Voces de Guayabero at Verdad Abierta (Colombia). Caption: “Plantón en los cultivos de coca.”

(Even more here)

December 4, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Their expertise: routing cartel drug profits from the United States to China then on to Mexico with a few clicks of a burner phone and Chinese banking apps – and without the bulky cash ever crossing borders

The Intercept and In These Times spoke with five men who tested positive for Covid-19 while detained at Etowah. Each said he spent weeks in solitary

What’s needed is a new approach that tackles the current health and migration crises, transforms the traditional U.S. promotion of democracy, security and trade, and incorporates Latin American nations into the broader global foreign policy agenda

Brazil, Venezuela

Many human rights organizations and immigrant advocacy groups, including WOLA, have called for a demilitarization of the Brazilian government’s approach


El informe “El deshonroso primer lugar”, construido por once organizaciones defensoras de derechos humanos para entregárselo a la JEP dentro del caso 03, a la Comisión de la Verdad y a la Unidad de Búsqueda de Personas

La pandemia ha golpeado el mandato de la entidad surgida del acuerdo de paz con las FARC, que presenta su informe final en 2021

Over the past decade, those seasonal rains have become even less frequent. Water sources have shrunk, and withering crops and dwindling livestock have followed


The government has responded with repression. But the dissidents’ movement sees signs of progress


The storms displaced hundreds of thousands of people, creating a new class of refugees with more reason than ever to migrate north and setting up an early test for the incoming Biden administration

Honduras, Nicaragua

If Biden gets the response right, he could put the region on better footing for years to come


A new government effort has counted more than 79,000 missing, the great majority in the last 14 years. That’s more than Argentina, Chile and Central America at the height of the dirty wars

Apoyadas por un dron, perros rastreadores, detectores de metales, antropólogos y personas voluntarias se han hecho expertas en el uso de sofisticadas tecnologías para localizar entierros clandestinos


Hubo “importación” de fuerzas paramilitares desde municipios aledaños a las cabeceras y muestra la participación de alcaldes, concejales, e incluso diputados departamentales y nacionales, en el engranaje de la represión

U.S.-Mexico Border

Biden has promised not to expand the wall, but his transition officials may not learn for several more weeks what the termination costs would be

In all, the government has waived 41 laws that protect public lands and endangered wildlife and would have delayed construction


Maduro seized control of the Assembly earlier this year, and its role as the last bastion of the opposition is likely to end in parliamentary elections on Sunday

The top U.S. envoy on Venezuela called on the incoming Biden administration on Thursday to use the leverage he believes has been gained from years of tough sanctions aimed at ousting socialist President Nicolas Maduro and urged against offering him any “giveaways”