Eduardo Miranda photo at Proceso (Mexico). Caption: “Diputados protestan contra la Ley de Seguridad Interior en San Lázaro.”

(Even more here)

December 6, 2017


Cristiana Bento, a detective who coordinated the arrest, said da Silva was responsible for the gang war which exploded in Rocinha favela


Temor, confinamiento y tristeza es lo que se respira en la vereda Pueblo Nuevo de Magüí Payán, en Nariño, donde fueron masacradas 13 personas la semana pasada

Gen. Juan Pablo Rodriguez Barragan was replaced suddenly on Nov. 30, retiring with honors. What wasn’t mentioned is that his name had surfaced in numerous court proceedings


The sounds may have been the byproduct of something else that caused damage, said three U.S. officials briefed on the investigation

Cuba, Venezuela

It already failed with Cuba – and could still work with Venezuela, if done smartly this time

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico

En los últimos cuatro años, el número de solicitudes de refugio que México ha recibido se multiplicó por ocho, pasando de mil 296 peticiones durante 2013, a 10 mil 262 en 2017


The OAS backed Nasralla’s petition to verify 5,174 ballot boxes that were not reported the night of the election and 1,006 more that were hand-counted due to apparent irregularities

Hondurans have sent an inspiring message of faith in the power of democracy to deliver a better future to their beleaguered country. They deserve U.S. support


El presidente de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, Luis Raúl González Pérez, anunció que si el Senado ratifica esa oprobiosa ley, podría ejercer sus facultades para interponer una acción de inconstitucionalidad

El proyecto de ley aprobado por la Cámara de Diputados contiene varios elementos inquietantes, entre otros el hecho de que, en determinadas circunstancias, las autoridades civiles podrían colocarse bajo el mando de las fuerzas armadas

La recomendación es por el cateo ilegal en agravio de cuatro personas; la detención arbitraria, desaparición forzada, tortura y violencia sexual de tres de ellas y la ejecución arbitraria de dos, ocurridas en Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco


“Over the last four or five years, Ramírez did drop the occasional signal to us, indicating he would be willing to talk,” said a former senior U.S. official

U.S. sanctions have simply been framed as punitive, with less of an emphasis on how the measures could be lifted due to changes in behavior

Todd D. Robinson, the former U.S. ambassador to Guatemala, has been chosen to lead the embassy in Caracas