La Opinion photo at SinEmbargo (Mexico). Caption: “Los protestantes criticaron las políticas migratorias de Trump.”

(Even more here)

February 4, 2020

Brazil, Paraguay

The fugitives were members of the First Capital Command, Brazil’s largest and most powerful gang, known by its Portuguese acronym PCC. The escape underscores the organization’s growing influence in Paraguay


Two reports by international forensic experts point to possible destruction of crime scene evidence by police in the killing of nine people during a February 2019 operation in poor communities in Rio de Janeiro


Mientras todos los caminos apuntaban a marzo como la fecha del resurgimiento de movimiento social chileno, las protestas recobraron su fuerza por adelantado


En el último mes, el rearmado jefe de las extintas Farc, Iván Márquez, envió un emisario de alto nivel al Cauca para convencer a las disidencias que se le unan

La Misión de Observación Electoral afirma que 19 líderes políticos, sociales y comunales fueron asesinados en el primer mes del año. Catorce más que en enero de 2016

Los vemos obligados por lo tanto a no renovar la membresía del CNMH en la Coalición Internacional de Sitios de Consciencia


Cinco jóvenes de entre 12 y 18 años fueron asesinados en negocio de videojuegos en Uruapan

High-profile acts of violence in Sonora, Mexico, have been big news on both sides of the border in recent months. But murder has been on the rise in the state for a number of years, with most victims quickly vanishing from the headlines

Mexico, U.S.-Mexico Border

Her companions questioned whether Nabunjo’s death could have been prevented if she hadn’t been forced to wait for five months in Mexico, where they say the language barrier hindered her medical care


Una cadena de irregularidades en el papel de varios funcionarios públicos responsables de investigar desde el 2008 la denuncia por tráfico de madera que ocasionó el despiadado asesinato de los líderes indígenas

U.S.-Mexico Border

The tally for the month of January was about 36,000, including apprehensions of people crossing illegally and migrants who were declared inadmissible by border officers at a port of entry. It was a 10 percent decline from December


Residents of Venezuela’s southern Bolívar state are suffering amputations and other horrific abuses at the hands of armed groups, including Venezuelan groups called “syndicates” in the area and Colombian armed groups operating in the region

El presidente de la ilegítima asamblea constituyente, Diosdado Cabello, cuestionó que la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) realice la Observación In Loco que tienen programada entre el 4 y 8 de febrero

Lavrov, foreign minister since 2004, flies to Latin America on Wednesday, stopping in Cuba before heading to Mexico on Thursday and Venezuela the next day

A key meeting absent from Guaidó’s trip was with his most important ally, President Donald Trump, who earlier in the day tweeted a picture of himself golfing at his Florida Mar-a-Lago club