(Even more here)

March 20, 2018


Latin America’s largest nation has watched in awe as a figure once little known outside Rio has been transformed into a global symbol of racial oppression

Desperate Brazilians are wondering whether they’d be better off armed, given that around 60,000 of their compatriots are killed each year. Polls show support for gun ownership gaining ground


Around 1,200 former members of Colombia’s FARC rebel group did not demobilize under a peace deal and instead joined dissident factions still fighting the government, the head of the military said

Colombia, Ecuador

Los involucrados se acogieron al procedimiento abreviado y la Fiscalía pidió para ellos 20 meses de cárcel

Al parecer se trata de un mortero lanzado desde territorio colombiano


La normativa criminaliza tanto a manifestantes y opositores políticos como a pandilleros que dañen patrimonio económico


Según el acuerdo entre las secretarías de Defensa de ambos países, para las tres fuerzas de la institución castrense hondureña se firmó un contrato de 165,155,000 dólares


An autopsy showed the unarmed teen was shot 10 times, mostly from behind


“The Joint Combined Exchange Training improved the readiness of assigned quick reaction forces with Special Operations Command South by developing capabilities needed when responding to a crisis alongside partner nation security forces”


Tuberculosis, a disease that until recently seemed to be under control in Venezuela, is making an aggressive comeback

“Aprovecho para denunciar que el día sábado fue detectada una aeronave Boeing C17 de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos que despegó de la base Hato, allá en Curazao”, dijo el ministro