Yuri Cortez/Getty Images photo at Vox. Caption: “Protesters join friends and family members of the 43 missing students of Ayotzinapa, Mexico, on the third year of their disappearance during marches held throughout 2017 in Mexico City.”

(Even more here)

May 11, 2018


La confrontación entre los dos grupos armados está por cumplir dos meses, en medio de los cuales más de 9 mil familias se han desplazado tanto a refugios humanitarios y a cascos urbanos

El cese al fuego bilateral y la participación de la sociedad nuevamente están en el centro de la negociación

Según Carlos Arturo Velandia, exmiembro de la guerrilla y gestor de paz, el cese “no será aplicable en Catatumbo, mientras persistan ataques entre Eln y Epl, que agreden directamente a población civil

El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras

“You had career people arguing in favor of extending T.P.S. When they sent along their recommendations, their memos would stop dead in their tracks or get rewritten.”


Velasquez is a person of great integrity, a very reputable, accomplished jurist. The more he carries out his mandate the more those who fear prosecution will try to exploit ways to stop him

Cinco años después, conversa con Nómada sobre la histórica sentencia y las consecuencias que tuvo tanto en el país como en su carrera como jueza


Lonnie Swartz was found not guilty of second-degree murder, but jurors were deadlocked on whether he was guilty of manslaughter

According to statistics, more than 35,000 Mexicans have vanished without a trace over the past decade. The real number is believed by many to be much higher

Las escalinatas del Ángel de la Independencia se colmaron de pancartas con los rostros de personas desaparecidas, como ocurre cada 10 de mayo en la Ciudad de México desde hace siete años

Organized crime, like any successful business, adapts to changing market conditions. In Mexico, which is heading toward a pivotal presidential election in July, this has meant a surge in kidnappings

In the southern federal district in San Diego, 1,275 cases were filed in the first three months of this year. Prosecutors now plan to boost criminal immigration filings to about 1,000 per month


As antigovernment protests have swept the country in recent weeks, young Nicaraguans are divided over what it means to preserve the principles their parents and grandparents fought for in the 1979 revolution

Western Hemisphere Regional

The courts and Congress have resisted his demands, and even his own staff keeps telling him no. As a result, the president brings up the issue constantly

The Guard cannot handle custody duties for anyone accused of immigration violations, build border barriers or have anything to do with immigration enforcement