Bruna Prado/AP photo at The Guardian (UK). Caption: “Children holding dolls covered with fake blood stand next to a sign that reads in Portuguese ‘Stop killing our children.’

(Even more here)

December 8, 2020

Western Hemisphere Regional

Concern over graft, distribution and storage of vaccines is looming large and it will probably take longer than the coming year for immunity

This isn’t a study about illicit drugs in the Western Hemisphere, it is a study about illicit drugs south of the Mexico/US border. This is a very limited way to think about the problem

Argentina, Western Hemisphere Regional

  • Juan Gabriel Tokatlian, Biden y la Argentina (Universidad di Tella, El Cohete a la Luna (Argentina), December 8, 2020).

Ningún Presidente de Estados Unidos estuvo más veces en América Latina


Dejó atrás la consigna del “patria o muerte” ante los oficiales de la Escuela de Comando y Estado Mayor Naval y restituyó los dos saludos de los jefes de Estado hasta antes del Gobierno de Evo Morales


A move some health experts fear will politicize the agency and give the president, one of the world’s most prominent coronavirus skeptics, free rein over vaccine approvals

Shooting of cousins aged just four and seven, allegedly by police, heightens calls for national reckoning over ‘genocide’


A ground-breaking and controversial new Senate bill would allow the government to regulate and process the drug. But what would be the long-range consequences of such a move?

Una ciudad que ostenta sin resquemor la cultura narca en la que está sumergida: carros costosos, cadenas gruesas de oro, prostitución, reguetón a todo volumen y donde, curiosamente, hay cientos de mexicanos por estos días

El representante demócrata Gregory Meeks se reunió hoy con representantes de la comunidad afroclombiana y dijo que su primera visita al exterior será a Colombia

Aunque desde el 2 de junio esta organización le envió una solicitud formal a la entidad para que les devolviera los archivos que sustentaban los casos de ejecuciones extrajudiciales de los que fueron víctimas sus familiares, pasados más de seis meses siguen esperando


On November 26, 2020, Cuban security forces detained 14 government critics in Havana after alleging that one of them had violated Covid-19 rules by failing to re-take a test for the coronavirus

Cuba, Venezuela

As Biden has begun to assemble his foreign policy and national security team, some clues have emerged about the route he will take. Everything indicates more diplomacy and less belligerence

El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua

The so-called Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for some citizens of El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Sudan, Honduras and Nepal was extended by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) until at least October of 2021


El análisis de cómo las Fuerzas Armadas han tomado el control de la seguridad pública no basta para explicar su protagonismo en el actual paisaje mexicano

Los informes de la Auditoría mexicana, a los que ha tenido acceso EL PAÍS, revelan un complejo entramado de empresas que fagocitaron el dinero de la corporación

As many as 25 private companies – including the Israeli company NSO Group and the Italian firm Hacking Team – have sold surveillance software to Mexican federal and state police forces, but there is little or no regulation of the sector

Entre 2018 y 2019 ese grupo del crimen recurrió a eBay y a PayPal para abastecerse de material militar

Cada vez que coincide con AMLO en un evento público, sale con estrellita en la frente. De esta forma, Astudillo ha logrado que las ciudades y las carreteras de su estado permanezcan bien vigiladas

The day after Cienfuegos was returned to Mexico, Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard said that Mexico wants any trials of allegedly corrupt public officials to take place in Mexico rather than abroad


La CIDH observa con preocupación que la respuesta del Estado frente a las movilizaciones se caracterizó por la represión mediante un uso excesivo y desproporcionado de la fuerza

El presidente Francisco Sagasti designó a su tercer ministro del Interior en menos de un mes al mando del país. Los cambios dispuestos por el Ejecutivo en el alto mando policial siguen originando discrepancias

U.S.-Mexico Border

“This U.C.-constructed road was apparently the route by which the armed Mexican nationals were unlawfully crossing into the United States”

The most divisive issues in government spending talks concern funding for President Trump’s border wall with Mexico and detention facilities run by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Some of Trump’s restrictive policies on the border will be easier to undo than others


We reiterate that the elections to renew the National Assembly of Venezuela on December 6, organized by the illegitimate regime of Nicolas Maduro, lack legality and legitimacy

Opposition groups led by Juan Guaidó launched a risky referendum on Monday, betting some of their prestige on hopes they hope can reignite a campaign to oust Maduro