November 20, 2017
- Uki Goñi, “Search for Missing Argentinian Submarine Fails to Find Any Clues” (The Guardian (Uk), November 20, 2017).
ARA San Juan went missing with 44 crew members on board four days ago, in vast potential search area
- Ernesto Londono, “In Rio de Janeiro, ‘Complete Vulnerability’ as Violence Surges” (The New York Times, November 20, 2017).
While the Olympics led to durable gains for Rio de Janeiro — most notably by upgrading its public transportation system — missed opportunities are evident in virtually every part of the city
- Brendan o’boyle, “Chileans Are Frustrated With Politics, Too” (Americas Quarterly, November 20, 2017).
Though she narrowly missed out on reaching the second round, Sánchez’s supporters could prove decisive
- Eva Vergara, “Expresidente Pinera a la Cabeza en las Elecciones de Chile” (Associated Press **, November 20, 2017).
Con el 91,75% de los votos escrutados, el expresidente y candidato centroderechista tenía un 36,62% de los sufragios
- Pascale Bonnefoy, “Ex-Leader Wins First Round of Chile’s Presidential Vote” (The New York Times, November 20, 2017).
The biggest surprise of the day was the surge of the left, representing a shift in Chile’s political map
- Marisol GÓmez Giraldo, “Asi Esta Colombia, un Ano Despues de las Farc” (El Tiempo (Colombia), November 20, 2017).
Lo que el país está viendo hoy es que la reconciliación, principal objetivo de un proceso de paz, será una dura y larga tarea que requerirá de líderes políticos dispuestos a encabezarla
- Rodrigo Uprimny, “Inhabilidades” (DeJusticia, El Espectador (Colombia), November 20, 2017).
Su constitucionalidad debe ser revisada por la Corte Constitucional (CC), que no tiene otra alternativa sino anular la inhabilidad, por ser groseramente inconstitucional, al menos por dos razones
- “La Reunion Esperada: Santos y Timochenko Analizaran Inquietudes de Farc Sobre la Jep” (Semana (Colombia), November 20, 2017).
El encuentro se produciría este viernes y la intención es evitar que las dudas de la ahora exguerrilla sobre el sistema de justicia transicional pueda golpear la implementación de la paz
- “Editorial: Let the Haitians Stay” (The New York Times, November 20, 2017).
By any reasonable measure, Haiti is not ready to take them back
- Azam Ahmed, “In Mexico, Not Dead. Not Alive. Just Gone.” (The New York Times, November 20, 2017).
In Mexico, where the drug war’s “disappeared” number in the tens of thousands, some families take up the search for loved ones on their own
- Alexis Okeowo, “A Mexican Town Wages Its Own War on Drugs” (The New Yorker, November 20, 2017).
When the authorities could no longer be trusted, Nestora Salgado organized a citizens’ police force. Did she go too far?
- Eduardo Cruz, “Gonzalo Carrion: “El Objetivo Era Matarlos (a los Seis Campesinos)”” (La Prensa (Nicaragua), November 20, 2017).
El defensor de derechos humanos Gonzalo Carrión, explica sobre las inconsistencias que existen en las muertes de campesinos en las montañas a manos del Ejército
- Geoff Ramsey, “Regional Responses to the Venezuelan Exodus” (Washington Office on Latin America, November 20, 2017).
A separate UNHCR document from July estimates that there are 300,000 Venezuelans in neighboring Colombia, 40,000 in Trinidad and Tobago and 30,000 in Brazil
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Rut Diamint, “Latin American History Suggests Zimbabwe’s Military Coup Will Turn Violent” (The Conversation, November 20, 2017).
Some observers think Mugabe’s overthrow by the Army might be a good thing for Zimbabwe. An Argentinean expert on Latin America’s bloody military dictatorships disagrees