Migrants who have crossed into Mexico
Encarni Pindado photo at BBC.

(Even more here)

June 24, 2019

Western Hemisphere Regional

President Trump has promoted policies that undermine all these goals, and Congress has failed to agree on a coherent vision. You can help turn that around. Here’s how

The disturbing, first-hand account of the conditions were observed by lawyers and a board-certified physician in visits last week to border patrol holding facilities in Clint, Texas, and McAllen

A chaotic scene of sickness and filth is unfolding in an overcrowded border station in Clint, Tex., where hundreds of young people who have recently crossed the border are being held

The sheer effrontery of the government’s argument may be explained, but not excused, by its long backstory

Guerra’s statement on the deaths came ten hours after the sheriff warned of a “dangerous heat advisory,” asserting that people in the area should “avoid outdoor activities”

More than 700 children were taken from their parents or, in a few cases, from other relatives between June 2018 and May 2019


Despite many questionable police killings, no Rio de Janeiro police officer has yet been convicted or jailed


SEMANA revela los detalles del cerco de amenazas y presiones sobre los militares que están denunciando los falsos positivos y actos de corrupción en el Ejército. ¿Por qué los quieren callar y qué información tienen?

Colombia, Cuba

‘Pablo Beltrán’ y el alto comisionado, Miguel Ceballos, se refirieron a esta solicitud“A nosotros nos mandaron acá en Cuba a hacer negociaciones de paz, con una agenda que ya estaba firmada y sigue firmada, nosotros nos enteramos de esa acción aquí en Cuba, por supuesto no sabíamos, nos enteramos acá”, detalló ‘Beltrán’


Este es el departamento con mayor número de víctimas y aseguran que bajo la comandancia de Nicacio Martínez, en la X Brigada Blindada, 58 personas fueron asesinadas y presentadas como exguerrilleros o extorsionistas

Arauca y Tumaco son los escenarios de hechos que dejan muchas dudas y que tendrá que investigar la Fiscalía y Procuraduría

Colombia, Venezuela

Muñoz has now spent 16 months through two presidential administrations leading his nation’s efforts to respond to the migration crisis. He is upbeat, though there are few hints that the flow of Venezuelans will stop anytime soon


Los militares que están confesando en la JEP cómo participaron en los falsos positivos son blanco de amenazas y presiones. ¿Qué están contando que es tan incómodo?

The U.S. delivered 12 Humvees to strengthen the Colombian Navy’s tactical land mobility. These vehicles will be operational in mid-June 2019


The lawn of the Nicaraguan Embassy — a launch point for migrants seeking to enter the United States via Mexico — is overflowing with visa applicants


For years, Tahoe Resources argued that there were no Xinca people left in the communities surrounding the mine who would require any consultation. They were wrong


Immigrants’ advocates anticipated that the increasing presence of security forces would continue to drive down the number of people trying to migrate north, but they expected that in time, the flows would rebound

Many of the National Guardsmen are soldiers and police officers who now wear black armbands indicating they are part of the National Guard

Belize, Guatemala, Mexico

  • Jacobo Garcia, Teresa de Miguel, Fred Ramos, El Caribe Turbio (El Pais (Spain), June 24, 2019).

Este especial describe la enigmática realidad que se levanta a pocos pasos de los centros turísticos más importantes del mundo


Photojournalist Encarni Pindado has seen the impact of the harsher policies on the people making their journey north.

The policy known as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), or Remain in Mexico, will be implemented later this week in Nuevo Laredo in the northern state of Tamaulipas


Activists say six officials have been detained as President Maduro intensifies a crackdown on dissent Six members of Venezuela’s military and police have been arrested, activists say, weeks after a failed uprising against President Nicolás Maduro

There is no sign that the Trump administration set any post-conflict preparation in train before U.S. officials began issuing musing about military action, or even that they have now done so

I hope the day comes soon when we can welcome you back into our hemisphere’s professional brotherhood-of-arms. We look forward to Venezuela’s return to the family of democracies in this hemisphere