December 3, 2019
Western Hemisphere Regional
- “Protestas en America Latina: Como los Militares Volvieron al Primer Plano de la Politica en la Region” (BBC Mundo, La Prensa (Nicaragua), December 3, 2019).
En las últimas semanas aparecieron, con poca distancia unas de las otras, varias imágenes con una misma escena: distintos presidentes sudamericanos rodeados de mandos de las Fuerzas Armadas
- Michael R. Pompeo, “Diplomatic Realism, Restraint, and Respect in Latin America” (U.S. Department of State, December 3, 2019).
We in the Trump administration will continue to support countries trying to prevent Cuba and Venezuela from hijacking those protests
- Nick Miroff, Josh Dawsey, “North Dakota Company That Trump Touted Gets $400 Million Border Wall Contract” (The Washington Post, December 3, 2019).
Trump has been enamored with Tommy Fisher, the company’s chief executive, who has made multiple appearances on Fox News to promote his firm and insists that it would do a better job than those the government had already chosen
- Makeda Easter, “Border Patrol Threw Away Migrants’ Belongings. A Janitor Saved and Photographed Them” (The Los Angeles Times, December 3, 2019).
Deemed potentially lethal or nonessential by border officials, the medications were thrown away, along with other personal belongings, during the first stages of processing at a U.S. Customs and Border Protection facility in southern Arizona
- “Para la Cidh No Hay Garantias en Bolivia” (Pagina12 (Argentina), December 3, 2019).
Un relator del organismo dijo que pedirá una visita inmediata de la comisión para analizar las masacres de Senkata y el Alto
- “Apos Mortes Em Paraisopolis, Doria Diz Que Seguranca ‘Nao Vai Mudar’” (Veja (Brazil), December 3, 2019).
Após a morte de nove pessoas pisoteadas em decorrência de uma ação da Polícia Militar em um baile funk na favela de Paraisópolis, o governador de São Paulo, João Doria, afirmou nesta segunda-feira, 2, que a política de Segurança Pública do estado “não vai mudar”
- Terrence Mccoy, “In Brazil, Trump Tariffs Show Bolsonaro’s ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Has Backfired” (The Washington Post, December 3, 2019).
The early-morning tweet stunned Bolsonaro, who appeared completely caught off guard in his comments to reporters outside the presidential palace
- Olga Patricia Rendon Marulanda, “Colombia Promete Acabar Minas Antipersonal a 2025” (El Colombiano (Medellin Colombia), December 3, 2019).
Colombia pedirá más plazo para erradicar las minas antipersonal y lo más probable es que este se posponga hasta el 2025, cuando se cumple el plazo para la erradicación de estos artefactos en el mundo
- “Gobierno Da via Libre a Dialogo Directo Con Dirigentes del Paro” (El Tiempo (Colombia), December 3, 2019).
Se definió que este martes se daría un encuentro entre las partes para iniciar la negociación
- Salud Hernandez-Mora, “Bojaya, Otra Vez Entre el Fuego Cruzado de Autodefensas y Guerrilla” (Semana (Colombia), December 3, 2019).
Salud Hernández- Mora narra lo que se vive en este municipio chocoano, en medio de toques de queda, amenazas contra las mujeres, desplazamientos de comunidades indígenas y el asesinato de dos personas
- “William Brownfield: Marchas en Colombia Estan Impulsadas por Guerrilla y Bandas Criminales” (El Espectador (Colombia), December 3, 2019).
“He visto la evidencia y la lógica de alguna presencia e involucramiento de las organizaciones narcotraficantes en estos eventos, por sus propios intereses. Porque para ellos es mejor cuando hay disturbios”
Colombia, Mexico
- Gerardo Reyes, “Los Carteles Usan Cada Vez Mas Submarinos de Colombia a Mexico. Univision Viaja al Fondo del Mal” (Univision, SinEmbargo (Mexico), December 3, 2019).
Los semisumergibles generalmente parten de la costa del Pacífico de Colombia
- Frances Robles, “Activist’s Case Hints at What Changes and What Stays the Same in Cuba” (The New York Times, December 3, 2019).
While Cuba has expanded internet access, enabling Cubans with new 3G cellphone service to post daring complaints on social media, Mr. Ferrer’s case has come to represent what can happen when they complain too much
El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico
- Geneva Sands, “Appeals Judges Appear Skeptical of Rule Limiting Asylum Seekers From Central America” (CNN, December 3, 2019).
A three-judge panel was hearing arguments stemming from a lawsuit aimed at blocking the administration’s restrictive asylum rule
- Mihir Zaveri, “U.S. Marine Charged With Smuggling Guns Into Haiti” (The New York Times, December 3, 2019).
Jacques Yves Sebastien Duroseau told investigators that he brought the firearms to Haiti because he wanted to help train the country’s army, according to court documents
- Nina Lakhani, “Berta Caceres Murder: Seven Convicted Men Sentenced to Up to 50 Years” (The Guardian (Uk), December 3, 2019).
Monday’s sentences were welcomed by Cáceres’s family and supporters as an important step, but outside court they reiterated demands that justice be delivered against the masterminds and financiers
- “La Fgr y el Ejercito Incautan Mas de una Tonelada de Cocaina en Tabasco” (Proceso (Mexico), December 3, 2019).
Con este aseguramiento, la Sedena ha decomisado más de 10 toneladas de cocaína en un año
- Juan Alberto Cedillo, “El Cartel del Noroeste Intenta Retomar Plazas en Coahuila. Por Eso el Ataque a Villa Union, Dicen” (SinEmbargo (Mexico), December 3, 2019).
Informes militares indican que el CDN tiene su principal área de influencia en Tamaulipas, estado fronterizo con Estados Unidos y uno de los más violentos del país, y también una amplia presencia en el vecino estado de Nuevo León
- Kevin Sieff, “Family Members of American Mormons Killed in Mexico Meet With Lopez Obrador” (The Washington Post, December 3, 2019).
“With this meeting, we showed that we are not enemies of the authorities,” Julian LeBaron, a family spokesman, told reporters
- Maya Srikrishnan, “A Year After Border Shutdown, Local Leaders Say the Chaos Strengthened Ties With Tijuana” (Voice of San Diego, December 3, 2019).
“The silver lining of all of this is that we have been more united in our messaging and the importance of the border”
- Chantal Da Silva, “Nearly 70 Percent of People in Mexico Believe Trump’s Wall Will Do Nothing to Stop Border-Crossers” (Newsweek, December 3, 2019).
What has been built has also been constructed “in place of dilapidated and outdated designs,” according to the report, so, technically at the time the report was released, no completely new border wall had been built
- Dolia Estevez, “Amlo a Trump: Abrazos, No Canonazos” (SinEmbargo (Mexico), December 3, 2019).
Nadie en esta capital parece saber de qué está hablando el Presidente
- Leon Krauze, “Los Costos de Ceder Frente a Trump” (El Universal (Mexico), December 3, 2019).
Si las instituciones de seguridad y justicia atendieran eficazmente los reportes tempranos de violencia intrafamiliar o hicieran cumplir adecuadamente las órdenes de protección que amparan a muchas mujeres, muy probablemente se evitarían un buen número de feminicidios
- Lauren Villagran, “Juarez, Mexico, Shelters Host Migrants for Longer Times as Us Asylum Process Drags On” (The El Paso Times, December 3, 2019).
Once a quick stop for the deported to get a night’s rest and a shower, the city’s shelters have become long-term homes for Cuban and Central American families committed to pursuing their claims under MPP
- Curt Prendergast, “Lanes Blocked, Wait Times Grow at Nogales Port After Rush of Asylum Seekers” (The Arizona Daily Star, December 3, 2019).
Metal barriers now block three vehicle lanes at Nogales’ downtown port of entry, days after asylum seekers rushed up to the lanes to make their claims
- JosÉ Gil Olmos, “Que Amlo Deje de Ser Idealista y Acepte Ayuda: Lebaron” (Proceso (Mexico), December 3, 2019).
El escritor y activista Javier Sicilia explica que marchará junto con Julián LeBarón a fin de exigir que, ante la tragedia nacional, el gobierno aplique “políticas de Estado más profundas”