Federico Rios photo at National Geographic. Caption: “All Venezuelan refugees are registered by soldiers when they enter Brazil.”

(Even more here)

August 22, 2018

Western Hemisphere Regional

The conclusions listed in the report point to serious challenges in building some, if not all, of the prototypes as they were erected in San Diego, because of structural issues in their design or with construction


The action lasted over 14 hours, leaving one dead, dozens of injured and thousands of angry citizens

The case has exposed the vulnerability of isolated groups in the Javari Valley, the prejudice indigenous people face in communities around them, and the difficulties of such investigations

Brazil, Venezuela

Although some manage to rent small spaces on the outskirts of the city, life is so hard that a few consider going home


Desde su despacho en Estados Unidos, Gamba habló con EL TIEMPO sobre los avances en la salida de los menores del conflicto y acerca de sus preocupaciones en el caso colombiano

Si hay un factor que tiene encendido el mercado de la coca en la región es la cada vez más evidente presencia del cartel de Sinaloa

El contragolpe vino del senador Felipe Mejía quien dijo que “desafortunadamente el grupo narcoterrorista de las Farc llegó al Congreso sin pagar un solo día de cárcel, sin reconocer todos los crímenes que cometieron”

Colombia, Venezuela

“Two helicopters, identified with the initials of the Bolivarian National Guard and about 30 armed personnel belonging to the Bolivarian National Armed Forces of Venezuela” landed in the border region of Tibu, the foreign ministry said

Los dos helicópteros en los que las tropas venezolanas fueron transportadas a territorio colombiano fueron identificados con las siglas de la Guardia Nacional Bolivariana

Costa Rica, Nicaragua

Costa Rican President Carlos Alvarado has rejected demonstrations and violence aimed at an influx of Nicaraguans, who have fled to Costa Rica to escape the political crisis in their country


Experts say the latest bout of fighting is between former cartel allies — the Juárez Cartel and the Barrio Aztecas — vying to claim the downtown area as their own


Many Venezuelans rejected an opposition call for a national strike on Tuesday, warily going to work even as sweeping government measures aimed at curbing ­hyperinflation caused mounting confusion

All Venezuela demonstrates is that if you leave implementation to the very worst, most anti-intellectual, callous, authoritarian and criminal people in society, socialism can have genuinely horrendous consequences. But couldn’t the same be said of every ideology?