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August 7, 2018


Last year, Mourao controversially expressed support for a military intervention into politics in order to clean up Brazil’s mounting social problems

Brazil, Venezuela

Federal judge Helder Barreto on Sunday ordered the border closed until the frontier state of Roraima can create “humanitarian” conditions to receive the massive and disorderly influx. But the injunction has not gone into effect yet


Having been a national symbol of fear and hatred, Karina says she would welcome the chance to serve as a beacon of reconciliation

Where once there was brutal — but clear — rebel rule, there is today a cacophony of drug-trafficking mafias

Duque’s dependence on Uribe has sparked concern from critics, though analysts believe the former leader’s mounting legal troubles could provide the incoming president a new degree of independence


The court rejected the defense attorneys’ claims that the court was acting on the basis of ideological biases, and/or hatred of or feelings of revenge toward the armed forces


Half of the 10 retired or active officers who agreed to speak to Al Jazeera, admitted that in their force some sort of quota system existed


En el mes de julio la bancada del FSLN en la Asamblea Nacional aprobó dos leyes para perseguir y criminalizar a ciudadanos, opositores, empresarios y organizaciones sin fines de lucro

There is already a sense that order is fragile, and that an anarchic slide has already begun


The drone attack, while certainly original and attention-getting, carried with it an air of amateurish improvisation, and it spectacularly failed to accomplish its apparent objective

Many are now wondering whether he hasn’t only held on in spite of the disasters, but perhaps, by some measure, because of them

Western Hemisphere Regional

TRAC concluded that unless non-immigration crime is “suddenly less prevalent” than before, the figures imply that more non-immigration crimes in the border regions are going unprosecuted