Christ Chavez / Getty Images photo at NBC News. Caption: “A group of 22 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and Salvador await processing underneath the Paso Del Norte Bridge on March 28, 2019 in El Paso, Texas. U.S. Customs and Border Protection has temporarily closed all highway checkpoints along the 268-mile stretch of border in the El Paso sector to try to stem a surge in illegal entry.”

(Even more here)

March 29, 2019

Western Hemisphere Regional

The Pentagon notified Congress Monday night that it authorized the reallocation of $1 billion in department funding to be used for new wall construction — but at the same time, it is seeking additional funding from Congress for what it calls “underfunded priorities”

It’s an unprecedented tactic to notify Congress about moving the money around, rather than request the transfer. The decision will likely cost the Pentagon its ability to “reprogram” money in the years ahead

If current trends hold, referrals of unaccompanied children to HHS could surpass the record 2016 figures, when 59,171 minors were referred for care

The commissioner mentioned yesterday that 100,000 people had been taken into custody this month. I could easily see that doubling or tripling in coming months

The 2019 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) is an annual report by the Department of State to Congress prepared in accordance with the Foreign Assistance Act


Cano highlighted the fact that the violence in Rio in the 1990s was still seen as a vestige of Brazil’s military dictatorship. The recent surge in violence in the city is all the more discouraging given the reversal of the progress that had been made

Central America Regional

Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen’s proposal will also include more money for detention beds and the ability to hold families in detention longer than currently permitted


40 de las 57 solicitudes de aplicación de la garantía de no extradición han sido rechazadas por la JEP y ninguna ha sido aprobada, lo que muestra que este no es un camino para evitarla.

La Corte Constitucional ya dijo que si no hay una votación mayoritaria de acá al 20 de junio, el Congreso le debe mandar el proyecto de ley estatutaria y será ella quien decida. La decisión de Cambio de hoy hace probable que eso sea lo que pase

El propósito de la iniciativa era hacerse escuchar por el mandatario y proponerle ideas que permitan destrabar la mesa de conversaciones y suavizar las posturas en torno a las condiciones que exigen ambas partes


It pits her promise to renew Guatemala’s democracy against efforts by a worried ruling class to entrench its power. Much depends on whether Ms Aldana stays on the ballot

The alarming incidence of police criminality in Guatemala reflects structural failures within the PNC that appear to have worsened over the last year


Ratificó la sentencia emitida en marzo de 2016, de 10 años de reclusión, por la comisión de seis delitos de difamación constitutivos de injurias

This bill will work to ensure that the Honduran government, military, and police cannot commit crimes or act of violence against the Honduran people with impunity


La Sedena buscará 21 mil nuevos elementos este año; expertos dudan de meta de reclutamiento y de capacidad de aplicar controles de confianza


“This is a total war,” Venezuela’s authoritarian leader added. “Since they can’t invade the country … they have decided to damage, damage, damage”

Unas 30 personas identificadas con Nicolás Maduro gritaban improperios y atacaban a la prensa, diputados y demás personas que salían del Palacio Federal Legislativo