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August 10, 2018

Western Hemisphere Regional

The Trump Administration said 386 children had not been reunited because their parents were “outside the U.S.”

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia

“The White House declared 2018 the ‘Year of the Americas,’ and the Secretary’s trip underscores the Department’s strong defense ties with Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Colombia,” the Pentagon said


His genuflections to the dictatorship make him a threat to democracy in a country where faith in it has been shaken by the exposure of graft and the misery of the economic slump

Data from the independent Brazilian Public Security Forum said that an average of 14 people died at the hands of police officers every day – an increase of 20%


La posible nueva directora de esa entidad muestra mensajes ofensivos contra las personas que debe proteger

El coronel (r) Gabriel de Jesús Rincón, junto a trece militares más, participarán de la primera gran audiencia sobre falsos positivos que adelanta la Jurisdicción Especial de Paz

Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela

Thousands of Venezuelans overwhelmed the Ecuadorean-Colombian border high in the Andean mountains on Thursday, as fears of border closings led to a sudden surge in migrants


Nájera’s response to the move by the US Congress fits into a broader pattern of elites accused of corruption trying to muddy the waters by impugning the reputations of others


Silvia Ortiz Solís, fundadora del Grupo Vida, agrupación de padres y madres buscadores “con pico y pala”, rechazó a nombre de las víctimas de violencia la petición de perdón que hizo el presidente

He described it as more of an “assistantship” than a bodyguard corps, and added he will also be protected by Mexicans of all stripes — police, soldiers, ordinary citizens

For several years, murders in the capital actually declined. Now though, killings are at a record –up 45 percent since 2014


Militares tras la pista del mando militar conocido como camarada “Antonio”, autor de la emboscada que acabó con la vida de 4 policías en Anco (Huancavelica). Terroristas responden con disparos a helicóptero


Julio Borges, living in exile in Colombia, attacks Maduro as other opposition leaders say apparent assassination bid was legitimate