March 25, 2019
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Robert Moore, “Border Patrol Inland Checkpoints Shut Down So Agents Can Help Process Asylum Seekers” (Texas Monthly, March 25, 2019).
“It’s really out of control. It’s bad,” said one official of the surge in families streaming across the border
- Molly Hennessy-Fiske, “Trump Says Barbed Wire ‘Can Be a Beautiful Sight.’ Many Border Communities Disagree” (The Los Angeles Times, March 25, 2019).
“This is not our city. It looks like a prison,” the mayor said. “If that wire stays around, it’s going to hurt us”
- “Thousands of Argentines Recall the March 1976 Coup and Demand Punishment for Human Rights Abuses” (MercoPress, March 25, 2019).
With slogans such as “Memory, truth and justice”, “Never again” and “30.000 Disappeared” the marchers filled the streets of the Argentine capital
- Guillermo Botero, “Es el Narcotrafico, No la Aspersion Aerea” (El Tiempo (Colombia), March 25, 2019).
Erradicar manualmente puede costar hasta 6,6 millones de pesos por hectárea. Con aspersión terrestre, 3,9 millones, y con aspersión aérea, entre 1,8 y 3,1 millones
- “Organizaciones Indigenas Hablan De “Masacre” Tras Explosion Que Dejo Ocho Muertos” (Semana (Colombia), March 25, 2019).
En un comunicado expresaron que “presuntamente una persona lanzó un artefacto explosivo” en un resguardo de Dagua (Valle) contra guardias que organizaban la minga que mantiene bloqueada la vía Panamericana entre Cali y Buenaventura
El Salvador, Guatemala
- Gabriel Labrador, ““No Estan Dadas las Condiciones para Regresar a Guatemala”” (El Faro (El Salvador), March 25, 2019).
Por ahora sigue diseñando su estrategia de campaña, para lo cual cuenta con los consejos de Porfirio Chica, ex asesor del gobierno de Antonio Saca
- “Honduras Reconoce a Jerusalen Como Capital Israeli” (Associated Press, El Heraldo (Honduras), March 25, 2019).
El presidente Juan Orlando Hernández, así como el primer ministro de Rumania Viorica Dancila, hicieron los respectivos anuncios en el cónclave anual del Comité Americano-Israelí de Asuntos Públicos, en Washington
- “No Hay Limite de Presupuesto para Busqueda de Desaparecidos e Identificacion Forense, Promete Amlo” (Animal Politico (Mexico), March 25, 2019).
López Obrador acusó que la crisis humanitaria de miles de desaparecidos en el país es el “fruto podrido” de la política económica neoliberal, en la que, según dijo, se desatendió al pueblo
- Kate Morrissey, “Cbp Sends Asylum Seekers Back to Mexico Without Required Screening” (The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 25, 2019).
Customs and Border Protection officers have not consistently followed policies intended to protect Central American asylum seekers who are likely to be harmed in Mexico from returning there under the “Remain in Mexico” program
- Tom Phillips, “Venezuela Opposition Fears Crackdown After Maduro Threatens Arrests” (The Guardian (Uk), March 25, 2019).
Addressing a rally in Caracas on Saturday, Maduro hinted that Guaidó and other key opposition figures were also in his sights
- Nicholas Casey, “Maduro Digs In. It’s an Old Strategy, but It May Work.” (The New York Times, March 25, 2019).
This week, Mr. Maduro was even taking the offensive
- Brian Ellsworth, Carlos Garcia, Carlos Jasso, Diego Ore, Gabrielle Tetrault-Farber, Maria Tsvetkova, “Russian Air Force Planes Land in Venezuela Carrying Troops: Reports” (Reuters, Reuters, March 25, 2019).
Reporter Javier Mayorca wrote on Twitter on Saturday that the first plane carried Vasily Tonkoshkurov, chief of staff of the ground forces, adding the second was a cargo plane carrying 35 tonnes of material
- Mike Pence, “Vice President Mike Pence: For the Future of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Must Go” (The Miami Herald, March 25, 2019).
The United States calls for the immediate release of Roberto Marrero. We will not tolerate Marrero’s imprisonment or the intimidation of the legitimate government of Venezuela