October 15, 2018
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Ron Nixon, “U.S. Border Agency Says Hundreds of Employees Have Been Arrested Over 2 Years” (The New York Times, October 15, 2018).
More than 500 employees of the United States’ primary border security agency were charged with drug trafficking, accepting bribes and a range of other crimes over a two-year period
- Simon Romero, “A Mexican Man’s Fatal Journey to Reclaim His American Life” (The New York Times, October 15, 2018).
Deportations of foreign-born long-term residents are surging under the Trump administration, but as they reach into well-established immigrant communities far from the border, there is often little chance they will be permanent
- Josh Dawsey, Maria Sacchetti, Nick Miroff, “Trump Administration Weighs New Family-Separation Effort at Border” (The Washington Post, October 15, 2018).
One option under consideration is for the government to detain asylum-seeking families together for up to 20 days, then give parents a choice
- Bruce Douglas, Gabriel Shinohara, Rachel Gamarski, “Brazil’s Military Poised to Amass Power After Three-Decade Wait” (Bloomberg, October 15, 2018).
“There’s this ignorance on the part of the electorate and these delusional ideas about the dictatorship”
- “Chile: Homenajean a Militar Con 600 Anos Carcel por Violacion a Ddhh” (EFE, La Republica (Peru), October 15, 2018).
Un grupo de personas homenajeó en unas instalaciones del Ejército de Chile a varios exoficiales vinculados con la dictadura de Agusto Pinochet sobre los que recaen acusaciones y condenas de violaciones de derechos humanos
- Nicholas Casey, “Peacetime Spells Death for Colombia’s Activists” (The New York Times, October 15, 2018).
These groups now see the activists’ development projects as a threat, bringing unwanted attention and potentially interfering with their illegal activities
Colombia, Venezuela
- Javier AlexÁnder MacÍas, “Disidencias y Eln Intentan Reclutar Hasta Venezolanos” (El Colombiano (Medellin Colombia), October 15, 2018).
Con promesas de un empleo rentable que les ayude a subsanar las carencias que tienen por la crisis que se vive en Venezuela o, en algunos casos, bajo amenazas, el Eln y las disidencias de las Farc quieren engrosar sus filas con venezolanos
El Salvador, Western Hemisphere Regional
- Paul Elie, “What Oscar Romero’s Canonization Says About Pope Francis” (The Atlantic, October 15, 2018).
Sainthood for the archbishop forces us to consider Francis in a different light—as a figure scarred by Latin American politics and his own encounter with fear and violence, compromise and complicity
Guatemala, Honduras
- Amy Guthrie, “Migrant Caravan Swells in Honduras as Group Nears Guatemala” (Associated Press **, October 15, 2018).
The migration began to swell after local media coverage of the initial group whose members had agreed to depart together Friday from a bus station in San Pedro Sula
- “Declaracion de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos Sobre la Caravana de Migrantes” (U.S. Embassy in Honduras, October 15, 2018).
Estamos seriamente preocupados por la caravana de migrantes que viaja al norte desde Honduras, con falsas promesas de ingresar a los Estados Unidos hechas por aquellos que buscan explotar a sus compatriotas
- Gabriela Sotomayor, “Ong Piden a Bachelet Asesoria y Presentar Informe Sobre Derechos Humanos en Mexico” (Proceso (Mexico), October 15, 2018).
La sociedad civil mexicana pide a la oficina de la Alta Comisionada asistencia para conformar una Fiscalía Independiente y Autónoma
- Franklin Villavicencio, “Brutal Represion y Masiva Redada Policial Contra Manifestantes” (Confidencial (Nicaragua), October 15, 2018).
Con esta nueva escalada represiva, Ortega impuso un “estado de excepción” en el país, al suspender por las vías de hecho los derechos fundamentales de la libertad de movilización y reunión pacífica