May 4, 2018
Colombia, Ecuador
- “Descartan Instalacion de Base Militar Extranjera en Ecuador” (EFE, El Espectador (Colombia), May 4, 2018).
Recordó que la Constitución ecuatoriana prohíbe la instalación de bases extranjeras, por lo que rechazó conjeturas en ese sentido que han circulado en redes sociales
- Mike Lasusa, “A New Guatemala Attorney General Brings New Concerns” (InsightCrime, May 4, 2018).
Porras Argueta, an alternate judge on the Constitutional Court, has been tentatively linked to elite networks with an interest in upending the hard-driving anti-corruption investigations
- Miriam Jordan, “Thousands of Hondurans to Lose Protected Status in the U.S.” (The New York Times, May 4, 2018).
The decision, expected to be announced Friday, will strip protection from more than 50,000 Hondurans, the second-largest group of foreigners to benefit from the status
- Christopher E. Wilson, “Perspective | Five Myths About the U.S.-Mexico Border” (The Washington Post, May 4, 2018).
Without a nationally agreed-upon way of measuring border security, we are stuck in a political debate as much about semantics as substance
- Ana Alicia Osorio, “Ante Asesinatos y Agresiones a Politicos en Veracruz, Pri y Morena Piden Mayores Medidas de Seguridad” (Animal Politico (Mexico), May 4, 2018).
En el actual proceso electoral se han registrado al menos ocho asesinatos de políticos en Veracruz
- “Amlo, Anaya y Meade se Encontraran Con Victimas de la Violencia la Proxima Semana” (Animal Politico (Mexico), May 4, 2018).
Por lo menos tres candidatos presidenciales se reunirán el próximo martes, 8 de mayo, con representantes de más de 60 agrupaciones de víctimas de la violencia
- Alexandra Delano Alonso, “Mexico Supports Its ‘Migrant Heroes’ in the U.S., but Ignores Them When They Get Deported” (The Los Angeles Times, May 4, 2018).
All they get in terms of government support is a phone call, a repatriation certificate and a bus ticket
- “Mexico’s Murder Rate Heads for a New Record” (The Economist (Uk), May 4, 2018).
The current president, Enrique Peña Nieto, who took office in 2012, promised to halve the murder rate. Instead, after an initial decline it rose sharply
- “Iachr to Set Up a Coordination Unit to Monitor Events in Nicaragua” (Organization of American States, May 4, 2018).
The Commission insists on the urgent request it has sent the Nicaraguan State to be allowed to visit the country
- Brian Fonseca, “The Perils of a Putsch in Venezuela” (Foreign Policy, May 4, 2018).
Rivals with economic, political, and geostrategic interests in Venezuela, such as Russia and China, are far better positioned than the United States to influence the Venezuelan military during any transition
Western Hemisphere Regional
- German Lopez, “Why America’s Cocaine Problem Is Now a Fentanyl Problem Too” (Vox, May 4, 2018).
Whatever the cause of the rise in these overdose deaths, experts were consistent in one message: It’s more evidence that we need to think of drug addiction treatment in a more comprehensive way