Bienvenido Velasco/EFE photo at Confidencial (Nicaragua). Caption: “Manifestación en Managua contra el régimen de Daniel Ortega.”

(Even more here)

May 16, 2018


A little like what was so often heard during the 2016 U.S. campaign about Donald Trump, the refrain “he says what I’m thinking but can’t say” comes up time and time again


Kate Gilmore, la alta comisionada adjunta de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, habló sobre el proceso de paz en Colombia. Asegura que el caso Santrich pone a prueba la credibilidad de la justicia


In a strategic shift for the institution, the Guatemalan Army deployed troops to the borders and pulled patrols off the streets, beginning in early April

The next few days will be tense and determinant for President Morales


“Mexico talks but they do nothing for us, especially at the border. They certainly don’t help us much on trade, but especially at the border they do nothing for us”

La Organización no Gubernamental Centro de Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro Juárez analizó las sentencias de amparo

Officials from the Trump administration and the Mexican government will meet Thursday and Friday to discuss a possible “safe third country” agreement


El sondeo realizado a 1200 personas entre el 5 y 15 de mayo muestra que el 78% de los entrevistados opinan que el país va por mal camino. Una enorme diferencia en relación a la encuesta de enero, cuando el 35% opinaba lo mismo


De 32 ministros, 14 son militares y dirigen carteras como Defensa, Interior, Petróleo, Agricultura y Alimentación, además de la poderosa petrolera PDVSA

Here are seven arguments as to why we think Venezuela qualifies and what the implications are of this troubled Andean nation as a regional crime hub

For a leader so universally loathed to try to steal an election risks setting off a series of events that end with him out of power — perhaps even in jail

A flurry of videos that were posted on social media and could not be immediately verified purported to show El Helicoide’s inmates fleeing their cells and issuing pleas for outside help