John Kurc photo at High Country News. Caption: “Guadalupe Canyon is a remote, rugged area in the Southwest where the Trump administration is currently racing to complete construction of a border wall.”

(Even more here)

October 30, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Han abierto un espacio a los militares que gozan de mayor confianza de presidentes con vocación caudillista

Since January 2017, at least four dozen people have died while being held in detention by Immigration and Customs Enforcement


In the last year, Bolivia’s democracy suffered as partisan clashes filled its streets and mistrust in government grew. And yet it pulled off a calm, uncontested election


Urabá, el Caso 04, es probablemente el más complejo de esos tres. La JEP espera que el alto oficial (r) pueda aportar en la construcción de verdad de este episodio de la guerra

Reintegration process leaders who oppose such recruitment efforts by the ex-FARC become targets

Perea era lideresa comunitaria de la zona y dirigía un hotel ecoturistico en Termales, corregimiento de Nuqui

La aparición en video esta semana de la organización criminal llamándose a sí misma grupo de autodefensa no es gratuita

The Trump campaign is using disinformation and red-baiting tactics exported from Colombia to sway Florida’s Latinx vote

Tanto la Cancillería como el embajador Santos han explicado que era una actividad no partidista y es parte de su actividad diplomática. Sin embargo, sería conveniente saber si el embajador ha asistido a eventos similares con políticos demócratas

Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela

Biden – like Trump – would like to see big changes in Cuba. The difference between the two candidates lies in their choice of strategies


Cuando ocurrieron los hechos, el gobierno de México defendió la actuación de la Guardia Nacional para impedir el paso de la caravana, descartó algún incidente

Within days of the takeover, President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador accused the women of being “conservatives” – a common accusation that the centre-left president levels against social movements that he suggests are motivated primarily by undermining his government

Mexico is descending even further into carnage and dysfunction. So why are we so focused on the Middle East?

A dizzying range of armed groups — perhaps more than 200 — have diversified into a broadening array of activities

U.S.-Mexico Border

In a mountain range too steep to cross, DHS is spending millions of dollars on five miles of border wall

Our sacred sites and burial grounds — which hold the deepest significance to our people — have been run over and blown up with a seemingly proud indifference by federal contractors as they rush to build President Donald Trump’s border wall

The Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General report focused on the agency’s practice of regulating how many immigrants border agents could allow to enter the US to seek asylum

The expulsions, which appear to number more than 200 over the past eight months, reflect the haphazard nature with which many of the administration’s most aggressive immigration policies have been introduced

Children described being held in frigid rooms, sleeping on concrete floors, being fed frozen food, with little or no access to medical care. Too often, they were subjected to emotional, verbal, and physical abuse by CBP officers

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) family detention center in Karnes City, Texas, is being used exclusively to hold migrant parents and children processed under an emergency pandemic-era policy


Would anything change if Biden wins? Probably not very much, at least during the first year

Several Caribbean island nations and the United States have come under fire from humanitarian groups and U.S. politicians for deporting Venezuelan migrants and refugees home amid the coronavirus pandemic