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April 30, 2018


It was as affectionate as it was clear: “Que descanse.” Let him rest. Let someone else have a chance to govern


  • Julia Michaels, Crooked Rio (Rio Real (Brazil), April 30, 2018).

In the absence of official plans, targets, a budget or accountability, civil society has taken up the job of monitoring the intervention

Brazil, Venezuela

The population of Boa Vista, the state capital, ballooned over the past few years as some 50,000 Venezuelans resettled here. They now make up roughly 10 percent of the population


Gordillo Vélez, Fiscal 11 Especializado contra el Crimen Organizado, planteó graves referencias discriminatorias, racistas y condenatorias, señalando a sus pobladores de “auxiliar” a las guerrillas y a las bandas criminales que pululan en sus territorios


En este momento de posible desencanto con la paz, los escritos y la memoria de personas como Marc deben hacernos perseverar en este esfuerzo por materializar esta paz imperfecta y frágil

La guerra en Arauca sigue, y la violencia viene de todos los lados. Mientras tanto, la población afectada espera con tanta esperanza como escepticismo a la paz

El organismo respondió a una publicación del Wall Street Journal, según la cual, existe un video en el que el ex jefe negociador de las Farc supuestamente “habla con un asociado de un narcotraficante mexicano conocido”

The latest investigation into an ex-commander, a 62-year-old hard-line communist named Luciano Marín—better known by the alias Ivan Marquez and now a designated Colombian senator—stems from a cellphone video

That peace deal was supposed to put an end to more than half a century of war, but in much of rural Colombia, the demobilisation has merely opened the way for other armed groups


During a 20-minute speech, Pence repeatedly called agents heroes, saying they have a tough and dangerous job

The case sheds light on the broader impact that the militarization of public security has had on large parts of the country since troops were first mobilized for anti-narcotics operations in 2006

La presencia de un avión del ejército de Estados Unidos se debe a la instalación de un radar, en cooperación con las fuerzas armadas del gobierno mexicano

“The country has changed more than him,” said Francisco Abundis, head of the Parametria polling firm. “There is an atmosphere that is anti-system, anti-government. He represents this well”

The migrants were told Sunday afternoon that the immigration officials could not process their claims, and they would have to spend the night on the Mexican side of the border

This lengthy process doesn’t reflect anarchy. This reflects a nation functioning under the rule of law


Esta fue la segunda manifestación multitudinaria en menos de una semana en que los nicaragüenses exigieron justicia después que las protestas de estudiantes contra la reforma de la ley del seguro social provocaran una dura represión

El periodista Tim Rogers se vio obligado a salir de Nicaragua debido a que se sintió amenazado por las grupos sandinistas que lo señalan de ser de la CIA


  • Patricia Montero, Los Otros (La Republica (Peru), April 30, 2018).

Otras cifras que se han elevado para nuestro pesar: la de los desaparecidos durante el conflicto armado que vivió el Perú debido a la insania de los criminales terroristas y, en menor grado pero innegable, al abuso de un sector de las fuerzas armadas y policiales

Western Hemisphere Regional

I believe both are sincere in their desire to stanch the flow of Latino immigration — not, I strongly suspect, because of drugs or crime, but because they loathe the demographic and cultural change that is taking place

During the Obama administration, Homan was seen as a loyal civil servant who was willing to compromise. Some of his former colleagues have been shocked by his rhetoric under Trump