Rafael Moreno / Cortes photo at El Espectador (Colombia). Caption: “El Ejército hace presencia en San José de Uré (Córdoba), lugar de la primera masacre.”

(Even more here)

July 30, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Entre los países que registraron el mayor número de asesinatos se encuentran Brasil, México, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela y Nicaragua


While Añez’s legitimacy is questionable at best—the New York Times refers to her as a “caretaker leader”—she will be in power until further notice


Espitia estuvo como jefe encargado del búnker durante un poco más de ocho meses, hasta que llegó al cargo el actual fiscal general Francisco Barbosa

Sin los votos de los partidos de oposición, la plenaria del Senado de la República, aprobó en la noche de éste miércoles los ascensos militares de seis altos oficiales, entre ellos el del comandante del Ejército

El presidente de la Comisión de la Verdad afirmó que su decisión de cancelar el evento que estaba organizando por el comisionado Carlos Ospina obedeció a que el coronel Hernán Mejía, condenado por “falsos positivos”, era ponente

The decision came after widespread national and international outcry

Sus riquezas naturales lo han convertido en un departamento disputado por varios grupos ilegales, especialmente dos derivados de las organizaciones paramilitares: los Caparros y las autodenominadas Autodefensas Gaitanistas

Hoy, el Ejército Nacional entrega 16 libros, seis casos y cuatro informes sobre lo que ocurrió en sus ocho divisiones durante el conflicto armado

The extrajudicial killing of my son burst the bubble I was living in. This pandemic is yet another test of our endurance and how big our hearts are to help those in need

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

Access to protection for migrants and refugees has been eviscerated and the United States has turned a blind eye towards corruption and human rights abuses in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador

U.S.-Mexico Border

Engineering experts said photos of damage from last weekend’s storms reinforce the idea that building and maintaining a border fence so close to the river poses serious challenges

“Tonk” (sometimes spelled “tonc”) is a slang CBP term for a migrant. It allegedly refers to the sound of hitting someone on the head with a flashlight

The hotel had entered into an agreement but was unaware that the room block, booked by the private contractor, would be used to house migrants in U.S. custody

On Wednesday at 2:15 p.m., engineers said the level of the river had risen to 19.37 feet at a downstream river gauge, prompting the camp past Puente Internacional to enter the “warning” phase of its evacuation plan

“We apprehend them, we give them a face mask and I ask them if they’re feeling any symptoms, ‘No I’m fine, this and that,’ and then we process them remotely without taking them to the station we’ll process them in a combined area, we process them in the field”


With Maduro still in power and in a position to manipulate the elections and their outcome there can be no free and fair election in Venezuela

Este taller, busca fomentar la difusión de la axiología militar, tan fundamental como el sentimiento patrio, nacionalismo, justicia, disciplina, responsabilidad, compromiso, humanismo, ética y moral

Venezuelan waters have been a recent stage for incidents between American and Bolivarian military forces. Could this all escalate into actual, frontal war?