So much news, I can’t even keep up. Here’s Thursday.

(Even more here)

January 24, 2019

Western Hemisphere Regional

The president’s Nov. 20 memorandum does not fit with what is known about the existing law and policies surrounding the posse comitatus restriction

Lost amid the battle over credit and semantics was how Calexico residents themselves felt about becoming characters in Trump-era political theater


Several delegates, hailing the early work of the various bodies mandated by Colombia’s peace agreement, emphasized the need to ensure that they stay independent from the Government and retain their full credibility

Colombia, Cuba

Guarantors Cuba and Norway do not support extradition, while Chile said on Tuesday it does. Venezuela and Brazil have not yet commented

Se puede decir que hubo más resistencia que apoyo al gobierno en su decisión de desconocer el protocolo con el ELN. De los partidos de gobierno solo dos lo apoyaron al 100%


To maintain its cohesion, its collective leadership organ – the Central Command (COCE) – tends to both initiate peaceful gestures and allow more radical units to carry out sustained military activity

Presentamos un panorama sobre la situación de las regiones más vulnerables ante el eventual recrudecimiento del conflicto armado y la percepción de líderes sociales y autoridades locales

La denominada “Operación Dragón” se adelantó en el año 2004 y según el senador Alexander López fue contratada por la entonces superintendente de servicios públicos y hoy funcionaria del gobierno Duque


Hay una reforma de ley que ronda en el Congreso que permitiría que al menos 41 criminales de guerra guatemaltecos abandonen la prisión y gocen de libertad

Los golpes de Estado en esta década ya no son con tanques militares, son con laberintos legales y judiciales para que los ciudadanos crean que siguen viviendo en democracia hasta que es demasiado tarde. Y me parece que una jueza valiente puede ponerle freno al Golpe que está ocurriendo en cámara lenta en Guatemala


Verlon Jose, vice chairman of the Tohono O’odham Nation, says President Trump’s proposed wall would devastate his community

l defensor de los derechos humanos alertó sobre la Guardia Nacional y sostuvo que aún con mando civil “sigue siendo una respuesta parcial, incompleta y sesgada”

The black market is ubiquitous in Mexico, where almost 60 percent of the workforce is outside the formal economy, and gasoline has long been one of the mainstays

If the migrants travel together, the convoy could exceed the size of the last such caravan

Central America Regional, Mexico

That number, provided Wednesday by Mexico’s National Migration Institute, is almost twice the estimate given by Mexican officials a day earlier, reflecting what migrants said was burgeoning awareness of the new policy among would-be travelers

Panama, Western Hemisphere Regional

Francis famously has called for “bridges, not walls.” After celebrating Mass in 2016 on the Mexican side of the U.S. border, he denounced anyone who wants to build a wall to keep out migrants as “not Christian”


Right now, there are enormous pressures on the military. It’s possible the institution will fracture into two relatively evenly-matched halves. Who then proceed to shoot it out. It’s also possible it will fragment into eight or ten grouplets

For many, an amnesty for the military will be a bitter pill to swallow. The crimes committed have been monumental and there is understandably a demand for full accountability. This delicate question risks dividing the opposition

The deadline Maduro gave for the U.S. to remove its staff would expire in the afternoon on Saturday, Jan. 26. A refusal to evacuate would test Maduro’s reaction and whether he’d be willing to use force

A potential ban on Venezuelan oil imports could be part of a sanctions package, though oil sanctions can be separate from sanctions imposed as part of designating a country a state sponsor of terror

In his phone call with Maduro, Putin "stressed that destructive outside interference grossly violated the fundamental norms of international law,"

A senior U.S. administration official said the Trump administration would act if Mr. Maduro’s government uses violence against Mr. Guaidó or other assembly members. He said “everything is on the table, all options,” including the use of force

Mr. Rubio said that designating Mr. Guaidó as president would allow millions of dollars of Venezuelan government assets frozen in the United States to be at the disposal of opposition lawmakers

The United States will take appropriate actions to hold accountable anyone who endangers the safety and security of our mission and its personnel

Asked why the response to Maduro is different from that toward many other authoritarian leaders, Bolton rejected the premise. “The fact is, Venezuela is in our hemisphere,”