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May 6, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

The global shutdown has allowed enterprising criminal minds to find opportunities: cybercrime, false contracts, the theft of medical equipment and more

As cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, continue to mount, the reforms may prove to be too little, too late

ICE only tests small numbers of people with serious symptoms, so “by the time you have about 10 confirmed cases in a detention center, you already have an outbreak,”

The decision is a major defeat for national immigration advocates who had asked the judge last week to clarify her earlier order

A worsened COVID-19 situation in the Americas would seriously impede U.S. efforts to suppress the spread of the virus at home and mitigate the economic fallout from the pandemic


Esta vez se trata del ex mandatario y candidato presidencial, Carlos Mesa, quien urgió este lunes al gobierno transitorio a promover un “acuerdo nacional” para definir la fecha de las próximas elecciones en medio de la emergencia por el Covid-19


La investigación del escándalo de espionaje militar debe ser una oportunidad para revisar a fondo los procedimientos internos

La Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP) decidió estudiar, de oficio, medidas cautelares de protección colectiva ante las amenazas y asesinatos de las que han sido víctimas los excombatientes de las Farc y antiguos miembros de la Fuerza Pública

El Salvador

La MS-13 y las dos 18 que operan en El Salvador (la 18-Sureños y la 18-Revolucionarios) han acordado no atacarse en las cárceles

Elected as a transformative leader who would propel the country forward, Nayib Bukele is now reminding critics of the country’s past autocrats, with his reliance on the military


For the time being, Hernández is all but untouchable due to presidential immunity. The United States does not traditionally indict sitting or former heads of state


From the northern border to the western sierra to the Gulf Coast, hundreds of Mexican communities have been under curfew and quarantine for years


In the hope of understanding the news of failed armed incursions allegedly led by a former Green Beret, let’s put some events together to see them in the light of what we really know

“Put a $15m reward on Nicolás Maduro like we are in the wild west and you can pretty much count on some people acting like cowboys”

Goudreau ended the interview by saying that there were more “cells” active in the country, that the operation was ongoing, and that he was in communication with people inside the country