Photo from Vox. Caption: “This group of children and families turned themselves in at Antelope Wells during the shutdown — where they were apprehended by unpaid Border Patrol agents.”

(Even more here)

January 29, 2019

Western Hemisphere Regional

Official statistics aren’t available for this barely populated area of New Mexico, but agents say groups of 100 or more migrants have crossed the border there at least 25 times since October

At least 413 migrants were found dead along the border in 2018, according to a preliminary count by the International Organization for Migration, up from 412 in 2017 and 399 in 2016


President Bolsonaro’s new administration offers a fresh opportunity to build a stronger US-Brazilian partnership to ensure continued peace and expanded prosperity and stability for the Western Hemisphere

Chile, Western Hemisphere Regional

Claiming her political views on Israel were troubling and citing photographs in which she appeared alongside “Latin American dictators.”

Colombia, Mexico

El mercado interno del narcotráfico se está revitalizando por cuenta de los capitales económicos que están poniendo sobre la mesa los emisarios provenientes de ese país


El exjefe negociador de las Farc, Luciano Marín, habla desde la clandestinidad sobre el futuro del proceso de paz, su compromiso con la JEP y si es posible que vuelva a rearmarse ante lo que llama “traición al Acuerdo de Paz”

Santrich, su defensa y la Procuraduría tienen cinco días hábiles para presentar sus alegatos. Se prevé que la decisión final se conozca a mediados de febrero

Tras un año de su asesinato, en Buenaventura sigue la batalla por el territorio, que era la razón de vivir de don Temis. Por ese crimen, perpetrado el 27 de enero del 2018, hay tres capturados y siete órdenes de captura. Las autoridades no han determinado quién ordenó el homicidio

Colombia, Venezuela

“No he discutido eso con el secretario Bolton”, dijo Shanahan al ser preguntado sobre si había un plan para enviar miles de tropas a Colombia


Three murders on New Year’s Eve took the total to 2,502 – a rate of 126 per 100,000 inhabitants, returning the city to levels of hyper-violence it last saw a decade ago

National Immigration Institute Commissioner Tonatiuh Guillen also said Mexico won’t extend the policy beyond a single border crossing, the El Chaparral crossing in Tijuana

Guzman’s fleeting defense was striking because it followed a sweeping one by the government that featured 56 witnesses


Now, Mr. Chamorro’s son also finds himself in exile, fighting an increasingly repressive regime. This time around, the regime is led by the man who in 1979 helped topple Anastasio Somoza


If the standoff endures, the U.S. move could prove devastating for Venezuela’s economy

As a result of today’s action, all property and interests in property of PdVSA subject to U.S. jurisdiction are blocked, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them

Sanctions on Pdvsa potentially put at risk as much as a half-million barrels of oil that the United States imports from Venezuela, representing roughly 3 percent of American demand

“Es probable que haya algunos problemas”, dijo Storchak a la prensa en alusión al pago del 100 millones de dólares que debe abonar Caracas en marzo próximo

Special-police units—carrying shotguns and wearing ski masks—and soldiers have been deployed to clear the crowds. All but one of the victims tallied so far were killed by gunfire

Russia’s stagnating economy has limited funds available for international campaigns amid growing social discontent at home

Anonymous U.S. intelligence sources have told reporters that Padrino threatened to resign if Maduro didn’t step down. Thus one can imagine, under the right circumstances, military officials telling Maduro it is time for new elections

The question is whether Venezuela will be different, and whether the presence of veteran regime-change advocates such as Bolton and Elliott Abrams will make the difference

If Maduro does one thing, what will we do as a result? And at what point will we evacuate personnel?