejusticia, Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor – United States Department of State, Diario Co Latino, Distintas Latitudes, Diálogo Americas, Efecto Cocuyo, El Chigüire Bipolar, El Cohete a la Luna, El Colombiano | noticias de Medellín, Antioquia, Colombia y el mundo., El Comercio, El MostradorEl Mostrador, EL TIEMPO.COM – Política, EL TIEMPO.COM – Proceso de Paz, – , ElHeraldo RSS Feeds – INICIO, ElHeraldo RSS Feeds – Opinion, ELIMPARCIAL.COM | Noticias de Tijuana, México, elPeriodico de Guatemala, ELUNIVERSO.COM – Noticias, ELUNIVERSO.COM – Opinión, Everything, Expediente Público, Folha de S.Paulo – Em cima da hora – Principal, Foreign Policy, Fundación Paz y Reconciliación, Fundar, Centro de Análisis e Investigación, GatoEncerrado, Global | The Atlantic, GovDelivery – Frontline – The Multimedia Magazine of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, GovDelivery – Media Releases, IDL | Instituto de defensa Legal, In These Times, INESC, Inicio – Consejo de Redacción, Instituto Igarapé, INSYDE, Joy Olson’s blog, Just Security, Kaja Negra, L.A. Times – World News, La Jornada: Política, La Jornada: Sociedad y Justicia, La Nación, La Opinión, La Tercera, Latin America Working Group, Latin America – Global Voices, Law Enforcement, Narcotics, Anti-corruption – United States Department of State, Lo último, MercoPress, Mexico Institute, Mientras Tanto en México, Milenio: Últimas Noticias de México – Actualidad global – Grupo Milenio, Movimiento Migrante Mesoamericano, News, Politics, Opinion, Commentary, and Analysis, Nicaragua Investiga, Noticias de Colombia | El Colombiano, NYT > Opinion, NYT > Opinion > Sunday Review, NYT > The New York Times Magazine, NYT > Top Stories, NYT > Top Stories, NYT > U.S. > Politics, NYT > World > Americas, Nómada, Guatemala., OGlobo, Onda Local – noticias, pais, Plaza Pública RSS Feed, Portada de Página12, Prensa Libre, Proceso Portal de Noticias, Prodavinci, PROVEA, Proyecto Puente, Radio Progreso, Razón Pública, Reforma, Reforma, Remezcla, Revista Factum, RioOnWatch, Ríodoce, SinEmbargo MX, TalCual, The American Interest, The Atlantic, The Baffler, The Christian Science Monitor | World, The Economist: International, The Economist: Special report, The Economist: The Americas, The Guardian, The Intercept, The New York Review of Books, Two Weeks Notice: A Latin American Politics Blog, USATODAY – World Top Stories, Revista VEJA, acervo digital, notícias, blogs, colunistas, vídeos, Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights, Western Hemisphere – United States Department of State, WOLA, World, Útero.Pe