Rodrigo Sura (EFE) photo at El País (Spain). Caption: “Militares tras irrumpir en la Asamblea de El Salvador.”

(Even more here)

February 10, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Trump to Propose $4.8 Trillion Budget With More Border Wall Funding


An article published on Friday in the premier daily Folha de São Paulo sourced a leaked military document that reveals Brazil’s highest rank-and-file believe France could become the country’s biggest threat over the next 20 years

“Who gained from the death of ex-special forces captain Adriano Nóbrega,” tweeted Franco’s widow, Monica Benicio

Brazil’s rightwing regime wants to censor textbooks, spy on teachers, and repress minority and LGBTQ+ groups. We need the international community’s support


El próximo 16 de febrero se cumplen dos décadas de esta matanza en El Carmen de Bolívar, en la que fueron asesinadas más de 60 personas. Aún hoy, el pueblo no termina de reconstruirse

¿Sirvió la inversión de Alcaldía en las fuerzas especiales?

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico

La Comisión insta a los Estados a abstenerse de criminalizar la migración irregular, garantizar el respeto de la integridad y la dignidad de las personas

El Salvador

The current President of the Republic wants to govern without the restraints of an independent legislative branch

El presidente Nayib Bukele llamó el sábado a una insurrección popular contra los diputados de la Asamblea Legislativa, a los que su consejo de ministros ha convocado a una sesión plenaria extraordinaria este domingo

The purpose of the show was to demonstrate who was in charge in El Salvador, and that person is president Nayib Bukele. The deployment of troops and police had no other purpose

Es el momento más bajo que la democracia salvadoreña ha vivido en tres décadas


Luis Cresencio Sandoval González, titular de la Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional (Sedena), reiteró la lealtad de las fuerzas armadas al proyecto del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador

The indigenous people of Ayahualtempa are arming their children. Is it for self-defense, or to get attention?

Mexico, Venezuela

Lavrov’s censure of Washington, on a low-profile visit to Mexico, came at an awkward time for the host nation

U.S.-Mexico Border

A senior Defense official also told CNN that a major announcement about the border will made this week

The idea of bolstering a technological wall has backing from key politicians on both sides of the aisle. Those supporters include House Speaker Nancy Pelosi; Reps. Will Hurd (R-TX), Henry Cuellar (D-TX), and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA); and Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT)

How several agents from a small outpost in Arizona, including recently retired chief Carla Provost, climbed to the top of the Border Patrol, then one by one retired, leaving corruption, misconduct and a toxic culture in their wake

As of early January, asylum-seekers are being sent back to Nogales, Mexico where they are expected to make their own way to court in El Paso through volatile parts of Mexico


El vicealmirante retirado Jesús Briceño García advierte que la figura de la Junta Ministerial incluida en la ley aprobada por la constituyente, abre las puertas para la intervención externa en el sector castrense

La Fuerza Armada, además, extenderá su radio de acción hacia todo lo relacionado con la seguridad ciudadana. Los cuatro componentes tradicionales tienen ahora atribuciones de policía administrativa y de investigación penal