May 19, 2020
- “Polemica por Nombramiento de Jorge Tovar, Hijo de Jorge 40, Como Coordinador de Victimas” (Colprensa, El Colombiano (Medellin Colombia), May 19, 2020).
El Ministro de la Defensa, al responder en el debate, sostuvo que el gobierno, en cabeza del presidente Duque, sí ha estado atento que se haga esa depuración en las fuerzas
- John Otis, “Many of Colombia’s Ex-Rebel Fighters Rearm and Turn to Illegal Drug Trade” (National Public Radio, May 19, 2020).
Fueling this exit from the peace process is the fact that many former rebels have few job skills to flourish as civilians
- “24 Lideres Sociales Han Sido Asesinados Durante la Cuarentena Nacional” (El Tiempo (Colombia), May 19, 2020).
El Instituto de Estudios para el Desarrollo y la Paz (INDEPAZ) lleva el registro anual de estos asesinatos. Este año han asesinado a 101 líderes sociales y defensores de derechos humanos
- Gimena Sanchez-Garzoli, “The State of Human Rights in Colombia: Military Espionage, Covid-19, and Ongoing Abuses” (Washington Office on Latin America, May 19, 2020).
The following are summaries of the human rights situations and cases we received that require action. We have divided them into three parts: military intelligence scandal, COVID-19 related concerns, and human rights abuses
- “Ordenan Suspender la Audiencia Publica Virtual Con la Que Buscaban Reanudar Fumigaciones Aereas Con Glifosato” (DeJusticia (Colombia), May 19, 2020).
Aunque la ANLA insistía en realizar este encuentro de forma no presencial, una tutela interpuesta por una lideresa de cacaoteros de Policarpa (Nariño) cambió el rumbo de esa decisión
- “Un Campesino Muerto y Tres Heridos en un Operativo de Erradicacion Forzada en Cucuta” (El Espectador (Colombia), May 19, 2020).
Organizaciones campesinas aseguraron que militares abrieron fuego contra los labriegos. El Ejército aseguró que las tropas “fueron atacadas”
- “El Exjefe Paramilitar Salvatore Mancuso Tiene Coronavirus” (El Tiempo (Colombia), May 19, 2020).
Mancuso se encuentra detenido en la cárcel Irwin County Detention Center, de Atlanta
Guatemala, U.S.-Mexico Border
- Rachel Schmidtke, Yael Schacher, Ariana Sawyer, “Deportation With a Layover: Failure of Protection Under the U.S.-Guatemala Asylum Cooperative Agreement” (Refugees International, Human Rights Watch, May 19, 2020).
They are effectively compelled to abandon their asylum claims and some who have a well-founded fear of persecution appear to be returning to their home countries where they are at real risk of serious harm
- “Embajada de ee.uu. Celebra la Aprobacion de Ley de Espacios Aereos” (La Tribuna (Honduras), May 19, 2020).
El principal objeto de esta ley es establecer las normas, procedimientos y reglas para la identificación, rastreo, interceptación a través de disparos de advertencia contra aeronaves que son sospechosas de transportar drogas
- Madeleine Wattenbarger, Tom Phillips, “Mexico: Coronavirus Puts Sudden Stop to Search for Thousands Missing” (The Guardian, May 19, 2020).
Families forced to halt hunt for nearly 62,000 who’ve vanished since ‘war on drugs’ began in 2006: ‘We can’t go out and search’
- “A Dos Anos de su Visita a Nicaragua, la Cidh Advierte y Condena el Incumplimiento de Sus Recomendaciones y Llama Urgentemente al Estado a Implementarlas” (Inter-American Human Rights Commission, Organization of American States, May 19, 2020).
La Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH) advierte y condena el incumplimiento de las recomendaciones formuladas en sus Observaciones Preliminares y en su Informe de País
U.S.-Mexico Border
- Geneva Sands, Priscilla Alvarez, “Trump Administration to Extend Border and Travel Restrictions Related to Coronavirus” (CNN, May 19, 2020).
The latest slate of restrictions indicate that while the United States moves toward reopening, the federal government is not ready to ease measures put in place in March that largely sealed off the US to stem the spread of Covid-19
- Lomi Kriel, “The Trump Administration Is Rushing Deportations of Migrant Children During Coronavirus” (ProPublica, May 19, 2020).
As the nation remains focused on COVID-19, the U.S. government has aggressively begun to rush the deportations of some of the most vulnerable migrant children in its care to countries where they have been raped, beaten or had a parent killed
- “Public Health Experts Urge U.S. Officials to Withdraw Order Enabling Mass Expulsion of Asylum Seekers” (Mailman School of Public Health, Columbia University, May 19, 2020).
The current administration is using the imprimatur of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to circumvent laws and treaty protections designed to save lives and enable the mass expulsion of asylum seekers and unaccompanied children
- “Civil Society Statement: Venezuela’s Democratic Coalition Should Return to Being a Credible Source of Hope” (Numerous organizations, Washington Office on Latin America, May 19, 2020).
We emphatically urge the reactivation of a credible, balanced, and inclusive mechanism with feasible goals that is facilitated by recognized mediators to advance legitimate solutions to the Venezuelan crisis
- David Smilde, Geoff Ramsey, “Europa Podria Alterar el Tragico Equilibrio de Venezuela” (Washington Office on Latin America, El Pais (Spain), May 19, 2020).
Un acuerdo humanitario tendría importancia en sí, pero también podría tener la capacidad de encaminar en otra dirección el conflicto venezolano que se encuentra estancado en la actualidad
- Julieta Pelcastre, “Vladimir Padrino: Power in the Shadows in Venezuela” (Revista Dialogo (U.S. Southern Command), May 19, 2020).
Padrino controls food distribution and leads 11 of Venezuela’s 32 ministries. He is practically a head of government in the shadows, and he has even managed to outweigh Diosdado Cabello