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June 9, 2022

Western Hemisphere Regional

The “Los Angeles Declaration,” to be announced while Biden meets with his counterparts from North, Central and South America, is a brief call to action that supporters hope will guide countries on one of the most pressing issues surrounding migration — hosting people fleeing violence and persecution

Defesnores de derechos humanos advierten que el enfoque migratorio de los países que integran la Cumbre de las Américas no privilegia los DDHH


Crime there is rife and government oversight scant, adding to fears about the duo’s whereabouts and condition

Since President Bolsonaro took office, however, we have seen Brazil led down a path more reminiscent of its authoritarian past than the proud, vibrant democracy the Brazilian people built from the ashes of its military dictatorship

Joe Biden is preparing for an awkward first meeting with Brazil’s far-right leader, who has raised doubts not only about his own country’s voting but about the legitimacy of the US president’s election

Brazil, Colombia, Paraguay, Venezuela

Segun la policia colombiana, el PCC de Brasil, uno de los grupos mafiosos mas poderosos de Sudameica, coordino el homicidio de Marcelo Pecci


Durante los últimos meses había estado al frente del espacio humanitario en esa zona para proteger a los pobladores del recrudecimiento de la guerra en la región


La norma, de 74 artículos, regulará a las servidoras y servidores de la Policía Nacional, Fuerzas Armadas y del Cuerpo de Seguridad y Vigilancia Penitenciaria

El Salvador

Sus familiares señalan que sus capturas son ilegales. Por eso presentaron un recurso de habeas corpus ante la Sala de lo Constitucional. Hasta ahora se registran 51 denuncias de capturas arbitrarias en la zona

At least 38,000 people have been arrested under Nayib Bukele’s draconic state of exemption




The Mexican government will attempt to quell a massive caravan of migrants traveling through the country to the United States’s southern border with the issuance of 1,000 humanitarian visas

The INM, which has been criticized for its sometimes brutal treatment of migrants, announced that it was ready to provide the participants in the caravan with transit permits

Homicide rate increases in Mexico are widely attributed to heightened DTO-related violence, often tied to territorial control over drug routes and criminal influence

Madres y padres de los normalistas desaparecidos y alumnos bloquearon la Autopista del Sol. Reclamaron al gobierno federal por la falta de avances en el caso y exigieron que se indague al Ejército y a la Marina

Mexico, Venezuela

Venezuelans make up a large proportion of this caravan, the biggest of the year, in contrast to previous ones. A factor appears to be a policy change implemented by Mexico in January requiring Venezuelans to acquire a visa to enter the country

U.S.-Mexico Border

Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote that the court had “absolutely immunized from liability” thousands of Border Patrol agents “no matter how egregious the misconduct or resultant injury”

Egbert v. Boule is a severe blow to the proposition that law enforcement must obey the Constitution

DHS officials have jokingly referred to the model as the “Abbott plan,” an official said, referring to Texas Gov. Abbott’s decision to bus migrants from Texas to D.C.

The undersigned civil society organizations write to urge immediate action to preserve asylum and refugee law at the United States’ borders to the fullest extent, consistent with current court decisions concerning the use of Title 42


In what may be an attempt at damage control, Biden on Wednesday spoke with Guaidó. It was the first time the two leaders have spoken

If you can’t get an invitation to the biggest party in town, act like you’re too busy to care