Mauro Pimentel/AFP photo at Veja (Brazil). Caption: “Membros da Polícia do Exército usam máscaras de caveira durante operação na Favela da Rocinha, no Rio de Janeiro”

(Even more here)

September 28, 2017


A poll by Datafolha in June put him second in voting intentions for the 2018 elections, at 16 percent, trailing only former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, at 30 percent, who has been convicted of corruption

De acordo com o Comando do Exército, o uso da balaclava nas cores preta e azul-ferrete está previsto nos regulamentos de uniformes das Forças Armadas


Cambio Radical explicó que no apoyará el proyecto de ley que reglamenta la JEP porque considera que “premia de manera significativa y desequilibrada” a los miembros de la exguerrilla Farc

The man, who used the alias Euclides Mora, was kicked out of the Farc last December with four other rebel leaders for not agreeing to the terms of the peace agreement

En el Centro de Memoria Histórica desarrolló investigaciones alrededor de la justicia transicional, DH, DIH, género y tierras

Colombia, Venezuela

In the middle of the town is a roundabout with a large sculpture which reads “I love Cúcuta”. Some people are curled up sleeping in the letters “c”


El organismo pidió a la Corte Suprema de Justicia que retire la inmunidad a Morales para investigarle por haber recibido un bono de 61.000 dólares de manos del Ejército, que tuvo que devolver porque el mismo se había entregado de forma anómala


The House Homeland Security Committee will mark up the legislation — the Border Security for America Act — on Oct. 4

Of the total investment, $10 billion would be for new border security and $5 billion would be for modernizing ports of entry

The agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, were convicted in 2006 of assault with a dangerous weapon, tampering with an official proceeding, and other crimes related to the shooting

The magnitude 7.1 quake that struck on Sept. 19 and claimed more than 300 lives came as the country was already seething over a string of corruption scandals

The IACHR reiterates its concern about the slow pace in coming to conclusions, both in the search activities and in the effective clarification of the various lines of investigation indicated by the Interdisciplinary Group

En total silencio y a paso lento, los familiares de los jóvenes recorrieron Paseo de la Reforma, en compañía de miles de personas

Drug gangs have been known to use rehab centers to recruit addicts, and rival gangs sometimes assault the centers

Cinco mantas con mensajes adjudicados al Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG) fueron colgadas en distintos puentes peatonales y viales, en los que se advierte de una presunta ‘limpia’

A pesar de la situación de violencia que mantiene a la sociedad aterrorizada, las autoridades de los tres niveles y el Ejército se han limitado a observar cómo se despedazan los tres grupos

Puerto Rico

The U.S. government response to Hurricane Maria so far has been inadequate and overmatched by the scale of the disaster