October 27, 2017
- Carolina Heringer, “Apos Morte de Coronel No Meier, Comandante-Geral Da Pm Quer Forcas Armadas No Rio” (O Globo (Brazil), October 27, 2017).
O comandante-geral da PM, coronel Wolney Dias, quer as Forças Armadas no Rio de Janeiro
- Dom Phillips, “Brazil Rapper Scores Hit With I Killed the President – but Temer Clings on for Now” (The Guardian (Uk), October 27, 2017).
The president will probably remain in office until new elections next year, but the deals he made to ensure his survival have appalled many Brazilians
- “Colombia: Human Rights and the Peace Agreement – Amnesty International Submission for the un Universal Periodic Review, 30th Session of the Upr Working Group, May 2018” (Amnesty International, ReliefWeb, October 27, 2017).
Amnesty International has stated on a number of occasions that the effective implementation of the Peace Agreement in territories historically affected by violence could contribute to the nonrepetition of such crimes
- Juanita Velez, “A la Sustitucion de la Coca Le Salio Otro Enemigo en Putumayo” (La Silla Vacia (Colombia), October 27, 2017).
Las dos disidencias de las Farc que anunció el Ejército la semana pasada que aparecieron en Putumayo son insignificantes en número de hombres armados. Pero ya se están convirtiendo en una amenaza para los acuerdos de sustitución
- “Presidente Trump Reconoce Esfuerzos del Gobierno Colombiano y Ratifica Apoyo de Eeuu para Combatir Narcotrafico” (Presidencia de Colombia, October 27, 2017).
“Estados Unidos está listo para apoyarlo en sus esfuerzos en sus esfuerzos antinarcóticos. Simultáneamente estoy trabajando diligentemente para combatir el consumo internamente”
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
- Kate Linthicum, “The U.S. and Mexico Want to Slow Migration From Central America. Will Mass Deportations Help?” (The Los Angeles Times, October 27, 2017).
The new initiative aims to discourage people from leaving Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala by funding projects over the next six months to improve the economies and security situation
- Marcelo Colussi, “¿Quien Manda en Guatemala? (Sobre los Llamados Poderes Ocultos)” (Plaza Publica (Guatemala), October 27, 2017).
Consecuencia de la pulseada: se comienzan a desbaratar algunas de estas redes, y, como símbolo, algunos de sus dirigentes van a parar a la cárcel. Pero los poderes ocultos siguen vivos, operativos
- Teresa Welsh, “Trump Might Send 60,000 Hondurans Back Home – and It Could Backfire, Officials Say” (The Miami Herald, October 27, 2017).
The Trump administration has said it may revoke TPS for some countries, affecting as many as 300,000 people from the Western Hemisphere
- Ron Nixon, “Border Wall Prototypes Are Unveiled, but Trump’s Vision Still Faces Obstacles” (The New York Times, October 27, 2017).
Agency officials said they would test the mock-ups over the next few months to determine which worked best in curbing illegal immigration and drug trafficking
- Tracy Jan, “Trump’s Proposal for a ‘Solar’ Border Wall Now Appears Dead” (The Washington Post, October 27, 2017).
All would evoke a prison feel if replicated for miles on end
- Hanyu Chwe, “How Americans, Mexicans See Each Other Differs for Those Closer to Border” (Pew Research Center, October 27, 2017).
Only about one-third (32%) of Americans near the border and 35% of those living further away from the border approve of the proposed wall. Mexicans are overwhelmingly united in opposition
- Gustavo Castillo García, “El Nuevo Sistema de Justicia Debe Ajustarse para No Ser Tan Garantista: Cienfuegos” (La Jornada (Mexico), October 27, 2017).
El secretario lamenta que algunos gobiernos estatales no cumplan sus responsabilidades
- “Descarta Mando de Sedena Que el Pais Este en un Proceso de Militarizacion” (La Jornada (Mexico), October 27, 2017).
Ante la falta de claridad sobre el tiempo que las fuerzas armadas deberán permanecer realizando labores de seguridad pública, es necesario que el Congreso las dote de ‘‘certeza jurídica’
- “Donald Trump Could Set Off a Nationalist Backlash in Mexico” (The Economist (Uk), October 27, 2017).
Mexican leaders feel abandoned by American politicians who should know better, but are scared of Mr Trump and his voters
- “Declaracion de la Tercera Reunion del Grupo de Lima Sobre la Situacion en Venezuela” (Ministry of Foreign Relations of Peru, October 27, 2017).
Solicitan al Secretario General y al sistema de las Naciones Unidas que contribuyan a atender dicha crisis y las continuas violaciones de los derechos humanos
- Jim Wyss, “Amid Dark Days for Venezuela’s Opposition, Judges Form a ‘Court-in-Exile’” (The Miami Herald, October 27, 2017).
Two of the judges turned in their resignations, one is under house arrest in Venezuela and the remaining 30 fled across the Americas
- Dorothy Kronick, Francisco Rodriguez, “15o: Fraud or Fatigue?” (Venezuelan Politics and Human Rights, Washington Office on Latin America, October 27, 2017).
The presumption was that hungry and demoralized government backers would tire before committed pro-democracy protesters. Perhaps. But the data suggests this hasn’t happened yet
- Eyanir Chinea, Isaac Urrutia, “Venezuelan Anti-Maduro Governor Sacked, Opposition in Chaos” (Reuters **, October 27, 2017).
Young protesters, who saw hundreds of their fellow demonstrators jailed, injured or even killed in anti-Maduro street protests earlier this year, are disgusted by what for them is now a bleak political scenario
- Simeon Tegel, “Why Do So Many on the Global Left Still Support Maduro in Venezuela?” (NBC News, October 27, 2017).
From Lima to London, prominent progressives, some within spitting distance of governing, still either actively defend the Venezuelan regime or resist calls to condemn its abuses
Western Hemisphere Regional
- “Murderous Latin American Police Need to Start Policing Themselves” (The Economist (Uk), October 27, 2017).
One explanation for the prevalence of trigger-happy cops is the embrace of punitive policing as an antidote for weak justice systems
- Juan Carlos Garzón, Robert Muggah, “El Miedo a Ser Asesinado en America Latina” (Igarape Institute, El Pais (Spain), October 27, 2017).
as estrategias más eficaces para reducir la violencia letal son invertir recursos en la estabilización de los hogares y promover la crianza positiva