COFP photo at El Espectador (Colombia). Caption: “Cerca de 5.763 ejecuciones extrajudiciales ocurrieron entre 2002 y 2010.”

(Even more here)

July 23, 2020


Brazil’s quilombolas, the descendants of African slaves, worry more about his power to block their efforts to secure the rights to land they have inhabited for generations – something Bolsonaro has repeatedly said he wants to prevent

We asked every expert we spoke to for their score out of 10. (1 is the extremely poor and 10 is ideal.) It’s an extremely subjective measurement, but the average across all of them was 3


MST topics included review of upcoming scheduled warfighting operations and exercises over the next two years, and plans for education and training opportunities for Chilean personnel in the U.S., and U.S. personnel in Chile


Los casos de las mujeres víctimas del conflicto tienen un 98 % de impunidad, según el Centro Internacional de Justicia Transicional

Central America Regional, Mexico

El fideicomiso Fondo México, encargado de gestionar las ayudas de 30 millones de pesos a Centroamérica para implementar programas sociales, será extinguido sin que Honduras y El Salvador hayan recibido un peso


El cartel de Santa Rosa de Lima puso a Guanajuato en el escenario del crimen organizado. Hidalgo va en esa ruta, aunque todavía no hay un grupo único, las células locales se pelean la zona

Alternative livelihood efforts have the best chance to improve public safety and rule of law in Mexico, even if, like eradication, they displace poppy cultivation to other areas

The following article features 10 obituaries of journalists killed in Mexico in 2019. They are some of the 133 journalists who have been killed between 2000 and 2020

U.S.-Mexico Border

The Border Patrol has been allowed to wield power in a similar manner along the border for decades, with often deadly consequences for Latinos


It is time for the United States to stop being part of the problem and be part of an international effort to address ongoing humanitarian catastrophe