October 23, 2020
Western Hemisphere Regional
- Ambassador Jean Manes, Admiral Craig S. Faller, “The Rising Role of Women in the Hemisphere’s Militaries” (Americas Quarterly, October 23, 2020).
It is absolutely necessary to fully integrate women into defense and security forces to be successful in the 21st century–to be professional, ready for any mission, and legitimate in the eyes of the population
- Molly o’toole, “19 Women Allege Medical Abuse in Georgia Immigration Detention” (The Los Angeles Times, October 23, 2020).
At least 19 women at a Georgia immigration facility are now alleging that a doctor performed, or pressured them to undergo, “overly aggressive” or “medically unnecessary” surgery without their consent
- “Don’t Mess Up Bolivia’s Miracle” (The Economist (Uk), October 23, 2020).
A landslide election victory brings peace to the country, at least for now
Bolivia, Paraguay
- Simeon Tegel, “Police in Paraguay Seize Biggest Cocaine Stash Ever” (VICE, October 23, 2020).
The cocaine is thought to have been purchased by Dutch criminals, possibly for distribution elsewhere in northern Europe
- Natalie Liu, “Us Emphasizes Joint Security Concerns as It Deepens Ties With Brazil” (Voice of America, October 23, 2020).
Warming relations between the United States and Brazil received a boost this week with an update to an existing bilateral trade agreement, along with the commitment of billions of U.S. dollars to boost Brazilian industries
- “Chile’s Momentous Referendum on Its Constitution” (The Economist (Uk), October 23, 2020).
Any new constitution is likely to make Chile more social-democratic. Advocates of the new charter want to introduce the idea of “equality of opportunity”
- Laura Soto, Adelaida Avila Cabrera, Andres Ortiz, Andres Pacheco-Giron, “Estos Son los Lideres Asesinados Desde Que Duque Llego al Poder Hasta Marzo” (La Silla Vacia (Colombia), October 23, 2020).
Después de este ejercicio de reportería de varias semanas y de depuración, logramos identificar a 222 líderes asesinados desde la posesión de Duque
- “La Estrategia para Esclarecer Asesinatos de Lideres y Ex-Farc” (El Espectador (Colombia), October 23, 2020).
Una docena de territorios fueron priorizados por la Fiscalía por concentrar mayor número de ataques contra excombatientes y líderes sociales
- Steven Grattan, “Colombians Are Sick of Their President: ‘We Want a Different Country’” (VICE, October 23, 2020).
The protestors demands were myriad: killings of human rights activists and environmental defenders, police brutality and education and pension reforms were some of the issues
- “Jep Tiene Nuevo Presidente: El Magistrado Eduardo Cifuentes” (El Espectador (Colombia), October 23, 2020).
En su trayectoria se destaca haber sido presidente de la Corte Constitucional y defensor del Pueblo
Colombia, Mexico
- Luis Jaime Acosta, “Four Mexican Drug Cartels Top Buyers and Traffickers of Colombian Cocaine, Official Says” (Reuters, Reuters, October 23, 2020).
Mexico’s Sinaloa, Jalisco Nueva Generacion, Zetas and Beltran Leyva drug cartels are the top buyers and traffickers of cocaine produced by criminal groups in Colombia
El Salvador
- Merlin Delcid, “Sip Alerta Riesgo a Democracia y Ataques a Periodistas en Gobierno Bukele” (CNN, October 23, 2020).
“Nunca hemos tenido un peligro tan agudo para la democracia a través del ataque de la libertad de expresión como lo tenemos ahorita en El Salvador”
- Sandra Cuffe, “Suitcases of Cash: Guatemala’s Faltering Anti-Corruption Efforts” (El Faro (El Salvador), October 23, 2020).
At FECI’s request, a judge issued an arrest warrant for José Benito, Minister of Communications, Infrastructure and Housing during the Morales administration. He stands accused of money laundering
- “U.S. and Latin American Civil Society Organizations Denounce Dhs Border Externalization in Guatemala, Call for Immediate Investigation” (Several NGOs, Latin America Working Group, October 23, 2020).
DHS treats the U.S border as if it extends south to Guatemala and that it has the authority to police and deport migrants on foreign soil. It is unconscionable
- “Honduras Debe Garantizar Transparencia en el Juicio de David Castillo” (Amnesty International, October 23, 2020).
l 22 de octubre estaba programada una audiencia de examinación de diligencias en el proceso contra David Castillo, ex gerente de la empresa Desarrollos Energéticos (DESA)
- “Us, Honduras Conclude Operation Against Narcotrafficking” (Agence France Presse, Dialogo (U.S. Southern Command), October 23, 2020).
The so-called Operation Dominion (Operación Dominio), with Honduran and U.S. authorities participating, “has dealt heavy blows to narcotrafficking and organized crime,” the Honduran government said
- Maite Azuela, “Cien Fuegos en la Pgr” (El Universal (Mexico), October 23, 2020).
Más que nunca se hace relevante revisar los alcances de la militarización que, desde que estuvo coordinada por Cienfuegos no operaba solo en las calles en tareas de seguridad, sino también en otras instituciones
- “Cienfuegos Y “El Barbas” se Veian en un Yate en Acapulco. Fue Entre 2005-2007, Dice Anabel Hernandez” (SinEmbargo (Mexico), October 23, 2020).
Entre 2005 y 2007 ya había comentarios de narcos y de autoridades en los que se señalaba que Salvador Cienfuegos Zepeda, Secretario de la Defensa Nacional durante el sexenio de Enrique Peña Nieto, se reunía con Arturo Beltrán Leyva
- Arturo Angel, “Fiscalias Mandan al Archivo y Dejan Sin Aclarar 90% de las Denuncias” (Animal Politico (Mexico), October 23, 2020).
Los agentes del Ministerio Público les dieron carpetazo sin esclarecer lo sucedido, la mayor parte de ellas enviándolas a un archivo “temporal” hasta que pase algo que permita retomarlas
- Humberto Melgoza Vega, “En San Luis Rio Colorado, Sonora, se Ha Desatado una Lucha a Muerte por el Control del Corredor de la Droga” (Animal Politico (Mexico), October 23, 2020).
Parte de la disputa por el control de la venta y tráfico de droga entre grupos de la delincuencia organizada que antes eran aliados con el Cartel del Pacifico (o Sinaloa)
- Leon Krauze, “The Arrest of a Mexican General Should Be a Turning Point for Amlo and the War on Drugs” (The Washington Post, October 23, 2020).
McCaffrey told me the arrest was “very odd.” “I would have assumed we would have gone to Mexican authorities before the arrest and say, ’Hey, here’s what we’re up to’”
U.S.-Mexico Border
- Mark Stevenson, “Cartels’ Meth War Bloodying Once-Peaceful State in Mexico” (Associated Press, Associated Press, October 23, 2020).
In the central Mexico state of Guanajuato, the color of the meth or the markings on the package in an addict’s pocket may determine whether he lives or dies
- Alicia A. Caldwell, Michelle Hackman, “Trump Administration Races to Meet Border-Wall Goal” (The Wall Street Journal, October 23, 2020).
President Trump set the goal about a year ago and, to fulfill it, contractors are building largely on land the federal government already owns, including in areas where illegal border crossings have been relatively low
- Sandra Sanchez, “Caught on Camera: Arizona Border Agents Expel 14 Migrants Into Desolate Desert Town in Mexico” (WRBL, October 23, 2020).
Sasabe, Mexico, has a couple of convenience stores, but there are no taxis or buses, and most migrants who are dropped here have no money or means to get anywhere else
- j.d. Long-Garcia, “Pope Francis Calls Trump’s Family Separation Border Policy ‘Cruelty of the Highest Form’” (America The Jesuit Review, October 23, 2020).
“It’s cruelty, and separating kids from parents goes against natural rights,” the pope says in the documentary “Francesco.” “It’s something a Christian cannot do. It’s cruelty of the highest form”
- Deisy Martinez, “Familiares de Presos Politicos: No se Hace Nada por Evitar la Tortura” (Efecto Cocuyo (Venezuela), October 23, 2020).
Diputados y familiares de presos políticos piden a la comunidad internacional hacer algo más para que delitos de lesa humanidad no sigan ocurriendo