November 18, 2020
- Jesus Reynaldo Alanoca Paco, “Ministro de Defensa Pide “Desestigmatizar” el Grito ‘Patria o Muerte’ al Interior de las Ffaa” (El Deber (Bolivia), November 18, 2020).
El ministro de Defensa, Edmundo Novillo, pidió este martes “desestigmatizar” el grito ‘patria o muerte’ al interior de las Fuerzas Armadas (FFAA), que fue erradicado por la expresidenta Jeanine Áñez
- Thiago Amparo, “Bolsonaro’s Rough Day: What Does It Mean?” (Fundação Getúlio Vargas Law School, Americas Quarterly, November 18, 2020).
Brazil’s municipal elections saw setbacks for the president, gains for right-wing parties outside his orbit – and promising new voices on the left
Central America Regional
- “Editorial: Double Hurricanes Could Make the Central America Migration Crisis Even Worse” (The Los Angeles Times, November 18, 2020).
Add that to the overflowing buffet of problems confronting the Biden administration when it takes over Jan. 20
- Andrew Selee, “A Us Border Crisis Could Be Imminent – Here Is How to Avoid It” (Migration Policy Institute, Americas Quarterly, November 18, 2020).
The Biden administration will need to move fast on a new regional architecture to address Central American migration
Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua
- Jimena Tavel, Syra Ortiz-Blanes, “Hurricane Iota Pounds Nicaragua and Honduras, and Nearly Wipes Out a Colombian Island” (The Miami Herald, November 18, 2020).
The Central American toll from Iota remained unclear Tuesday as officials scrambled to help. However, Colombia confirmed at least one death
El Salvador
- “Editorial: Una Policia para Tapar la Corrupcion” (El Faro (El Salvador), November 18, 2020).
La intervención de agentes de la PNC para obstaculizar los allanamientos que la Fiscalía comenzó el lunes 13 en las oficinas del Ministerio de Salud es gravísima
- “Guatemala: Congress Assaulting Judicial Independence” (Human Rights Watch, November 18, 2020).
The Guatemalan Congress’s efforts to press criminal charges against Constitutional Court judges over a recent court ruling are a flagrant assault on judicial independence
- Efren Flores, “La Duda Es Si la Justicia Resistira a Salvador Cienfuegos en un Pais Con un Ejercito Tan Poderoso” (SinEmbargo (Mexico), November 18, 2020).
Para especialistas consultados, su regreso se debe a presiones diplomáticas y a la necesidad de mantener estrategias de seguridad, pese a que la procuración de justicia en México está en vilo
- Daira Arana, Lani Anaya, “De la Militarizacion al Militarismo” (Nexos (Mexico), November 18, 2020).
En lo que va del sexenio, varias decisiones del Ejecutivo colocan a las Fuerzas Armadas en tareas que no forman parte de sus funciones constitucionales
- Kevin Sieff, Mary Beth Sheridan, “U.S. Agrees to Drop Charges Against Former Mexican Defense Minister” (The Washington Post, November 18, 2020).
It raises questions about the trade-off between U.S. investigations into Mexican drug trafficking and attempts to maintain a delicate bilateral relationship
- Maria Verza, Michael Balsamo, “Us Dropping Case Against Former Mexican Defense Secretary” (Associated Press, Associated Press, November 18, 2020).
Ebrard denied the decision was related to the U.S. elections or the decision not to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden, noting he spoke with Barr on Oct. 26
- Michael S. Schmidt, Natalie Kitroeff, “U.S. to Drop Case Against Mexican Ex-Official to Allow Inquiry in Mexico” (The New York Times, November 18, 2020).
The quick reversal may be an attempt to preserve relations between the countries or a testament to the close relationship between President Trump and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico
- Alejandro Hope, “El General Viene de Vuelta” (El Universal (Mexico), November 18, 2020).
Una posibilidad puede ser que se haya acordado dejar a la DEA y otras agencias en su condición presente, actuando sin restricciones en territorio mexicano y con derecho de picaporte en las dependencias de seguridad mexicanas
- “Joint Statement by Attorney General of the United States William P. Barr and Fiscalia General of Mexico Alejandro Gertz Manero” (U.S. Department of Justice, November 18, 2020).
The U.S. Department of Justice has made the decision to seek dismissal of the U.S. criminal charges against former Secretary Cienfuegos, so that he may be investigated and, if appropriate, charged, under Mexican law
- Christian Paz, “The World Leader Backing Trump’s State of Denial” (The Atlantic, November 18, 2020).
López Obrador has continued to dig in, pinning his decision on the Mexican constitution’s foreign-policy principles of nonintervention and national sovereignty, and declaring that his country is not a “colony” or a “wimp”
- “Expertos Visualizan Potencial Hoja de Ruta para una Reforma Policial” (Expediente Publico (Honduras), November 18, 2020).
Un reporte de investigación sobre la progresiva desnaturalización de la Policía Nacional, no solo revela las características y causas de esa descomposición institucional, sino que visualiza lo que debería ser una hoja de ruta para una reforma