Congreso photo from El Comercio (Peru). Caption: “Manuel Merino acompañado por los comandantes generales de las Fuerzas Armadas.”

(Even more here)

November 11, 2020


Peaceful protests ensured that the perpetrators could no longer live in quiet anonymity. Now “escrache” is an important tool for activists seeking justice worldwide

Central America Regional

With more than 100 fatalities and tens of thousands of displaced people, the letter seeks assurances that sufficient resources are delivered to the devastated region


Un equipo de defensores y familiares de víctimas de desaparición forzada en Colombia estableció que la Fiscalía borró 13 años de información sobre el número de víctimas de este delito. Pasó de contabilizar 98.930 víctimas a solo 34.978

Nueve (9) jóvenes murieron a causa del fuego en el CAI de San Mateo ante la mirada indolente de más de 20 policías que, lejos de controlar las llamas, dejaron que se propagaran

El presidente de la Justicia Especial para la Paz (JEP), Eduardo Cifuentes, relató paso a paso todo lo que hizo esa justicia para obtener las pruebas que incriminaban o absolvían al exjefe guerrillero Jesús Santrich

El presidente electo conoce a Colombia y las negociaciones con la guerrilla, mejor que cualquiera de sus antecesores. Igual que Iván Duque a Estados Unidos


De este evento participaron delegados navales de varios países a nivel presencial y virtual debido a la pandemia del COVID-19

El general Lara se reunió hoy en el sur de Florida con el almirante Craig Faller, jefe el Comando Sur de EE. UU. (SouthCom), en el marco del ejercicio multinacional UNITAS 61


Long neglected by the central government, Indigenous communities in rural areas of Guatemala are cut off and fending for themselves

Since tighter migration controls were announced in March, US has deported more than 1,400 unaccompanied minors to Guatemala

“The foreign ministry will, over the course of the week, send the papers to our ambassador in Washington, who will make the request to the U.S. government”


Human rights activists in Mexico have expressed indignation after police opened fire on protesters who tried to force their way into Cancún city hall during a demonstration against the country’s femicide crisis

Entre las situaciones más graves del ninguneo gubernamental destacan las condiciones insalubres de los centros de detención y las deportaciones desde Estados Unidos

Poco se sabe de las estrategias para frenar el crecimiento insano de los cárteles de la droga, y mucho menos de quiénes son aquellos criminales, capos de la droga, u objetivos detonadores de inseguridad como les llaman oficialmente

Authorities in the Mexican resort of Cancun were urged Tuesday to punish police who fired into the air to disperse a protest over the killings of women, but they disagreed over whether state or municipal police were to blame

How did a sudden wave of violence change life in La Laguna? How did investigative journalism adapt? What is the legacy of that trauma?

It’s an inauspicious start for an AMLO-Biden relationship already muddied by the fact that Mexico’s leader snubbed the Democratic presidential nominee in July when he flew to Washington, D.C., to meet with Trump

By drawing a parallel between Trump’s claims of electoral malfeasance and his own, López Obrador has already chosen a side. Biden will surely notice


Ortega made his first public appearance in 19 days. He denied that anyone died as a result of Eta. Once more he attacked the April 2018 civic rebellion


El Congreso informó que Merino recibió a los altos mandos militares, quienes le “expresaron su respaldo a la sucesión establecida en la Constitución Política”

Expect more populism ahead in one of the world’s hardest-hit countries by COVID-19

The unexpected impeachment of Peru’s president has left the country with a leader few know or trust. Amid devastating pandemic and recession, Peruvians brace for more instability

The swearing-in of the provincial politician followed a fast-moving impeachment of the popular Mr. Vizcarra on Monday that many Peruvians saw as a crass effort by lawmakers to protect their personal interests and shield themselves from corruption investigations

The ouster of popular anti-corruption crusader Mart�n Vizcarra plunged the South American nation into a new period of instability

Hoy –después de ser electo como congresista en 2001, 2011 y en los recientes comicios de enero– ya logró colocarse la banda presidencial

U.S.-Mexico Border

“There will not be another foot of wall constructed on my administration,” Biden told National Public Radio this year, although he would not commit to tearing down parts of the wall that the Trump administration has added

While much of the wall constructed under the Trump administration has replaced existing border barriers, these rugged, isolated mountains were previously untouched


The falsely named ship is part of the cat-and-mouse game that Caracas is playing with Washington across the globe