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June 7, 2022

Western Hemisphere Regional

The real test will be whether the commitments and declarations emerging from the Summit include clear plans of action with specific timelines, and ways for civil society actors to actively participate in the follow-up process

The first Summit of the Americas, in Miami in 1994, opened up an era of promise. Since then, democratic backsliding and a return to autocratic leaders has threatened to overshadow the event


Dom Phillips and Bruno Araújo Pereira were last seen Sunday morning traveling in a boat in the northern Brazilian state of Amazonas


Rodolfo Hernández admits he doesn’t know the country well, but doesn’t think it matters. Neither, it seems, do his supporters

El enfrentamiento entre la guerrilla y grupos de narcotraficantes hacen de ella una de las ciudades con mayor tasa de homicidios del planeta

Cinco años después de que estos programas se pusieran en marcha, la FIP cree que es posible trabajar sobre lo que ya está hecho y, sobre todo, darle un nuevo impulso a la participación

Washington nos obsequió una distinción simbólica, con algunos beneficios militares y económicos. ¿Qué implica esta decisión para las relaciones entre los dos países?

Cuba, Mexico

La decisión del Presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador de no acudir a la Cumbre de las Américas en Los Ángeles esta semana es un apoyo preocupante a “dictadores” del hemisferio, aseguró este lunes Bob Menéndez, presidente del Comité de Relaciones Exteriores del Senado de Estados Unidos

El Salvador

Un joven fue capturado el 2 de abril en Atiquizaya bajo el régimen de excepción. Murió el 3 de junio y ayer lo sepultaron. Imágenes del cadáver muestran claras evidencias de tortura, afirman familiares

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

Like previous administrations, finding a reliable partner in the region has proved difficult


Several former Guatemalan judicial leaders in exile and faith-based and nonprofit groups are asking the United States to impose sanctions against Guatemala to stop what they call a “corrupt” regime controlling the Central American country


Several thousand migrants set out walking in the rain early Monday in southern Mexico, tired of waiting to normalize their status

Unos cinco mil migrantes, el 80 por ciento de ellos venezolanos, salieron este lunes en uan marcha caravana desde Tapachula para adentrarse en territorio mexicano y avanzar hacia la frontera con Estados Unidos

Mexico, Western Hemisphere Regional

To the surprise of many, the U.S. in early 2019 offered to host the summit. At the time, the Trump administration was enjoying something of a leadership renaissance in Latin America, albeit among mostly similar-minded conservative governments

U.S.-Mexico Border

Flights to countries now accepting T42 flights, Haiti (36), Guatemala (32), Honduras (30), Colombia (21), El Salvador (12), and Brazil (1), made up 95% of all removal flights in May


The focus of this particular JCET training was defensive operations, medical response and civilian protection, which included cargo and military airdrops, deployment of specialized personnel, and humanitarian relief in crisis or disaster situations, whether natural or man-made


La Organización No Gubernamental (ONG) Fundaredes, informó este lunes que durante el mes de mayo se registraron 35 homicidios, 17 desapariciones y ocho enfrentamientos armados en seis de los ocho estados fronterizos

The ugly logic of sanctions is to make conditions so intolerable that people rise up against Maduro or the military removes him. That hasn’t happened and there’s no reason to think it will