Gregory Bull / AP photo at NBC News. Caption: “Construction crews work on prototypes for a proposed border wall in front of the primary border structure separating Tijuana, Mexico, behind, and San Diego, on Wednesday.”

(Even more here)

September 29, 2017


Rodrigo Pimentel, autor de livro que inspirou ‘Tropa de Elite’, diz que soldados foram deslocados para a Rocinha sem condições de fazer algo diferente da PM


Aunque al principio se quejó de que el Gobierno nunca terminó las obras, desde mediados de marzo puso a la guerrillerada a trabajar para levantar una ciudadela que hoy es un éxito

The worst affected areas are all key drug trafficking territories and areas where the demobilization of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – FARC) has created an underworld power vacuum

Having a more gender equal and ethnically diverse set of judges means they are more likely to recognize that Colombia’s war affected different groups in society in different ways

Patricia Linares habla del enorme reto que ella y sus compañeros tienen: sentar, a través de este sistema de justicia transicional, bases para la convivencia

¿Qué va a pasar ahora que el Ejecutivo cuenta con 25 votos menos del partido que, se suponía, era una de las piezas claves de la Unidad Nacional?

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

To focus on police intervention rather than education isn’t only shortsighted, it’s also been proven not to work


The government has slashed disaster budgets by as much as 50 percent in recent years, part of a broader cost-cutting effort to make up for shortfalls caused by a drop in oil revenues

El gasto en publicidad oficial del Gobierno federal de 2013 hasta el primer semestre de 2017 asciende a 37 mil 725 millones de pesos, cifra que equivale a lo destinado para la atención y prevención de desastres naturales en 2015 y 2016

Puerto Rico

Considering a central driver of anger over Katrina was that the government reacted slowly because New Orleans population is predominantly black, it is hard not to wonder if history is repeating itself


Defaults around the globe have triggered governmental change less than 15 percent of the time since 1992

Western Hemisphere Regional

The agency arrested more than 28,000 “non-criminal immigration violators” between Jan. 22 and Sept. 2, according to the agency’s records, a nearly threefold increase over the same period in 2016