Nick Phillips photo at Nogales International. Caption: “A Nogales, Sonora police officer calls out numbers on the waiting list for asylum-seekers on Tuesday, Jan. 7.”

(Even more here)

January 14, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Instead of going it alone on symbolic projects, a range of Chinese institutional investors now see benefits in operating more like their international counterparts, working in partnerships and seeking long-term returns

Provost planned to retire in December from the 21,000-person organization, but the 24-year Border Patrol employee was forced to put her plans on hold due to infighting at CBP over whether a white or nonwhite person should replace her

The Pentagon funds would be extracted, for the second year in a row, from military construction projects and counternarcotics funding

Environmental advocates and border residents opposing the wall filed an emergency motion on Friday asking the appeals court in San Francisco to halt the funding

The money would be stripped from Defense Department construction and counterdrug projects, the officials said

Pieces of that wall will go directly through the Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge because it is land already owned by the federal government

The wall, they say, can help slow migrants who hope to evade capture. But asylum seekers—who make up the majority of crossers for the past half-decade—are looking to surrender

The U.S. Army is transferring three Black Hawk helicopters to the El Paso Air Branch to replace older UH-1N Huey helicopters now being retired

Although just over 60 percent of all asylum applications were denied in this period, slightly less than half of applications – just 49 percent – in the top five courts were denied


Quizás por la mención de que la información ilegal supuestamente llegaba a un político del Centro Democrático, entre todas las reacciones del partido que lideró la Seguridad Democrática no hay ninguna que demuestre curiosidad por indagar a fondo

Según el oficial, el golpe lo habrían planeado desde Venezuela alias el Paisa e ‘Iván Márquez’, dos líderes de la exguerrilla de las Farc

He informed the Chamber that pervasive violence in conflict-affected areas continues to threaten peace and pointed to several “profoundly worrying developments” by outlawed armed groups

“No tengo la menor duda de que es la retaliación por denunciar y prevenir hechos de corrupción al interior del Ejército, en los que mucha gente deja de lucrarse de contratos, eso genera molestias”

A finales del año pasado, el Gobierno nacional presentó varios resultados de seguridad de 2019 y afirmó que hay una reducción de los asesinatos de líderes cercana al 25%

Tiene que ver con el modelo de construcción de Estado que se dio a través del tiempo, con un énfasis fuertemente centralizado

En Magüí Payán, Roberto Payán y Barbacoas hay un aumento significativo de homicidios y desplazamiento. Comunidades enteras de las zonas rurales están dejando sus tierra para refugiarse en Tumaco y el pacífico ecuatoriano

El Salvador, Guatemala

El exdiputado pecenista Roberto Silva Pereira, deportado por Estados Unidos, ya guarda prisión a la espera de un juicio pendiente por lavado de dinero y cohecho. Su regreso reabre uno de los pasajes más oscuros de la historia política salvadoreña y guatemalteca


Giammattei’s stance on the matter will send an important signal on his anti-graft agenda as he begins his four year term

Jimmy Morales’ immunity will lapse for just a few hours on Tuesday before he’s sworn into Central American Parliament

Many arrive with the same question: “Where are we?”


Honduran civil society, previously skeptical that MACCIH would work, is now largely on board


Las cifras presentadas por el Subsecretario Encinas no son suficientes para que podamos entender el contexto en el que vivimos

In Nogales, Sonora, migrants and their advocates say that MPP has caused some to give up their goal of seeking protection in the United States. Others, while frustrated, remain undeterred


President Nicolás Maduro is channeling resources to Caracas while abandoning rural Venezuelans, who are often without electricity, police or currency

El enviado especial de EEUU para Venezuela, Elliott Abrams, había advertido que se generarían nuevas sanciones contra quienes obstaculizaron la elección como jefe de la Asamblea Nacional de Juan Guaidó