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December 20, 2018

Western Hemisphere Regional

Some 9,800 are in facilities with 100-plus total kids, according to confidential government data obtained and cross-checked by The Associated Press


Rio will finish the year with the highest number of police killings since the state started collecting that data in 1998. The previous record was 1,330 in 2007

El Salvador

Despite international support, Melendez has powerful opponents in the ruling leftist party. El Salvador’s lawmakers could make their decision as soon as this week


Morales has also been garnering support from none other than US President Donald Trump’s administration, which has come out in his support at critical moments in the situation with the commission


Espinal was deported from the United States in late November and barred from returning for five years


For migrants, remaining in northeastern Mexico while their asylum claims are adjudicated in the U.S. could have devastating consequences Reynosa might soon be home to hundreds or thousands of migrants waiting to seek refuge in the United States. No one is sure how they would survive here

In the past, Mexico hasn’t allowed the US to use this provision to return Central Americans and other non-Mexicans to Mexican soil. Now, they have relented

Individuals arriving in or entering the United States from Mexico—illegally or without proper documentation—may be returned to Mexico for the duration of their immigration proceedings

Las acciones que tomen los gobiernos de México y de Estados Unidos no constituyen un esquema de Tercer País Seguro, en el que se obligaría a las personas migrantes en tránsito a solicitar asilo en México


El escritor Sergio Ramírez (Premio Cervantes 2017) no ve una salida a la actual crisis nicaragüense. Ortega reprime, dice, pero no gobierna. Los dirigentes de las manifestaciones de abril y mayo están muertos, en el exilio o presos y hoy no hay líderes políticos