October 11, 2018
supuesta “campaña de falsedades” que “adelanta Colombia” y Estados Unidos
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Adolfo Flores, “The Us Is Set to Deport Witnesses Who Dispute the Border Patrol’s Version of a Fatal Shooting” (BuzzFeed, October 11, 2018).
The migrant men have told authorities there was no attack on the agent who killed Claudia Patricia Gómez González, according to the Guatemalan Consul
- Bart Jansen, “Senators Grill Dhs Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Over Child Detentions Under ‘Zero-Tolerance’ Policy at Border” (USA Today, October 11, 2018).
The committee released statistics showing that 2,654 children had been separated from their parents under the zero-tolerance policy. The panel said 2,337 had been reunited with parents
- “Brazil’s Authoritarian Without an Army” (The Economist (Uk), October 11, 2018).
Soldiers are not itching for power. More likely, they would restrain Jair Bolsonaro
- Alexsandro Ribeiro, Alice Maciel, Gabriele Roza, Jose Lazaro Jr., Thays Lavor, “Apoiadores de Bolsonaro Realizaram Pelo Menos 50 Ataques Em Todo o Pais” (Agencia Publica (Brazil), October 11, 2018).
Levantamento inédito contabilizou relatos de agressões e ameaças contra pessoas em 18 estados e no DF nos últimos dez dias; 6 apoiadores do candidato do PSL também foram agredidos
- Jon Lee Anderson, “As Jair Bolsonaro Heads for a Second-Round Vote, Fears Rise Over What’s Next for Brazil” (The New Yorker, October 11, 2018).
Bolsonaro’s recent surge has also seen him gaining support across social and cultural lines, including from some unlikely-seeming celebrities
Brazil, Venezuela
- Dom Phillips, Tom Phillips, “The New Venezuela? Brazil Populist Bolsonaro’s Scare Tactic Gains Traction” (The Guardian (Uk), October 11, 2018).
Between them, Eduardo and Jair Bolsonaro have sent more than 50 Venezuela-themed tweets this year, most flagging up the supposed socialist threat to Brazil
- Olga Patricia Rendon M., Ricardo Monsalve Gaviria, “En la Comuna 13 Muchos de Sus Habitantes Prefieren Que el Ejercito Este Presente” (El Colombiano (Medellin Colombia), October 11, 2018).
Luego de conocerse la petición de la ONU de retirar a los militares de los barrios de Medellín, EL COLOMBIANO consultó en la Comuna 13 sobre el tema. Allí prefieren la presencia militar
- “Continuing Commitment Critical to Overcoming Challenges in Colombia Peace Process, Head of United Nations Verification Mission Tells Security Council” (Security Council, United Nations, October 11, 2018).
Members also voiced concern over the departure of several former FARC members from training and reintegration zones, emphasizing the urgent need to ensure the resumption of economic activities in affected areas on a larger scale
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras
- “Background Briefing on the Second Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America” (U.S. Department of State, October 11, 2018).
Our policy with regard to CICIG in Guatemala has not changed. The United States supports CICIG reforms, as has been noted previously, and we maintain that position
- “Mexico Opens 2,850-Man Military Police Base North of Cancun” (Associated Press, The Washington Post, October 11, 2018).
It is unclear whether MPs will be patrolling the beaches, as they do at some other Mexican resorts
- Veneranda Mendoza, “Amlo Ofrece Sumar 50 Mil Elementos a las Fuerzas Armadas y Mejorar el Presupuesto en Seguridad” (Proceso (Mexico), October 11, 2018).
Precisó que el primer día de su mandato, 1 de diciembre, lanzará una convocatoria pública a los jóvenes para sumarse a esas instancias y desde allí contribuir “a serenar al país”
Mexico, Western Hemisphere Regional
- Gustavo Castillo García, “La Jornada: Llama Pena a Ministros de Defensa a Cerrar Espacios al Trafico Ilegal de Armas” (La Jornada (Mexico), October 11, 2018).
Durante tres días, los integrantes de la CMDA abordaron temas como ayuda humanitaria, perspectiva de género, protección ambiental y resiliencia climática, evolución en el papel de las fuerzas armadas y búsqueda y rescate
- Leonor Álvarez, “Gioconda Belli: “Increiblemente Somoza Daba Mas Acceso” a la Informacion” (La Prensa (Nicaragua), October 11, 2018).
La escritora Gioconda Belli manifestó que la censura mediática del régimen de Daniel Ortega es mayor que en la dictadura somocista, porque en el pasado los periodistas tenían acceso a los juicios políticos y no existía un monólogo
- Hugo Perez Hernaiz, “Death of Detained Opposition Leader Shakes Up Venezuelan Politics” (Washington Office on Latin America, October 11, 2018).
The Councilor said he was being “threatened” and told that the only way he could get out of prison was to name Julio Borges, the exiled leader of Primero Justicia, as the organizer of the drone attack
- Ariana Cubillos, Deb Riechmann, Scott Smith, “Venezuelan Politician Mourned After Suspicious Death” (Associated Press, KAIT 8, October 11, 2018).
In Washington, White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders issued a statement condemning “the Maduro regime’s involvement” in Alban’s death
- “Gobierno de Venezuela Crea Policia Migratoria para Controlar Fronteras” (La Republica (Peru), October 11, 2018).
Indicó que este será un cuerpo policial “muy especializado” que se ocupará de “atender la realidad en la frontera” y hacer frente a una