Dianna Cahn photo at Stars and Stripes. Caption: “ An upside-down American flag – a national distress signal – is painted on the south side of the US-Mexico border wall near San Diego as a symbol for the plight of deported veterans. Hector Lopez, a deported veteran in Tijuana who helped paint the mural, said U.S. Border Patrol called him in April and ordered him to remove it.”

(Even more here)

May 7, 2018


O caso é investigado pela Delegacia de Homicídios e existe a suspeita de que o crime foi ordenado por milicianos

Central America Regional

About 700 children have already been separated from their parents, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. The new policy is expected to result in far more children separated


¿El Gobierno debe extraditar a los comandantes de las Farc que solicite Estados Unidos?

Esta semana se reanudan las conversaciones en La Habana, Cuba, entre las delegaciones de paz del gobierno y de la guerrilla, luego de que Ecuador retirara su condición de garante

SEMANA conoció parte de la evidencia que encontró la Procuraduría en Tumaco adonde, según la comunidad, existen las denominadas ‘casas de ajusticiamiento’ y de vejámenes sexuales contra menores de edad


Mr. Rubio’s action was prompted by the case of a Russian family convicted in January of buying false passports in Guatemala and sentenced to long prison terms

I am concerned that CICIG, a commission mostly funded by the United States, has been manipulated and used by radical elements and Russia’s campaign against the Bitkov family in Guatemala

It’s been a long time since it was safe for Thelma Aldana to go out in public alone, and perhaps it never will be again

The irony is also thick considering Rubio’s stated concerns about how criminal and terrorist groups can take advantage of lax and corrupt migration systems in Central America

Guatemala, Mexico

Rather than amassing troops on its border with Guatemala, Mexico stations migration agents, local and federal police, soldiers and marines to create a kind of containment zone in Chiapas state


It’s clear that we need more border patrol personnel, improved technology, and better infrastructure such as roads, fencing, and upgraded facilities

To Gregory, Border Patrol’s scrutiny of his mural sends a deeper message about how the government views deported veterans


In this Central American country of six million people, that tally makes this the deadliest unrest by far since nearly three decades of war ended in 1990


  • Luis Vicente Leon, Los Escenarios (ProDaVinci (Venezuela), May 7, 2018).

Queda siempre el tercer escenario. Que la votación sea tan contundente que sea imposible para el gobierno ocultar el resultado sin un fraude tan masivo que genere una reacción contundente de la sociedad

Pence also urged member states to cut off Venezuelan leaders from their financial systems and to enact visa restrictions

Western Hemisphere Regional

In recent years, the main role of the National Guard on the border has been aerial reconnaissance and operating surveillance cameras for CBP