Photo from Animal Político (Mexico). Caption: “Una de las caravanas recibe atención en Coahuila.”

(Even more here)

February 6, 2019

Western Hemisphere Regional

“I reject the federal contention that there exists an overwhelming national security crisis at the southern border, along which are some of the safest communities in the country,” Lujan Grisham said

Trump would probably not be willing to sign a joint resolution to reject his own emergency declaration, so that means that Congress would need to override him with a two-thirds majority in each chamber

Trump has chained himself to the wall so completely that it’s no longer possible for anyone to tell where it ends and his presidency begins


Bolsonaro recebeu o convite oficial de Trump para visitar os Estados Unidos no dia seguinte ao de sua posse. A mensagem foi entregue pelo secretário de Estado americano, Mike Pompeo


Franklin Castañeda, delegado de la Coordinación Colombia-Europa-Estados Unidos, explica los reparos al Plan de Acción Oportuna de Protección a líderes del Gobierno Nacional. Se oponen a la vinculación en el programa del cuestionado general Leonardo Barrero

Zonas Estratégicas de Intervención Integral (ZEII), espacios territoriales donde se concentran altos índices de criminalidad, necesidades básicas insatisfechas, pobreza extrema y población en condición de vulnerabilidad

Emilio Archila aseguró que el Gobierno solucionará los problemas de vivienda de miles de excombatientes que aún están concentrados en los ETCR. Además, dijo que trabajan en un esquema especial de protección para el partido de la Farc durante la campaña electoral

Un informe del programa Somos Defensores, el Cinep, la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, la Comisión Colombiana de Juristas y el portal Verdad Abierta, investigó qué está pasando

Colombia, Venezuela

One shelter counted about 1,200 migrants passing through in one day this month, nearly twice what they counted weekly in early December

El Salvador

It is consequential for El Salvador and the hemisphere for several reasons, ranging from the U.S. migration issue to the rise of populism and the health of democracy to the tide of anger over corruption to the relevance of social media On Sunday, 37 year-old anti-establishment candidate Nayib Bukele won the presidency of El Salvador. What does it mean?

Superficial proposals, along with a lack of alliances in the country’s legislative assembly, could make it difficult for Bukele to bring about real change

Just who is who in the fight is blurring, and many police are more willing to use any means necessary to beat back an enemy they think the government hasn’t the will to do so

The United States can help by extending the temporary residence in this country of Salvadorans obliged to settle here after another of their country’s occasional disasters: a 2001 earthquake


Guatemala’s conservative president, himself an evangelical Christian, has succeeded in shattering the political consensus, forging alliances with a coalition of U.S. conservatives


“If anyone tries to cross the border illegally, they’ll be arrested,” Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber said

El presidente de la República, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reveló el viernes la estrategia para disminuir el índice delictivo en Tijuana, la cual consta de contar con más presencia de elementos militares y Policía Federal en tareas preventivas

Starting about two years ago, traffickers began offering less and less, and rumors circulated that the price drop was due to competition from a new synthetic drug, manufactured in China and also in some fentanyl-producing laboratories detected in other parts of Mexico

The area of Mexico that illegally farms opium poppies grew by more than one-fifth last year, to an area the size of Philadelphia, according to a U.N.-backed study published in November

Dos caravanas migrantes, conformadas por cerca de 5,500 personas, recorren actualmente territorio mexicano, una en Chiapas y otra entre Coahuila y Nuevo León

“Why did they pick us out of the whole group? There were 47 of us that entered into a room, and 11 were sent back. Why?”


“Nuestro armamento ha mostrado su valía, tanto en Venezuela como en países cercanos como Perú y Brasil, y haremos todo lo posible para mantener su capacidad combativa. Este es nuestro objetivo principal”, dijo el funcionario ruso

Two documents illustrate the erosion of the armed forces

While Russian officials have publicly ruled out talks with the opposition, contacts are likely taking place behind the scenes, according to analysts in Moscow

Getting the aid into Venezuela, past Mr. Maduro’s security forces and into the right hands will be a critical test of the opposition’s ability to rally the nation and establish an interim government

The U.S. officials said trucks carrying the humanitarian aid were headed to Cucuta and would arrive later this week at the request of Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido

The Venezuelan military had used a tanker truck and a cargo container to block access to the Tienditas bridge which links Cucuta, Colombia to Urena, Venezuela