Yamil Lage/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images photo at The New York Times. Caption: “The flags of the United States and Cuba in Havana in 2016. The Trump administration is ending a a two-year-old rapprochement between the nations.”

(Even more here)

June 16, 2017


Para especialistas ouvidos pelo GLOBO, a decisão da corporação pode ser o fim das UPPs


Thursday’s ceremony means that 40% of the Farc’s arsenal has now been decommissioned, marking another success in a peace process that has at times stumbled

El Gobierno y las Farc pidieron a la ONU una segunda misión para verificar la reincorporación de los guerrilleros a la vida civil y política. La próxima semana el Consejo de Seguridad podría decidir

Eduardo Díaz, director de Sustitución de Cultivos Ilícitos de la Presidencia, le responde a Tillerson. Dice que la expectativa de campesinos por incentivos del proceso de paz incidió en el aumento de las cifras pero no fue el único factor


Throngs of predominantly younger Cuban Americans plan to demonstrate against retrenchment from closer connections with Cuba

“Obama was a very wise man. He had something in mind, like playing chess with those people, the communists over there”

Tightening travel restrictions for Americans that had been loosened under President Barack Obama and banning U.S. business transactions with Cuba’s vast military conglomerate

The directive calls for reversing a rule that Mr. Obama put in place last year to allow Americans who are making educational or cultural trips to initiate their own travel to Cuba without special permission

Worried about bureaucratic pushback to preserve Obama’s normalization, the Florida senator went directly to the president with a plan in May

The DEA confirmed that it has been exchanging information with Cuban officials about drug trafficking

Colombia, Cuba

Colombia began to express misgivings about how Trump’s Cuba announcement in Miami would coincide with the two-day U.S.-led Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America that begins today, also in Miami

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras

Neither the vice president nor Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson, who was also asked, committed to doing so


Las diferencias entre generales y soldados no se observan solo dentro de los cuarteles militares. También se ven en los tribunales


  • Donna Decesare, Marcela Turati, Christopher Sherman, Michel Marizco, Melissa del Bosque, Javier Garza Ramos, Maria Teresa Ronderos, Impunity in Mexico: Remembering Javier Valdez (Dart Center for Journalism and Trauma, Columbia University Journalism School, June 16, 2017).

The silencing of one of Mexico’s most uncompromising and eloquent chroniclers of the ravages of the Drug War leaves a large hole in the heart of the entire journalistic community

A No More Deaths spokeswoman said the four were patients receiving medical care

Central America Regional, Mexico

The letter highlights abuses being faced in Mexico by refugees and asylum seekers as they flee violence in Central America, and the troubling murders of numerous Mexican journalists and human rights activists


On June 6, Vladimir Padrino López, the defense minister, acknowledged for the first time that National Guard members had committed abuses

In calling on Venezuela to abide by its 1999 Constitution, the countries of the Americas should insist that the government respect the constitutional authority of the National Assembly and free political prisoners

“I tell the vice president of the United States, get your nose out of Venezuela, there will be no gringo, Yankee, imperialist intervention in Venezuela,” Maduro said